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Term Paper

Hello, community!

My name is Drew Schibsted, and I am conducting educational research on the MMO community at large for a term paper I must write in my economics class. I am conducting this research by distributing this survey in the general discussion forums, and the Turbine AC forums as well. The former community has been selected because I perceive it to be fairly equally representative of the MMO community; the latter has been selected for AC's dedicated, experienced player base.

This survey is completely voluntary of course, so if you do not feel the need to complete it, you do not need to oblige--however, it definitely would help me out! However, if you do begin the survey, please finish it. On average, it seems to take five to ten minutes.


Drew Schibsted


  • alexxxanderalexxxander Member Posts: 1
    I'm glad theres someone who actually cares for the future of mmorpgs, possibly helping transform the community of mmo players into helping support  a more educated, intriguing, and creative genre of games.
  • SetekhSetekh Member Posts: 67
    Good luck. If only developers would be more proactive in A) researching and B) listening to the research...Well, it'd be the foundation of a new gaming experience.
  • MwalkinMwalkin Member Posts: 34
    That was a satisfyingly thorough survey :)

    Hope it goes to good use too, and of course that you get a good grade on it.
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