Hi yall servers are down and live is just around the corner im pretty excited and im sure there are not a lot out there that are but feel free to let me know how you think things will go when all is back up and running.
And pls if ya gonna just leave hate messages about this game start your own post towards ppl that really care.
I won't get to play till I get home from work, but will be psyched all day.
Well the 10day play expired today so a bit of a bummer.I tried the game basicallyout of being bored and not knowing with mmorpg to try next since i done most "bigger" ones.I liked it a lot more then i would expect to be honest.Quests didn't feel as dumb as they do mostly and the game looked nice.Even on my old laptop i couldplay it with still nice graphix.I don't know if i'll buy the game.Next month pirates if the burning sea will release and i am waiting for that game for years now , but if it's not what i expected then i'll definatly take LOTR as my next mmorpg.
Hope you guys will have fun with it and hope it's not too laggy tonight since i think a LOT of people will log in later on.
Unaware of the Jestor?
Friends enjoy his classic Vblog - https://www.facebook.com/GoodOldReliableNathan
My 1 gig of ram should arrive tomorrow
who me ?
Yeah, I'm looking forward to playing this afternoon; my Hobbit Minstrel has been stuck on lvl 15 for over a week and he needs to hunt!
I'm continually amazed as I read these forums at how many people believe that everyone else should share their tastes. Just don't understand that lack of insight into simple humanity.
who me ?