Why is it that every time when a WoW bashing-thread that gets some sensible replies, both for and against, the thread is locked? "The most hated game on MMROPG.com" is a good example.
to many threads, to many spam and too many waste of time about wow. full of answers here, and 1000 forums elsewhere. lock here? u can find it answer elsewhere anyway :P
What I meant is, that every time a WoW bashing thread receives intelligent posts that counter the original argument effectively, it is deleted. The ones where the WoW-bashers run rampant, however, are not.
What I meant is, that every time a WoW bashing thread receives intelligent posts that counter the original argument effectively, it is deleted. The ones where the WoW-bashers run rampant, however, are not.
Why care? You think people playing WoW and are addicted actually care that someone says it is childish and easy? No they don't. You can only say something so many times before it gets old and all bashing threads get old incredibly quick on all forums because they are just bored and want to read drama about nothing that matters.
What I meant is, that every time a WoW bashing thread receives intelligent posts that counter the original argument effectively, it is deleted. The ones where the WoW-bashers run rampant, however, are not.
Why care? You think people playing WoW and are addicted actually care that someone says it is childish and easy? No they don't. You can only say something so many times before it gets old and all bashing threads get old incredibly quick on all forums because they are just bored and want to read drama about nothing that matters. Still, leaving the threads where the flaming is not countered unlocked is a bit counterproductive in my opinion.
IMO whenever a thread is locked or deleted, the moderator should leave a short note explaining why.
As it is, it's hard to know exactly what the standards being applied actually are. We are left guessing about possible offences and then having to either express ourselves as blandly as possible, or wondering if it was possibly our post that caused debate to be curtailed.
In general: If a thread starts out as a violation it will be locked or deleted depending on how serious the violation is.
"Flaming/harassment" is not allowed regardless of excuses (meaning there is no "he started it"-rule in the RoC).
Game Attacks
* Unsubstantiated comments about specific or general games will be penalized in nearly the same way attacks against people will. The exception is that you can say mean things about games provided you back it up with reasons. Example: "Game X sucks." is not a legitimate comment. "Game X sucks, because..." is acceptable.
When a user violates the RoC they get notified (but no other user will know what violation it was). Some locked threads can get a motivation if its not a privacy-violation of the user(s) and if it is unclear to the community to why it was locked.
(If the threadstarter mid/late-thread starts breaching the RoC the thread gets locked, this is sometimes hard to notice (even for moderators)).
If you would like to give feedback about the MMORPG.com moderators please contact community@MMORPG.com .(Do notice you can only ask/get answers about moderation on your own posts & threads, not other users).
(Thread is moved to "forum-help" since its about moderation in general.)
Yes from "the most hated mmorpg" i wanted to reply to your comment, "the world of MMO's needs to learn something from snowboarding" Its not the MMO's its the people that play them.
"Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't any good"
Why care? You think people playing WoW and are addicted actually care that someone says it is childish and easy? No they don't. You can only say something so many times before it gets old and all bashing threads get old incredibly quick on all forums because they are just bored and want to read drama about nothing that matters.
Why care? You think people playing WoW and are addicted actually care that someone says it is childish and easy? No they don't. You can only say something so many times before it gets old and all bashing threads get old incredibly quick on all forums because they are just bored and want to read drama about nothing that matters. Still, leaving the threads where the flaming is not countered unlocked is a bit counterproductive in my opinion.
As it is, it's hard to know exactly what the standards being applied actually are. We are left guessing about possible offences and then having to either express ourselves as blandly as possible, or wondering if it was possibly our post that caused debate to be curtailed.
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In general:
If a thread starts out as a violation it will be locked or deleted depending on how serious the violation is.
"Flaming/harassment" is not allowed regardless of excuses (meaning there is no "he started it"-rule in the RoC).
When a user violates the RoC they get notified (but no other user will know what violation it was). Some locked threads can get a motivation if its not a privacy-violation of the user(s) and if it is unclear to the community to why it was locked.
(If the threadstarter mid/late-thread starts breaching the RoC the thread gets locked, this is sometimes hard to notice (even for moderators)).
If you would like to give feedback about the MMORPG.com moderators please contact community@MMORPG.com .(Do notice you can only ask/get answers about moderation on your own posts & threads, not other users).
(Thread is moved to "forum-help" since its about moderation in general.)