Anyone else thinking guilds should be small?
The way I see it, small guilds that have Tier caps would facilitate people playing with people through out various stages of the game. Lets people get to know one another, develop tactics and strategies and keep people from trying to join famous guilds. Makes you have to find people from the get go and do it yourself, rather then join an elite guild and have an easy go of it.
Depending on how many people are allowed per team in various RVR scenarios, I'd like to see guilds max out at those sizes.
At most allow a few more members to act as reserves.
Guilds in WAR should be like Companies in the military. Small, well run and capable units that have gone through the shit together and can depend on each other.
I mean, how many people have played raid style instances and wiped cause one person didn't listen or know to do?
Well at least thats my opinion...
EQ had large guilds
UO had small bands of outlaws who liked to work together
Daoc started out with large guilds, but as the game evolved guilds fractured and got small... but you could form alliances with other guilds.
WoW just had huge guilds, so large you could party with someone and not even know they are in your guild when you send them an invite.
I peg war to be more like daoc. It will be huge guilds and lots of wow transfers and other new players will create large guilds. I think as the game evolves people will splinter off into smaller guildsof people they like to play with. Especially when the warherald starts having "guild ratings" where they rank the top guilds by how many members they have vs how many points they scored that week (thats part of what led to smaller guilds in daoc)
I plan on having my guild from daoc (7 people) link up with my BG group from WoW (4 players) and my pals from UO/D&D (5 players) I will then toss out invites to random people based upon CLASS as I feel you can train people to play good if you take enough time with them. I wont invite anymore than 10 people whom I dont know though, but will pretty much grab up any Zelots Shaman or Priest I see.