I think that's the real fatal flaw to VG. They were so worried about the RPG that they forgot the MMO part.
I don't think they forgot about it I just think they don't know how to attract and keep enough subscribers to make the MMO part work. I'm sure that any day now SOE will push an NGE style update on Sigil in an attempt to lure people away from WoW (and now LOTRO).
Man I can smell an Ex-SWG player a mile away. Is that you?
I think that's the real fatal flaw to VG. They were so worried about the RPG that they forgot the MMO part.
I don't think they forgot about it I just think they don't know how to attract and keep enough subscribers to make the MMO part work. I'm sure that any day now SOE will push an NGE style update on Sigil in an attempt to lure people away from WoW (and now LOTRO).
Man I can smell an Ex-SWG player a mile away. Is that you?
I have a jedi as an avatar (even though I never had one in SWG) and I mentioned the NGE. Your powers of deduction are...underwhelming.
Awww....it's to bad you don't care for VG, but don't apologize to the trolls on these boards. If they were any good ...they would spend more time playing and less time posting in games they don't even subscribe too. Im trying to figure that one out as well...why in the world would a person who no longer subscribes to the game hang around just to babble? Ive always said...and you can see many times in my posts...that this forum is useless. Nothing but whinning babbling kids around. Beta-testing LOTRO right now...and im just enjoying the fact that the flamers are coming out of the woodwork over there as well. Its like im a vampire feeding on blood. Same posts..."why I hate LOTRO" and "Game will fail" and all that crap. I mean why are they bothering them? Honestly the only time i get on these forums is lunch time at work.....its just funny. I am guessing if the game was a total failure the forums would be empty like Dark & Light or some of the others. We'll see you back in a few months though with the rest of sheeple .....once word gets out about how awesome VG is shaping up.
I think that's the real fatal flaw to VG. They were so worried about the RPG that they forgot the MMO part.
I don't think they forgot about it I just think they don't know how to attract and keep enough subscribers to make the MMO part work. I'm sure that any day now SOE will push an NGE style update on Sigil in an attempt to lure people away from WoW (and now LOTRO).
Man I can smell an Ex-SWG player a mile away. Is that you?
I have a jedi as an avatar (even though I never had one in SWG) and I mentioned the NGE. Your powers of deduction are...underwhelming.
No way...I just cant believe that...You mention the SOE-NGE horror often and you have that nice quote under your picture.
You know, the funny thing is, Brad McQaid always spoke about Viral Marketing. I guess its a phrase he has made up when he didnt know what to answer in some interview. Anyway, if we watch the VG forums, almost all of them, the general emotions of a growing number remind me of the weeks after NGE was introduced to SWG. Its really an accomplishment they needed only 3 months to reach that point.
The truth is, they went out of money due to stupidity and now lack the funds for a real ad campaign and front places in store shelves. Now they have to rely on "gamers hearsay" - how poor! And how risky. As it turns out, a growing number does spread one information quite viral these days: stay away from VG!
Well, being the evil person I am, and after Brad cheated me for my money I decided to get my entertainment by seeing him and his game running into shame and disaster, and I must say in that perspective the show looks like its going to be quite entertaining. All the futile ways of Sigil trying to squirm their way out with cheap patches and whiny confessions while they fall behind everyone in the Amazon sales ranking and the each coming MMO gradually crushes them more, very slowly.... Really funny. Cant say I have any compassion with the person, whose answer in mid-beta to everyone who said something was awkward was "if you dont like our game, play something else." from Mr High-Nose.
Anyone has some popcorn?
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
You know, the funny thing is, Brad McQaid always spoke about Viral Marketing.
Brilliant point, Elikal.
I think the viral marketing and censorship campaign backfired on him hard and significantly.
I would not be nearly as upset with Vanguard if I did not have my posts edited, moved, and removed until I was subsequently banned for being critical of Vanguard on a forum (it was not MMORPG).
I hope game developers and their publishers take an important lesson from this: do not underestimate the gaming community.
This is an example of how fanboy-ism ruins games. When a bunch of people blindly defend a game without even having played it or experienced some of the things others have, you ruin it. I'm not saying the OP is a reason the game sucked, but when a lot of us on the beta forums were constantly posting the bad things about this game, people like the OP told us to 'shut up' and 'go play wow' because we weren't hardcore enough. I have a feeling that Brad was relying on these very people to stick with the game. Give the blind $1 and tell them it's $100, basically.
And now I look upon all the VG forums and see the constant complaints. It makes me smile, really. Sorry if it seems as if I am gloating, but I do appreciate posts like these, at least some can see now.
You know, the funny thing is, Brad McQaid always spoke about Viral Marketing.
Brilliant point, Elikal.
I think the viral marketing and censorship campaign backfired on him hard and significantly.
I would not be nearly as upset with Vanguard if I did not have my posts edited, moved, and removed until I was subsequently banned for being critical of Vanguard on a forum (it was not MMORPG).
I hope game developers and their publishers take an important lesson from this: do not underestimate the gaming community.
I was banned also, I warned them there was no player population willing to put up with the crap they planned. I also predicted EQ1 would have to combine servers after WoW launched, and got banned for that too on another board. I am laughing at how dead that board is now with the pansy mods hanging out on Test server (which is dead, no surprise), where they had plenty of raid gear because of no competition and made fun of and refused to support the HORDES of casuals, and only the most hardcore loser no lifer raiders left in EQ1, a whole probably sub 100k now against almost 9 MILLION playing WoW!
Was a Warrior in EQ1 also, glad to see the idiots who screw that class continually suffer!
If you have any questions please ask. I have moved on to WoW from eq and no longer have any desire to play a dead game. Thank you. (posted by another selling his account in EQ1)
This is an example of how fanboy-ism ruins games. When a bunch of people blindly defend a game without even having played it or experienced some of the things others have, you ruin it. I'm not saying the OP is a reason the game sucked, but when a lot of us on the beta forums were constantly posting the bad things about this game, people like the OP told us to 'shut up' and 'go play wow' because we weren't hardcore enough. I have a feeling that Brad was relying on these very people to stick with the game. Give the blind $1 and tell them it's $100, basically.
And now I look upon all the VG forums and see the constant complaints. It makes me smile, really. Sorry if it seems as if I am gloating, but I do appreciate posts like these, at least some can see now.
I also ran into that many times on the old VG beta forums. A few of us kept trying to say "this simply will not work" about some really stupid gameplay aspects, yet we were always totally overwhelmed by the VanCultists that would refuse to hear any criticism at all of their Deity Brad. It finally got so bad that a lot of us gave up on early beta, and left it all to the fanbois like the OP.
There's good and bad with this game, like all mmo's. Not enough interesting and soloable content coupled with poor performance and bugs killed my subscription though. Even if I could get into a group, the performance would deteriorate to the point that it was not much fun.
I'll give it another go at a later time if the performance improves because I do believe this game does have potential. We shall see...
I just read hte post about the latest game updates. What a joke, coming on end of April and they still haven't addressed any of the issues of substance, especially tidying up the code to increase performance. They really are serious, wait 5 years until the newer system hardware will blow through our piece POS coding without any hitches. Anyway, with the amount of progress they're showing, I just uninstalled. These guys either still don't get it, or the coding is such a POS they can't optimize it.
You know, the funny thing is, Brad McQaid always spoke about Viral Marketing.
Brilliant point, Elikal.
I think the viral marketing and censorship campaign backfired on him hard and significantly.
I would not be nearly as upset with Vanguard if I did not have my posts edited, moved, and removed until I was subsequently banned for being critical of Vanguard on a forum (it was not MMORPG).
I hope game developers and their publishers take an important lesson from this: do not underestimate the gaming community.
I was banned also, I warned them there was no player population willing to put up with the crap they planned. I also predicted EQ1 would have to combine servers after WoW launched, and got banned for that too on another board. I am laughing at how dead that board is now with the pansy mods hanging out on Test server (which is dead, no surprise), where they had plenty of raid gear because of no competition and made fun of and refused to support the HORDES of casuals, and only the most hardcore loser no lifer raiders left in EQ1, a whole probably sub 100k now against almost 9 MILLION playing WoW!
Yea, Viral marketing...whatever....whatever makes you feel better...you feel your doing justice and making things right by fighting these lies or whatever... you know what? They probably are lies...Sigil or whatever is probably making up stuff right now to save their butts (if they need saving...I have no idea).... So now that is out in the air ... Now that you have uncovered the truth... Get a life...move on. Get a new game...Geee. Your sitting here talking about eq1...a game that should have been on the shelf by now ...out the door...and your yapping about how you were treated unfair...
This old eq1 game got its servers merged after how many years? .... I think its a good run actually... I even thank SOE for keeping the game going as long as they have...and supporting it with new content when then didnt have too. They could have pulled the plug a long time ago. Im guessing it still makes some change for them.
Its a freaking game...These sigil guys messed up...OK, so move on...go outside or something..Wow is still a good game ... go play that ... please. LOTRO might be good if you like Wow...so you have two choices.
Was a Warrior in EQ1 also, glad to see the idiots who screw that class continually suffer!
Man dude get over it...Like I said EQ1 should be gone...you should be glad they still have it around.
There's good and bad with this game, like all mmo's. Not enough interesting and soloable content coupled with poor performance and bugs killed my subscription though. Even if I could get into a group, the performance would deteriorate to the point that it was not much fun. I'll give it another go at a later time if the performance improves because I do believe this game does have potential. We shall see...
I have found more then enough content at my level to support me and my alts but the major problem is performance (hitching and Frame rate) for mid level machines. If they can get it to run at a constant smooth rate the game would be fine....right now I have good days and bad days with frame rate ... I have yet to discover if its VISTA (which ive been having DSL problems with) or the DSL provider or perhaps my system ... I really hope they are looking on their side as well.
I give Brad and all of the developers credit for giving this game a valiant effort. Now, I'd wish they'd give me credit, too . . . to my bank account.
There's no shame in trying to do something and failing. There is only shame for not trying at all.
Vanguard has re-enforced numerous valuable lessons. Never believe hype about a game. Word-of-mouth from actual players is one of the best barometers of a game (you just have to weed out the trolls and fanbois, then you'll get a good idea).
Vanguard is a failure. I sincerely hope it is pulled from the market . . only to protect more innocent people who might be tempted to waste their hard-earned money on it. This game is an embarrassment to the entire MMORPG community.
Awww....it's to bad you don't care for VG, but don't apologize to the trolls on these boards. If they were any good ...they would spend more time playing and less time posting in games they don't even subscribe too. We'll see you back in a few months though with the rest of sheeple .....once word gets out about how awesome VG is shaping up.
Spoken like a true disciple - the final stage of Vanboii regression.
Yup. I bought it, too. Wanted to like it so much - largely because the crafting seemed deep and fun. I made it about 10 days(!!!) Couldn't even keep playing until the end of my 30-day period included with the purchase. Now that's a bad cost/fun ratio... But, like another poster said, if you're not having fun, just move on - no regrets. Money is just money. There are plenty of other options out there to try.
Most of you guys admitted you played the beta up to the release of the game, yet you still bought the game knowing full well what condition the game was in.... Maybe the game is a failure but you guys are the idiots for wasting your money on a game you knew you didnt like... But I guess that opens the door for you guys to come into these forums and act like Drama Queens about it...
I am not sure, to be honest; that is a great point.
The idea that when Vanguard is finished with BETA the game will be so improved people will return.
I thought I was in that camp, but the truth is that I might just wait for WAR. (shrugs).
Edit: I want to play Vanguard (or any game that is fun!). I am playing EQ now, and I am upset because I do not have much time before I have to go to dinner then out with friends. So, to do something in EQ, with all this fabled gear, it takes me about an hour (sometimes longer) to organize and coordinate a group then up to 6 hours to get a fabled to spawn (sometimes even longer!).
I am hungry for something fun, and I know many people are as well!
Awww....it's to bad you don't care for VG, but don't apologize to the trolls on these boards. If they were any good ...they would spend more time playing and less time posting in games they don't even subscribe too. We'll see you back in a few months though with the rest of sheeple .....once word gets out about how awesome VG is shaping up.
This post says it all, my friend.
Perhaps unlike you, I don't want to see anyone else waste money on this game. Worse, I don't want to see anyone waste time on it. Why? Because I care.
Yes, I played the game through my free month and I re-subbed. However, I only played through a couple of weeks of my re-sub before finally doing the smart thing and giving up.
The problem is that Vanguard isn't anywhere near good enough to keep me playing and therefore keeping me off the boards. I admit it. It is a dog. My question is, if Vanguard is so good . . why are you posting, and not playing? I'll tell you why . . posting is more fun than Vanguard. Heck, lots of things are more fun than Vanguard . . .
Finally, your last sentence is a real hoot. You admitted that Vanguard is not anywhere near what it should be, and it will take a few months before people begin to talk about how it is shaping up. Notice, you said "shaping up" . . not that it has been polished or finished . . just that it is shaping up.
Well, smart people don't spend their money on something that will be shaping up a few months from now. One doesn't buy 4 tires and then tell people that in a few months it will be a Porshe. Wanting something to be good doesn't mean that it will.
I fully admit that I was an idiot when it came to Vanguard. I didn't beta test it at all. I didn't listen to the comments of the people on these (and other) boards. I wanted Vanguard to be good . . so I foolishly jumped into it. People talk about "potential". Well, I am said to say that I paid for potential . . and nothing more.
Hey if you're willing to spend $15 bucks for a few months waiting for the game developers to get busy "shaping up" . . more power to you. Personally I think you're gonna be spending $150+ while waiting for this so-called "potential" to begin to be realized. Meanwhile, players will continue to cancel their subs . . . dozens per hour. You're likely gonna be alone, waiting for the potential that you so desperately crave.
Sorry to say, but Vanguard is more likely to become free-to-play with no further content added, rather than realize whatever it is you're grasping so hopefully for.
[quote]I want to start out by saying that in my 15 + years of PC gaming, I am enjoying Vanguard more than any game in recent memory. I have been playing for 9 weeks now and I have seen the population of the game go way, way down in the last few weeks. I am playing an Alt of my main character on Thestra and this time through the Tursh, KE, and 3 Rivers areas, for example, have about 10 % of the players in them this time around. I understand that a lot of people have toons higher than these level 12-18 areas and they are in other places, but it is almost impossible for me to find a group or even a duo this time through.
I recently tried the LOTR beta for a few hours and I think it is horrible compared to VG, but there are thousands and thousands of people running around that game. Even if LOTR keeps half of its original buyers in a few months, I bet they will still have a huge player base.
The only fixes, besides the huge bug lists, in Vanguard that I think will keep the current FEW players playing, is to make the game more soloable. I think they should add henchmen (like in Guild Wars) and maybe healing potions that can be used only in a solo situation. I so look forward to playing this game on the weekend or for a few hours during the week that it is killing me to have to try to solo the whole game. I am playing a Ranger now, who solos pretty well compared to my main Druid, but I can only go so far alone. Please fix this game or merge servers! I want to keep playing, but it sucks having to play a MMO alone. Merge servers! Lower the monthly fee?! Advertise better! Maybe re-release a finished game soon!? Fix this game! Please, I am hooked and want to keep playing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By the way I am on the Thunderaxe server which used to be pretty full.[/quote]
Well, iam no the person who is just amuzed abouth other seem to cry about the current state of the game....even more i was really thinking about the future and especially about the current mmorpg industry at all.
In the last 1-2 years the mmorpg industry had more big failures of huge games than ever before, invested millions but couldnt be that successfull like some games before when some years ago the mmorpg market and the numbers of games wasnt that huge like it is now.
I think the mmorpg market reached his peak already, some were successfull and lots of them tried to jump on the train as well.........
Well fact is, that the QUALITY of games are really decreasing a lot....doesnt matter if more and more games are released with loads of problems n bugs and only little new ideas are thrown on the market.
Instead there are always copies of game content, no risk for really new ideas and game breaking content at all. In the last time it seems that the market want to get out the most in short time since the peak is reached already........if you ask me, i have a bad feeling about the future of mmorpgs if the next games like warhammer or anything else will be a similar desaster. Of course there are always games which are more successfull than others, i.e. LOTR seems to be a lot better performance wise and with much less bugs and game problems, but honestly i did play open beta some days ago up to the max. beta lvl cap and...yeah nothing really new and exciting btw. a game without serious pvp isnt a game anyway for me.
Myself tried to defend it, and had big hopes for this game, but i really feel riped off aswell, good times on the official forum, had so big hopes for this game, but its bad... it really is a bad product, and u can really feel, Sigil are new in this, they need to start somewhere, but not by making a mmorpg, thats just not good, they should have made small games insted, vanguard is the hard way to practice in programming and such... i think..... maybe ok product when u think of, they are new in this, but compaired to other mmoprg's out there, then its a bad product
Man I can smell an Ex-SWG player a mile away. Is that you?
Man I can smell an Ex-SWG player a mile away. Is that you?
I have a jedi as an avatar (even though I never had one in SWG) and I mentioned the NGE. Your powers of deduction are...underwhelming.
Man I can smell an Ex-SWG player a mile away. Is that you?
I have a jedi as an avatar (even though I never had one in SWG) and I mentioned the NGE. Your powers of deduction are...underwhelming.
No way...I just cant believe that...You mention the SOE-NGE horror often and you have that nice quote under your picture.
Actually I dont care...
You know, the funny thing is, Brad McQaid always spoke about Viral Marketing. I guess its a phrase he has made up when he didnt know what to answer in some interview. Anyway, if we watch the VG forums, almost all of them, the general emotions of a growing number remind me of the weeks after NGE was introduced to SWG. Its really an accomplishment they needed only 3 months to reach that point.
The truth is, they went out of money due to stupidity and now lack the funds for a real ad campaign and front places in store shelves. Now they have to rely on "gamers hearsay" - how poor! And how risky. As it turns out, a growing number does spread one information quite viral these days: stay away from VG!
Well, being the evil person I am, and after Brad cheated me for my money I decided to get my entertainment by seeing him and his game running into shame and disaster, and I must say in that perspective the show looks like its going to be quite entertaining. All the futile ways of Sigil trying to squirm their way out with cheap patches and whiny confessions while they fall behind everyone in the Amazon sales ranking and the each coming MMO gradually crushes them more, very slowly.... Really funny. Cant say I have any compassion with the person, whose answer in mid-beta to everyone who said something was awkward was "if you dont like our game, play something else." from Mr High-Nose.
Anyone has some popcorn?
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Brilliant point, Elikal.
I think the viral marketing and censorship campaign backfired on him hard and significantly.
I would not be nearly as upset with Vanguard if I did not have my posts edited, moved, and removed until I was subsequently banned for being critical of Vanguard on a forum (it was not MMORPG).
I hope game developers and their publishers take an important lesson from this: do not underestimate the gaming community.
And now I look upon all the VG forums and see the constant complaints. It makes me smile, really. Sorry if it seems as if I am gloating, but I do appreciate posts like these, at least some can see now.
Brilliant point, Elikal.
I think the viral marketing and censorship campaign backfired on him hard and significantly.
I would not be nearly as upset with Vanguard if I did not have my posts edited, moved, and removed until I was subsequently banned for being critical of Vanguard on a forum (it was not MMORPG).
I hope game developers and their publishers take an important lesson from this: do not underestimate the gaming community.
I was banned also, I warned them there was no player population willing to put up with the crap they planned. I also predicted EQ1 would have to combine servers after WoW launched, and got banned for that too on another board. I am laughing at how dead that board is now with the pansy mods hanging out on Test server (which is dead, no surprise), where they had plenty of raid gear because of no competition and made fun of and refused to support the HORDES of casuals, and only the most hardcore loser no lifer raiders left in EQ1, a whole probably sub 100k now against almost 9 MILLION playing WoW!
Was a Warrior in EQ1 also, glad to see the idiots who screw that class continually suffer!
If you have any questions please ask. I have moved on to WoW from eq and no longer have any desire to play a dead game. Thank you. (posted by another selling his account in EQ1)
I also ran into that many times on the old VG beta forums. A few of us kept trying to say "this simply will not work" about some really stupid gameplay aspects, yet we were always totally overwhelmed by the VanCultists that would refuse to hear any criticism at all of their Deity Brad. It finally got so bad that a lot of us gave up on early beta, and left it all to the fanbois like the OP.
As the old saying goes, you reap what you sow.
There's good and bad with this game, like all mmo's. Not enough interesting and soloable content coupled with poor performance and bugs killed my subscription though. Even if I could get into a group, the performance would deteriorate to the point that it was not much fun.
I'll give it another go at a later time if the performance improves because I do believe this game does have potential. We shall see...
I just read hte post about the latest game updates. What a joke, coming on end of April and they still haven't addressed any of the issues of substance, especially tidying up the code to increase performance. They really are serious, wait 5 years until the newer system hardware will blow through our piece POS coding without any hitches. Anyway, with the amount of progress they're showing, I just uninstalled. These guys either still don't get it, or the coding is such a POS they can't optimize it.
Brilliant point, Elikal.
I think the viral marketing and censorship campaign backfired on him hard and significantly.
I would not be nearly as upset with Vanguard if I did not have my posts edited, moved, and removed until I was subsequently banned for being critical of Vanguard on a forum (it was not MMORPG).
I hope game developers and their publishers take an important lesson from this: do not underestimate the gaming community.
I was banned also, I warned them there was no player population willing to put up with the crap they planned. I also predicted EQ1 would have to combine servers after WoW launched, and got banned for that too on another board. I am laughing at how dead that board is now with the pansy mods hanging out on Test server (which is dead, no surprise), where they had plenty of raid gear because of no competition and made fun of and refused to support the HORDES of casuals, and only the most hardcore loser no lifer raiders left in EQ1, a whole probably sub 100k now against almost 9 MILLION playing WoW!
Yea, Viral marketing...whatever....whatever makes you feel better...you feel your doing justice and making things right by fighting these lies or whatever... you know what? They probably are lies...Sigil or whatever is probably making up stuff right now to save their butts (if they need saving...I have no idea).... So now that is out in the air ... Now that you have uncovered the truth... Get a life...move on. Get a new game...Geee. Your sitting here talking about eq1...a game that should have been on the shelf by now ...out the door...and your yapping about how you were treated unfair...
This old eq1 game got its servers merged after how many years? .... I think its a good run actually... I even thank SOE for keeping the game going as long as they have...and supporting it with new content when then didnt have too. They could have pulled the plug a long time ago. Im guessing it still makes some change for them.
Its a freaking game...These sigil guys messed up...OK, so move on...go outside or something..Wow is still a good game ... go play that ... please. LOTRO might be good if you like Wow...so you have two choices.Was a Warrior in EQ1 also, glad to see the idiots who screw that class continually suffer!
Man dude get over it...Like I said EQ1 should be gone...you should be glad they still have it around.
I have found more then enough content at my level to support me and my alts but the major problem is performance (hitching and Frame rate) for mid level machines. If they can get it to run at a constant smooth rate the game would be fine....right now I have good days and bad days with frame rate ... I have yet to discover if its VISTA (which ive been having DSL problems with) or the DSL provider or perhaps my system ... I really hope they are looking on their side as well.
There's no shame in trying to do something and failing. There is only shame for not trying at all.
Vanguard has re-enforced numerous valuable lessons. Never believe hype about a game. Word-of-mouth from actual players is one of the best barometers of a game (you just have to weed out the trolls and fanbois, then you'll get a good idea).
Vanguard is a failure. I sincerely hope it is pulled from the market . . only to protect more innocent people who might be tempted to waste their hard-earned money on it. This game is an embarrassment to the entire MMORPG community.
FUNCOM - putting the FUN in disFUNctional !
Spoken like a true disciple - the final stage of Vanboii regression.
FUNCOM - putting the FUN in disFUNctional !
"God, please help us sinful children of Ivalice.."
LOL, so many Drama Queens in here....
Most of you guys admitted you played the beta up to the release of the game, yet you still bought the game knowing full well what condition the game was in.... Maybe the game is a failure but you guys are the idiots for wasting your money on a game you knew you didnt like... But I guess that opens the door for you guys to come into these forums and act like Drama Queens about it...
The idea that when Vanguard is finished with BETA the game will be so improved people will return.
I thought I was in that camp, but the truth is that I might just wait for WAR. (shrugs).
Edit: I want to play Vanguard (or any game that is fun!). I am playing EQ now, and I am upset because I do not have much time before I have to go to dinner then out with friends. So, to do something in EQ, with all this fabled gear, it takes me about an hour (sometimes longer) to organize and coordinate a group then up to 6 hours to get a fabled to spawn (sometimes even longer!).
I am hungry for something fun, and I know many people are as well!
Perhaps unlike you, I don't want to see anyone else waste money on this game. Worse, I don't want to see anyone waste time on it. Why? Because I care.
Yes, I played the game through my free month and I re-subbed. However, I only played through a couple of weeks of my re-sub before finally doing the smart thing and giving up.
The problem is that Vanguard isn't anywhere near good enough to keep me playing and therefore keeping me off the boards. I admit it. It is a dog. My question is, if Vanguard is so good . . why are you posting, and not playing? I'll tell you why . . posting is more fun than Vanguard. Heck, lots of things are more fun than Vanguard . . .
Finally, your last sentence is a real hoot. You admitted that Vanguard is not anywhere near what it should be, and it will take a few months before people begin to talk about how it is shaping up. Notice, you said "shaping up" . . not that it has been polished or finished . . just that it is shaping up.
Well, smart people don't spend their money on something that will be shaping up a few months from now. One doesn't buy 4 tires and then tell people that in a few months it will be a Porshe. Wanting something to be good doesn't mean that it will.
I fully admit that I was an idiot when it came to Vanguard. I didn't beta test it at all. I didn't listen to the comments of the people on these (and other) boards. I wanted Vanguard to be good . . so I foolishly jumped into it. People talk about "potential". Well, I am said to say that I paid for potential . . and nothing more.
Hey if you're willing to spend $15 bucks for a few months waiting for the game developers to get busy "shaping up" . . more power to you. Personally I think you're gonna be spending $150+ while waiting for this so-called "potential" to begin to be realized. Meanwhile, players will continue to cancel their subs . . . dozens per hour. You're likely gonna be alone, waiting for the potential that you so desperately crave.
Sorry to say, but Vanguard is more likely to become free-to-play with no further content added, rather than realize whatever it is you're grasping so hopefully for.
Just found this big thread from a vg fanpage with the following starting text....
I recently tried the LOTR beta for a few hours and I think it is horrible compared to VG, but there are thousands and thousands of people running around that game. Even if LOTR keeps half of its original buyers in a few months, I bet they will still have a huge player base.
The only fixes, besides the huge bug lists, in Vanguard that I think will keep the current FEW players playing, is to make the game more soloable. I think they should add henchmen (like in Guild Wars) and maybe healing potions that can be used only in a solo situation. I so look forward to playing this game on the weekend or for a few hours during the week that it is killing me to have to try to solo the whole game. I am playing a Ranger now, who solos pretty well compared to my main Druid, but I can only go so far alone. Please fix this game or merge servers! I want to keep playing, but it sucks having to play a MMO alone. Merge servers! Lower the monthly fee?! Advertise better! Maybe re-release a finished game soon!? Fix this game! Please, I am hooked and want to keep playing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By the way I am on the Thunderaxe server which used to be pretty full.[/quote]
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