Download it HERE!OMG! Long podcasts are SO in vogue right now! PLEASE forgive us for jabbering SO much this week that we filled up almost..(gulp) 2 HOURS! But it'll make you laugh, fer crissakes. Next week we are going on a diet and will get it back down to an hour. Ish. Promise.
So Sam is back this week, which rules. I missed my German friend. We talk about my gripefest and all sorts of stuff.
Me and the wife have some fun chatting about what we did this week in game, and we try to keep it together, without laughing and breaking out into songs about our cats.
Another awesome segment from Jenna (she's the best thing ever), and some AWESOME music from player Anatti and his band Kumiss. Find them at , and thanks to those guys for loaning me their tunes.
See you in game!
Show links:
Cartoons me and Sam referred to: stuff.
Listen to the Spouse Aggro podcast at Twitter: spouseaggro