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I just installed the game and activated my 14day trial acount. I have done a decent amount of research on Eve and I really think i will like this game alot. With that being said I am having one problem.
I get all the way through the character creation untill the part where you have to name ur character. Then I get disconnected to the server. Have tried 4 times now. At first I thought mayby it was due to me taking my time reading about all the options you can choose from like the skills and whatnot, but I dont know.
Hopefully someone here can enlighten me what is goin on, is it me or their server? I really do want to play this been researching it for days now and it looks very interesting.
thanks in advance for replys
First the creation part is logging you out from the game if you take to much time on you to create a character.
The server is shutting down every day 12-13 GMT Time " no summer time"
I see you are serios about testing EvE and read true options are a good way to
start when starting EvE.
I should make up my mind how to set the different options and just klick it true and
make the characters face.
Guides & Trials for EvE Online:
The server will kick you if it receives no commands from the client for over 20 - 30 minutes or so.
During character creation, when you get to the portrait generator, after about 10 minutes, go to the next screen and enter text into the name box and click "Check Name". This will let the server know that you are still active. Then you can click back and continue your portrait setup (though the body positioning gets set to normal, no biggy). Do this every so often to prevent yourself from being disconnected.
Great, thanks alot for the replys. I made my character and just got done with the ingame Tuturial. I must say all tho it is very overwhelming for a new player, this game is amazing and alot more refreashing then all that other crap out there. Was really getting sick of those fantasy MMOs.
I have a feeling i will be upgrading to a full acount once trial is over.
and I recommend this game to anyone looking for something new and different, even tho i only have played for a few hours now
Overwhelming but at least you have the tools necessary to get what you need if you are willing to go after it. There are tons of help channels and a lot of vets dedicate themselves to helping out new players get started. I do it from time to time. I recomend you join a corp (mining corps are best to start out in since you arent under constant bombanrdment right off the bat). Should you desire pvp right away i suggest you seek out the EvE university corp. It is lead by people who teach new players such as yourself to pvp in 0.0 and how to survive in those areas should you decide to venture out deep into 0.0
Theres a lot of knowledge to be had in EvE but there are many resources to find what you need, the official forum is a good place to start and ull find that unless you are a crybaby the community will be more than willing to help you out.
Crybaby =
waaaa i was in low sec and a vet popped my ship this is unfair.
Waaaa i got sniped by a camper
Waaaa i shot an ore thief and then he came back w an uber ship and pwned me
(u get the drift)
Learn the mechanics of the game and when in doubt ask someone who knows, cuz whinning about totally legit tactics in the game will get you burned alive in 99% of cases.
That being said welcome to the EvE community and hope you enjoy your stay. Perhaps well meet in space (my username is same as ingame name)
An enormous amount of eve is undocumented as such, in that the game "manual" isnt that detailed.
To to get to the real details, a lot of really good fansites have sprung up to help players out.. Just a small sample that may aid you in enjoying the game even more...
Pay-to-Win / F2P will be the death of real gaming, Boycott it !!
Nice to see that I`m not the only newb enjoying the game
Veni, Vidi, Vomite
Awsome thanks alot for the tips and links everyone. Just got back from work gonna get cleaned up then play probaly till i go to sleep.