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The Grudgebearers (Order guild)

AaronMonAaronMon Member Posts: 23

Please Note the following before reading:

  • The information in this post is subject to be changed
  • The info about this guild is basic at the moment and more will be announced later
  • This guild may never actually start (depends on response) I am open to any suggestions


The Grudgebearers


Faction: Dwarfs (other order factions will be allowed to join)


Leader: Aaron Mon (forum name)


Guild style: Any type of play (preferred: RvR and PvP)


Theme: The Grudgebearers are based around the dwarf Book of Grudges

The Book of Grudges is filled with names of people who have done the dwarf, or his family, wrong in some way. The details of what they have done are put in the book along with their name. That grudge is kept in the book until the dwarf has avenged it. Once the grudge has been avenged the name is crossed out with the wrong doers blood. 




Grudge Keeper: (keeper of the mighty book of grudges) The leader


Grudge Bearers: (council of the Grudge Keeper) highest ranked members who make the guild run smoothly and run club endeavours- including military, trade, etc.

-5 openings


Slayers: 10 openings (High ranked members of the guild) trusted members who aid in club endeavours.


Long Beards: any member that is trusted enough to have a chance to advance further through the ranks.(more opportunities in club affairs)


Warriors: (basic members) members who are called upon to aid in military affairs and in other times of need.


Beardling: members in training (may not request grudges)


The Book of Grudges:


The book will consist of "open grudges" (grudges open for all members to complete), "closed grudges" (only specific members may complete these grudges) and completed grudges (grudges which have been avenged.


Members may post a grudge request to add to the book, which will be seconded by a Grudge Bearer, and officially made a grudge by the grudge keeper.


"Grudge points"- the system used to get advancement in the guild different things give different points (more important grudges give more points.


For a name to be put into the book the person must of done wrong to the member, the guild, or the dwarf race (may include all of order)



-All members may complete “open grudges” and aid in any military endeavour (grudge points awarded)

-All members may donate to the guild (gains grudge points)

-All members may do their own endeavours.

-Helping new members gives “grudge points”

-Ranks are determined by trust and “grudge points”

-This guild is for fun gameplay


Laws of the Grudge


  1. Any member who betrays the guild will be kicked out and added to the Book of Grudges as someone who shall be shuned and not aided in battle (since order can not attack each other).  Examples of betrayal: lying about any aspect of a grudge, lying to a member, etc)
  2. No swearing within the guild (this is a friendly guild for everyone)
  3. Certain endeavours may have a kind of fee (example a percentage of spoils go to the club)
  4. Cheaters and scammers will not be allowed.
  5. Cowards can also be added to the Book of Grudges. (so no cowardice, but refusing to do something that is stupidly dangerous is not being a coward.)
  6. Be kind to other members.
  7. If any of the laws are broken you may be considered to be put in the Book of Grudges (depending onthe the sever ness) and be expelled from the guild.


Like I have said before this is all subject to change and I am open to any suggestions you may have.


If you are interested in the guild please put a post with your information.


PS: heres the web page (remember free guild, free webpage, so don't expect it to be professional. But it is still pretty good.)




  • drewster23drewster23 Member Posts: 12


    ok lol goood job bro looks cool and save a high  rank for me in case

    i dont go through wit me guild

  • callmetobycallmetoby Member Posts: 302

    Originally posted by AaronMon  
    Any member who betrays the guild will be kicked out and added to the Book of Grudges. (examples: attacking another guild member (unless both members agree), lying about any aspect of a grudge, lying to a member, etc)

    Just pointing out that it will not be possible to attack other members of your faction. May wanna change that. Aside from that it looks fine.

  • AaronMonAaronMon Member Posts: 23

    I have made a web page for the Grudgebearers!!!!

    Don't expect it to be super professional.


  • hotdogshotdogs Member Posts: 59
    Originally posted by AaronMon

    Please Note the following before reading:

    The information in this post is subject to be changed
    The info about this guild is basic at the moment and more will be announced later
    This guild may never actually start (depends on response and if I can get a web page started.)
    I am open to any suggestions

    The Grudgebearers
    Faction: Dwarfs (other order factions will be allowed to join)
    Leader: Aaron Mon (forum name)
    Guild style: Any type of play (preferred: RvR and PvP)
    Theme: The Grudgebearers are based around the dwarf Book of Grudges
    The Book of Grudges is filled with names of people who have done the dwarf, or his family, wrong in some way. The details of what they have done are put in the book along with their name. That grudge is kept in the book until the dwarf has avenged it. Once the grudge has been avenged the name is crossed out with the wrong doers blood. 
    Grudge Keeper: (keeper of the mighty book of grudges) The leader
    Grudge Bearers: (council of the Grudge Keeper) highest ranked members who make the guild run smoothly and run club endeavours- including military, trade, etc.
    -5 openings
    Slayers: 10 openings (High ranked members of the guild) trusted members who aid in club endeavours.
    Long Beards: any member that is trusted enough to have a chance to advance further through the ranks.(more opportunities in club affairs)
    Warriors: (basic members) members who are called upon to aid in military affairs and in other times of need.
    Young bloods: members in training (may not request grudges)
    The Book of Grudges:
    The book will consist of "open grudges" (grudges open for all members to complete), "closed grudges" (only specific members may complete these grudges) and completed grudges (grudges which have been avenged.
    Members may post a grudge request to add to the book, which will be seconded by a Grudge Bearer, and officially made a grudge by the grudge keeper.
    "Grudge points"- the system used to get advancement in the guild different things give different points (more important grudges give more points.
    For a name to be put into the book the person must of done wrong to the member, the guild, or the dwarf race (may include all of order)
    -All members may complete “open grudges” and aid in any military endeavour (grudge points awarded)
    -All members may donate to the guild (gains grudge points)
    -All members may do their own endeavours.
    -Helping new members gives “grudge points”
    -Ranks are determined by trust and “grudge points”
    Laws of the Grudge

    Any member who betrays the guild will be kicked out and added to the Book of Grudges as someone who shall be shuned and not aided in battle (since order can not attack each other).  Examples of betrayal: lying about any aspect of a grudge, lying to a member, etc)
    No swearing within the guild (this is a friendly guild for everyone)
    Certain endeavours may have a kind of fee (example a percentage of spoils go to the club)
    Cheaters and scammers will not be allowed.
    Cowards can also be added to the Book of Grudges. (so no cowardice, but refusing to do something that is stupidly dangerous is not being a coward.)
    Be kind to other members.
    If any of the laws are broken you may be considered to be put in the Book of Grudges (depending onthe the sever ness) and be expelled from the guild.

    Like I have said before this is all subject to change and I am open to any suggestions you may have.
    If you are interested in the guild please put a post with your information.
    PS: I have started working on a web page I will post it later if I get enough replies.

    i want to be in the guild!

    o and can i be a grude bearer!


    will im ur ign when it comes out

  • AaronMonAaronMon Member Posts: 23

    if you want to goin, go to the webpage that i had posted earlier.

    I not going to make anyone grudgebearers till right before the game comes out.

    I'm going to choose the people i like the most and who i trust. (but you will have a higher chance for coming early, so you will probally get to be a grudgebearer.)

  • cyanhidecyanhide Member Posts: 141
    made me acc on ur webpage ,not a single topic in ur forums nothing and i cant make one lol ^^
  • AaronMonAaronMon Member Posts: 23

    Thanks for informing me about that. I think I have fixed the forums.

    You may have signed up, but can you fill out an apllication on the Grudgebearers page so you are registered on that page. (because now you are registered to the webpage supplier)

    The application is simple and has three questions. I know since it is before the release you don't have an in game name yet, so just put what you plan to use.

    Thank you for the support and the help.

  • dolearondolearon Member Posts: 89

    I like the sound of this guild and would like to join

    as for a suggestion change the name of the lowest rank to Beardling... its also the title givin to dwarf children but I thing it sounds good just a suggestion, you sayed you where open to them

    and i tried to access your site but it wont open

  • AaronMonAaronMon Member Posts: 23

    Thanks for the suggestion for the name change i liked it and changed the name to beardling.

    The site worked for me when I opened it (all I did was click the link at the end of the first post).

    Thank you for the suggestion and if the site doesn't open agian feel free to put another post (i'll try to get you to it indirectly if you can't get to it directly).

    If you do make it sign up and then after you confirm it fill out an application.


  • dolearondolearon Member Posts: 89

    site works now... must of had a small problem on my end

    now heres a problem what should my Display Handle/Nick should be my usual forum name or hopeful character name?

  • AaronMonAaronMon Member Posts: 23

    I'm sorry I didn't post earlier I have been busy for the past couple days. I see that you end subscribing anyway.

    For now I put you under the slayer rank, but if you would like to be a grudge bearer you can just go to the site and request it under the grudge requests forum.

    You came early, so you would have a good chance. (I won't be choosing grudgebearers till right before the release)

    Thank You.

  • hotdogshotdogs Member Posts: 59


  • hotdogshotdogs Member Posts: 59

    heres a thought  for other races than swarfs we should call them Dogs of War

  • afsoleskyafsolesky Member Posts: 19
    Wow...this is probably the first truly unique idea for a guild...I like the fact that it's subtly "RP" style by design in that it fits in with a pre-established piece of lore...very cool, I'd love to join.
  • hotdogshotdogs Member Posts: 59

    c i told u it was a good guild


  • hotdogshotdogs Member Posts: 59
    site works now. o and how do i put an application in to become a grudgeberer?
  • callmetobycallmetoby Member Posts: 302
    Originally posted by hotdogs

    site works now. o and how do i put an application in to become a grudgeberer?
    Just curious, hotdogs, but how many guilds do you plan on joining? I count 4 so far.
  • AaronMonAaronMon Member Posts: 23

    There is a place on the site (the right tool bar) that says application. Click there and answer the three simple questions.

    However, you must first register with the site provider ( a small setback of having a free site).

    Thanks for the compliments on the guild style. I got it all from my experience of playing the warhammer table top.

    PS: also remember that i am always open to suggestions and that they are always appreciated.

  • hotdogshotdogs Member Posts: 59
    2 are being cancled and 1 is 4 destruction
  • killerwigkillerwig Member UncommonPosts: 236
    What a bloody great idea Aaron! Update this post with what Server you'll be playing on when the time comes, and I'll definitely tag along with me fine Dwarfen Runepriest, laddie.
  • hotdogshotdogs Member Posts: 59
    This guild is awesome
  • Drow_RangerDrow_Ranger Member Posts: 49
    My Swarf will join
  • broundingbrounding Member Posts: 63
    Nice idea, however, the Book of Grudges is a sacred dwarf artifact that is usually kept by the Dwarf King in Karaz-A-Karak.

    If you wanted to RP the grudge process you could state that your guild/clan leader is under orders from the Dwarf King to take care of specific grudges or something.

    Also, dwarfs *rarely* cross out a grudge from the book.  They like holding grudges and always like being reminded who did them wrong in the past.

    Also if you are dealing with the book of grudges, you might want to restrict high elves from joining your guild/clan since dwarfs would never allow high elves near that book.  Dwarfs dont trust elves, they blame them for many wars and losses.

    Of course this is all from Warhammer lore that I've read and since the game is a RP game you can do whatever you want, I'm just pointing out some specifics about dwarf lore :)

    I plan to play a Dwarf, because I really enjoyed them in the table top game. And their lore is fun.
  • HathiHathi Member Posts: 236

    Sign me up! Power to the Dwarves!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Finally - Best site for Chuck Norris

  • Drow_RangerDrow_Ranger Member Posts: 49
    click on the link on the first page and sign up for the guild there
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