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roleplayer with questions.

SinisteroneSinisterone Member Posts: 22

((hello, ive been thinking over some game choices and this is one of a few thats crossed my mind.  i am an ex-swg player, who played from right after the cu, to about a month after the nge hit.  to be honest it sickened me, and made me a little weary of soe, and mmos in general.  iv e played wow, and city of heroes/villians but neither of these games has done much in the way of oviding me with entertainment. 


i know this game has player housing, and i tried to the ten day or whatever, trial a while back so im familiar with at least the bare bones of the game.  what i need to know is , how much activity do the rp servers actually have in this game?  is the game dying, or going through another boom in player activity and the roleplaying enviroment?

i am not a hardcore gamer, more casual most times,  but i am a heavy roleplayer, so for what it is worth i need a game that keeps me hooked at least somewhat .  i would like to have good storylines, and the ability to rp the evil character i had((well i wrote that the character's opinion of himself slightly differed from other';s perceptions), in swg.


basically to have fun with the game, not to log onto ghost towns like i did after the nge, or seek rp and find little like i did in wow.  plus wow's  storyline, while itnresting didn't help me build the character i wanted.


anyway all opinions are appreciated,

thanks for your time and replys.



  • Turtleneck37Turtleneck37 Member Posts: 91
    the Antonia Bayle server is one of the most active servers for the game from what i understand and it is an RP server i believe there is also a RP-PvP server but personally i dont like the pvp in this game much at all from what ive seen. The story is a nice one imo i feel that just in the opening movies you get a good feel for the story in the game.

    This game is much better than wow imo and seems to have much more depth so it should be enough to keep you hooked
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