There is a song I'm trying to find desperately, only I don't really know most of the lyrics. The chorus of the song is a series of 'do's' that is impossible to actually replicate in text. All I know is it came out in the late 80's/early 90's sometime, and that it had at least one successful remix. The singer is female.
The song opens with:
Do do doo do, do do doo do, do do do do do do do do do <repeat>
(Rough guess at the first verse)
I am sitting at the corner...(I can't remember any more words).
The female sings in an monotone about sitting at a corner, and a bunch of inconsequential lyrics about every day stuff. It's all monotone, like I said, and one line bleeds into the next, almost like the woman isn't taking a breath between lyrics.
The chorus is always her doing the 'do do doo do' thing.
I know, not a whole lot to go on, but it's driving me insane.
Someone be a bad ass and find this song title.
Holy jumping Jesus. You are my new favorite member.
I'll even check out your band now.
That song has haunted me for a week. Thank you so much!!!