i didnt expect that clicking on the lotro forum would lead me to 500 gold selling sites with the game so new. it makes me wonder if the guys at turbine have any plans on banning these guys or policing them in any way.
Yep, I reported at least one a day during the beta. From what I could see, Turbine jumped on 'em real quick. There's really no reason to buy gold, except for the cost of item repair being so high. And that could be easily solved.
Gold farming just really pisses me of. It's illegal and can be catastrophic to a game's economy. Also I feel sorry for the poor parts of the world where people have gold farming jobs and farm day in day out just to get about 10p an hour.
We're all Geniuses. Most of us just don't know it.
Maybe it's because I'm only level 8 but how does gold help you out in this game yet? The economy has to be very primitive, at best.
Turbine did a great job at removing silver from the economy via Personal Mounts, Stables, Equipping Traits, Repairing, Crafting and several other things. Turbine has set up what appears to be a very stable economy, and hopefully doesn't get ruined by these dam farmers.
We're all Geniuses. Most of us just don't know it.
Turbine did a great job at removing silver from the economy via Personal Mounts, Stables, Equipping Traits, Repairing, Crafting and several other things. Turbine has set up what appears to be a very stable economy, and hopefully doesn't get ruined by these dam farmers.