I dunno Franx13, I got into Games Workshop about 10 years ago (right when Necromunda launched) and ever since then the company has been somewhat dumbing down the franchise and making it more kid friendly. I know 40K is still more popular with the 12-year-olds than Warhammer Fantasy, neither game retains the really dark elements Games Workshop used to be known for. Several friends would loan me from time to time the collector edition books of Chaos, and that stuff was incredibly dark. I also had a friend who worked for Games Workshop who told me about the changing corporate culture and how the company's primary audience was no longer teens/adults but 12-year-olds who will get Mommy and Daddy to buy whatever army they want, complete with new brushes, paints,etc.
In other words, I can't see Mythic making a game with as much mature content and blood as Age of Conan. I do hope though that there's enough grit left in to make it feel more visceral than WOW - which I agree is sort of Disneyfied.
Ahh, but have you read any of the books. I haven't read to many Warhammer Fantasy books, but very many 40k books including: Space Wolf, Ragnars Claw, Wolfblade, Grey Hunter, Kill team, and 13th legion and bits and pieces of others, and i have to say that those r some very violent pieces of literature. No doubt warhammer is different from 40k, but the factor of dark, evil, gore, violence and such is a huge factor. All im saying is that i am a casual gamer myself, but if do they do make this more PVE like grinding and such they will take away the actual meaning of WAR and warhammer.
Obviously they will not have as big a chance of more hardcore and intesive pvp gamers but i hope that being qutie a casual gamer myself and wanting to do pvp in WAR that i will still find it enjoyable and not all together pointless
I think war is gonna have a solid percentage of experienced serious gamers.there really no other ticket in town.the 2 competing games,1 is vaporware,the other is basically shadowbane 2.
I hate to break the new's,but mmo's do require an investment of significant amounts of time.Theres games that you can pop right in,but then people complain there not deep enough,like fps or combat sims. War will be even rougher on the casual's and semi-causuals.Since in DAoC they could mass together and zerg keeps.In War they wont be alble to do that when you have several leet grps farming the instas.casuals will get whacked if they roam since they are just to disorganized as a unit. If they camp resouse spots in mass,where im guessing zerg,vs zergs will happen.there will still be leet grps roaming and killing reinforcements. War is looking to be a high-end players type of game. No more alb lord zergs like in daoc.
Apparently you have not done a lot of research into this game. Sounds like you are just speculating. But then again u would rather buy your gold, as well, instead of playing the game the way it was intended. Warhammer is shaping up to be a game that everyone can play, and you don't have to be super uber elite with armor and whatnot. Especially since members of the opposite side cannot interfere with those that just want to hunt instead of being PK'ed by jerks who are super hi level and have nothing better to do than harrass lowbies. By the way anyone can act in harmony with a fighting unit, it takes practice to work with other people, its not a talent you are just born with.
Do your homework before you spout trashy dribble that you know nothing about.
I dunno Franx13, I got into Games Workshop about 10 years ago (right when Necromunda launched) and ever since then the company has been somewhat dumbing down the franchise and making it more kid friendly. I know 40K is still more popular with the 12-year-olds than Warhammer Fantasy, neither game retains the really dark elements Games Workshop used to be known for. Several friends would loan me from time to time the collector edition books of Chaos, and that stuff was incredibly dark. I also had a friend who worked for Games Workshop who told me about the changing corporate culture and how the company's primary audience was no longer teens/adults but 12-year-olds who will get Mommy and Daddy to buy whatever army they want, complete with new brushes, paints,etc.
In other words, I can't see Mythic making a game with as much mature content and blood as Age of Conan. I do hope though that there's enough grit left in to make it feel more visceral than WOW - which I agree is sort of Disneyfied.
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Obviously they will not have as big a chance of more hardcore and intesive pvp gamers but i hope that being qutie a casual gamer myself and wanting to do pvp in WAR that i will still find it enjoyable and not all together pointless
ahhhh,daaahhhh,all posts on this forum are speculative since this game has not been released.