sick of looking for another game like AC? me too. i propose an idea to gather petitions to show demand for a new Asheron's call. a new asheron's call that will be a clone of it's original but with an entirely new graphics engine. i believe if we gather enough support and present this to developers they will see the market and grab the opportunity to make a profit off what already exisits. If turbine does not want to make this game, we could present the plan to many other developers including indie developers looking for a new break. When a developer takes on the task they will be regarded as a hero that took heed to the publics demands. With the work behind us, and support gatherd, our endourcment will be the cement that allows us to chose what developer to go with.
this is tangible, cloneing a program is not hard. no conceptual work will have to be done, and the developers will be looked at as saviors.
this is an idea in it's development so we will need support. if support is out there.
AC will always be my favorite game of all time. I had the best times ever in it, and made a lot of great friends. But the fun would just not be there anymore.
It needs a new combat system more akin to a revamped AC2 combat.
AC was my favorite mmo of all time, hell I was there before we even had a secure trading method and people would just set items on the ground in arwic to inspect before trading just to make sure the person wasn't trying to hustle you. However an asheron's call graphic update to the degree you want won't happen, anybody with any design or moderate computer knowledge should know this already. What it needs is a true sequel, If AC2 had been true to the original spirit of the game..
Open ended character development, large content filled world, quests and mysterious rich lore to discover... It would have been a hit, instead it focused on getting released far before it had any content.. class based gameplay then the rest of it's entire development cycle focused on balance and nerfs even before a half assed ammount of content was added.
The landmasses were TINY and there was nothing in em, I was stuck on that barren wasteland of high end content after the third week of release, I felt like I was exiled and being punished for leveling too fast. There was no spirit of asherons call in it's lame sequel, even that being said I did have the second most fun of any mmo in that world too.
Maybe with the money turbine gets from butchering the two huge ip's it some how won the rights to it will return to it's roots and do it up right.
One could hope an asheron's call reborn, or AC3?
Last problem you face is Turbine has lost pretty much any good image it once had, what with releasing an expansion months before killing AC2, bringing out the worst dungeon's and dragon's game in history... and now the bland as hell LORTO.. personally even me a huge AC fan would have to see a trial before believing they'd do something right ever..
god damnit. it's really that impossible aye?
AC isn't perfect. It can learn things from WoW, like being more newbie friendly. It would be better to start over completely and only use bits of AC, like the world, and a classless system.
If there is an AC3 I hope they don't use the AC/LotRO/DDO engine because it can't handle doors and open buildings.
would steal my loot, and also i remember times where you where in fighting mode and your chain would turn red. and people would complain of lag on the server. those wher the good old days when AC first came out.
AC1 was way ahead of it's time and there hasn't been a game like it for 8 years.... i dont think the chances of AoC being the next great game are high anyway..
id love asherons call reborn or AC3... i remember signing a petition to make an AC1 expansion years ago, and they did which was great but an AC reborn or ac3 would bring back so many memories, and i'd do it in a heartbeat.
I hope to god, and everything that is good and decent in the World of MMO's that no developer will ever touch AC or any sequel of it, EVER
Flame on! :P
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
I played AC1 for about 2 years - it was my first serious MMO. Had a level 112 or 121 or something in that range Archer.
AC1 was loads of fun at the time, and still has more innovation 8 years later than many of the newer games, such as Vanguard.
But after taking a 2nd look at it, I just don't think it cuts it by todays standards. 6-8 years ago it was cutting edge and one of the best games out (better than EQ1 at that time I think), but that was then, this is now.
AC1 I think lost a lot of momentum when it was under the Microsoft Game Zone banner - it was what finally caused me to give it up and stop playing. Microsoft just does not seem to understand MMO's, so they wasted tons of money on that sideshow AC2 instead of keeping AC1 updated, like SOE did with EQ1.
So while I have many fond memories of AC1, I just don't think you can go back.
AC was, and ism my favorite of all time. I haven't been able to get into a game since. It was way ahead of it's time and the lore was amazing. It pulled you in on many different levels.
Asheron's Call was an original work. It had a lot of features that games today just don't have. One of those is the world itself. They didn't use the creatures everyone knew from traditional fantasy. They created their own world and had an amazing story to develop. Their quests were great, monthly and live events, the skills based system, death meant something, guild members worked together and rewarded each other (patron/vassal system was great). It was just one hell of a game and I made some really good friends. You didn't have to deal with all the little kiddies and their immaturity like you do now. It was just a better experience all the way around. Heck I liked the fact that you had to know whether blunt, piercing, or slashing was better versus a creature. Whether fire, ice, etc was better. Hit them high, hit them middle, hit them low. Manage your swing power or else get tired. Run out of components in a dungeon and see how much magic you can cast. Just so much too it. Yeah, it was good times. Nothing compares, IMO.
I know, opinions are like ....... and everyone has one. That's just mine.
you summed it up very nicely, and what i mean, is that i believe your opinion is more than just that. what you wrote is an analyzation based on your quality experience of the game. this is what i do not understand. what the developers need to learn how to do is to properly communicate with their customers in order to develop games that cater to our needs. unfortunately i feel this is very idealistic and i propose going to them with specifics.
Death must mean something in MMO's! i was speaking to one of the WoW developers, he frequents my bar. the developer told me that they have a rule, that player 1 can never cause player 2 to have a bad experience. What the f*&@? seriously? not having to deal with douchbags and creating respect for people is not possible without causing a bad experience. i mean, we are talking about a game where you are trying to conquer, not a game where you are trying to figure out puzzles, these are MASSIVE MULTI PLAYER GAMES with the desire for greatness. how are you supposed to archive victory over others when you cannot defend yourself to one another? when you cannot cause the other player to suffer for corssing you? how can you be just and show mercy when you their is no choice? how can you be feared? or loved?
Death does not have to have consequences in single player games, or in games, but when it is a MMO it must mean something versa other players. competition, this is what the world is based on, why can't developers see this? the very reason MMO's are attractive.
DIVERSITY! i'm not going to start.. but good points atlanor, to me, you make a very good argument.
play ac1 if you want ac1
thx bye
I would think the easy, logical thing for them to do IF they even considered something like this, is just apply the AC2 engine to it. They already use the AC2 engine in DDO and LotRs.
Redo the old AC2 world in the form of AC1 with mechanics. Easier said then done, right?
You would need to keep Lugians though. Wouldn't play it without my old Lugie.
After the AC2 Expansion fraud and the closing of AC2, no game with the name 'Asheron's Call' will ever again be developed.
There are other, more lucrative, ways to go now for the company.
So, time to move on.
Ah........its just hypothetical banter man, the AC games are pretty much a dead issue. LotR is gonna be Turbines new show piece and it is a very good game. I would say give it try if you like Turbines style of making games, it has all of their hallmarks and the story quest are very good.
Ah........its just hypothetical banter man, the AC games are pretty much a dead issue. LotR is gonna be Turbines new show piece and it is a very good game. I would say give it try if you like Turbines style of making games, it has all of their hallmarks and the story quest are very good.
LOTR was a well made game , but boring as hell!!! I need a game with open pvp, playing pve all day is just not for me. maybe if they open a ffa server like ac i would play.
OP, many long timers here on these forums know damn well that I have been drooling to have a new AC relaunch with next gen graphics but the same world and design for years now. I have tried to bring this subject up before. I've posted such a desire a couple of times on the Turbine AC forums as well.
I still say that if Turbine spent HALF the money they put into Dungeons and Dragons Online and completely revamped AC and relaunched it with as much advertising and as much local market availability as D&DO had... that their new AC would have MUCH HIGHER success then D&D had for them.
Asherons Call is Turbines baby. It's the life and soul of Turbine. Without AC, Turbine simply wouldn't exist today. (And neither would todays Lord of the Rings Online).
I sign your petition in a heartbeat. But it's gonna take more work then just getting some people to say "hell yeh" on a forum board. I've already made similar posts like your yours several times here and on Turbines own forums. I've got a good response in the past.
I honestly think that Turbine already knows that a market for a relaunched AC exists. Lord of the Rings Online is going to be extremely successful for them, and I can only hope that they decide to use some of that profit and put it into their "baby". Perhaps they couldn't afford to take such a gamble by spending millions on an all new AC before LotRO. Now maybe they will be able to afford such a risk. I really don't think it would be such a risk, but they may consider it such.
I think the important thing for Turbine to do with any new release of AC would be to make sure they advertise it heavily and make it easily available in every Best Buy, Walmart, Target, EB Games, etc.
..And for God sake, just update the graphics to next gen quality. Maybe fix the rubber banding of mobs that currently exists. Make the mobs move and wander instead of stay in one place all the time. Maybe add some new lands. All new servers for a complete fresh start with a new PvP server as well just like old Darktide too please. But like I started to say... THAT'S ABOUT IT. DON'T GAWD DAMN "WOW" THE GAME AND SIMPLIFY IT AT ALL. DON'T TAKE AWAY VP (VITAE PENALTY), DON'T TAKE AWAY LOOT DROPS ON DEATH, DON'T SIMPLIFY OR COMBINE SKILLS TO MAKE IT EASIER, lol. Keep it all the same, just make it prettier, fancier, and maybe a little bigger. That's it.
The last thing we want is AC turned into another freakin' World of Warcraft or a LotRO super simple game.
Anyhow.... /SIGNED.
- Zaxx