How exactly is this going to work? There is one server and no zones, corret? The lag would be awful. I really dont understang how the expect this to work. I know we all have ran into a town before and had mega screen lag, because of all the people. Now, think of 5 times that many people, or even 10 times. If someone can explain this to me i would love it. If they could make this work it would be the best advance in MMO since... well it started i guess... Anywho, please tell me how this would work, Thanks.
You're right, no zone.
I just find this, from an interview on ( ) :
" Ninjakait: What kind of support are you offering for the servers for these games? Im assuming your going to expect a lot of people in the game, how are you going to support all of these servers?
LP: Actually we have a big (server) farm based in Paris. We have something like 150 machines right now, and we can add many more. Thanks to MicroFortes technology we can easily move and add people into the game onto different servers. The more people we have, the more machines we will need to plug in. Its like the cell phone system, we have cell servers. There is load balancing when there are many people in the world. For instance, if one machine is one cell, if the computer has no space for more people, another machine will come and help the first machine, etc.
Ninjakait: So youre not expecting a lot of lag time?
LP: Actually we havent had any real trouble with that lately. What were really afraid of is the number of scenarios we will have to put in the game. This is why we will hire GMs to help people and try to create events, things like that. "
The open beta will start in October, then u can see by ureself how this will work ( more then 100.000 subscribers for the beta actualy ).
The game is huge, and there are more then 300 big cities, many more smaller....
There are many things they said but didn't remember, maybe ask on the official board :
I want to play this game...
And open beta will not start until october....
This still makes no sense to me, I suppose I'll have to wait and see. The cell phone compairsen just made me sceptical even more. Cell phones were very poor quality when they first came out and even today have alot of issues, and have delays. So... wouldnt if they tried to send data to someone it would be delayed from normal lag and then because they were trying to send so many more things to everyone else it would get lost in the masses and you would go link dead. I really hope this does work, but im very concerend. Alpha testing with 500 or less people is alot different than running it with 100,000 people or more. I used to run a neverwinter server and my mechine would get laggy at about 20 people, but thats with me playing. So if they have a server mechine for every person they could likely run about 500-600 people off that one comp, so if only 100,000 people are playing they need 200 servers.. Interesting anywho, Im just waiting to see this and trying to figure out how they plan on making it work. The worst i could think of out of this would be if one comp cant handle itself, so the next one comes to help it, only to drop the rate of itself causing it to need help and to the next and next and next until it all gets toasty. Anywho, just my nature to question things ^.^ tell me your thoughts.
They will use dynamic loading. Basically if a server is getting overloaded with the amount of people in its area a server else where that isn't doing very much will lend some of its processing power. Eve have implemented this recently. Haven't played Eve for a while but it has supposed to have reduced lag loads.
There are only 10 types of programmers. Those that understand binary and those that don't.
There are only 10 types of programmers. Those that understand binary and those that don't.
I like the idea very much because when i am playing a game now, you always have different servers and you can only join one and you don't know how the community is at the other servers, you don't have that problem in this game because everyone is playing in the same world so that's great. you can make larger clans and more friends then ever. Only hope they make a lot of events at the same time so that they don't get crowded.
can't wait till october for open beta but maybe i am in closed, but don't think so because i haven't got any mail but maybe they aren't sent yet. will see
One day all will die, surely you but never I.
"One day all will die, surely you but never I." Wheel of Time
The only lag you will have to worry about in D&L is graphics lag .
I have read alot of info on the tech they using and am confident that after they got it all tweeked in open beta it will run fine, the main limitation will be your own comp trying to draw all the chars on screen
"I can tell you with no ego, this is my finest sword. If, on your journey, you should encounter God. . .
. . . God will be cut."
- Quentin Tarantino, Kill Bill
Requiiem, Templar