Ok guys, I just HAVE to let you know.
So I packed this harp right, learned the skill and kinda clicked away. I knew right away that this wouldn't work so I rearranged the key so that they would have a-minor and c-major scales on different key set...
...no for the topic-story. I've been on the marketplace of some small town, tons oof players rushing through, some doing RP, some not. So I start talking to this elder lore-master doing some RP about where he's from n stuff, his Bio, you know. So first of all this guy knows middle-earth by heart and is a darn good actor. He really plays the old, elder, worn lore-master. So I ask him if he plays the lute, and he pulls out the lute in the middle of this town, still, hordes of people questing, running through...
So he starts playing, not like the other guys that "d00d, I just bought a friggin gutar, bam, rockstar" 635761751314141263514 away and sound like a whirly, steaming pile of c-major s***. No, he just plays three chords and waits until I join in. Well, I'm playing the guitar n stuff, so I basically do this standard of the standard thing 1-4-5-1 in 4/4... Well, long story short, lute and harp fit really good and this guy mustve been a RL musician too, so this was one of my better (and my only online) jam-session...
...10 minutes later we stand there, playing, 15 people crowd around us cheering and talking about how good our music was n stuff. Well, NOW the incredible part. We stop playing and nobody's running away, they are actually starting to roleplay the whole "spontaneous concert"-thing. Random People, in a major commercial MMO, roleplaying their behinds off... Theowen of Thal with Argan of Bree talking about pipe-smoking, Geraman the Hobbit and two gondorians doing the "never seen a hobbit" thing...
I kinda stood there awestruck, and the Playstation 3 commercial came to my mind: THIS is living. It at least was the very best RP experience in an MMO for years, if not ever.
Role-Playing is the pinnacle of any MMORPG. Amen, mate.
Darnnit, I want to buy LOTRO Now!
I have a Youtube channel for video games! http://www.youtube.com/user/Vendayn
Which server were you on? None of the servers are labelled as RP-preferred...
I play on the Landroval server and which was the last of the original servers when they started the preorder players. Now there is a que to get on even during non prime time hours. What I saw in game was something I havent seen since playing on the RP server in EQ original back in the late 90s. People were actually gathered around at the town squares and at the inns just hanging out and talking in character about the current events in middle earth. It was astounding to see so many people playing the part.
It is not as good a game as I had hoped for since SWG early on spoiled me with liberty leaving me feeling constricted by any game that requires class race and level restrictions. It has however opened my eyes to a suprising truth that there are actually a shit ton of Role Players still playing MMOs.
Critical thinking is a desire to seek, patience to doubt, fondness to meditate, slowness to assert, readiness to consider, carefulness to dispose and set in order; and hatred for every kind of imposture.
I used to think MMOs will bring the ol Pen and paper roleplaying to virtual world ... boy was i wrong.
But your story makes me think there is still a hope !
And if LOTRO brings back RP ... Than this is truly "the return of the king"
"Before this battle is over all the world will know that few...stood against many." - King Leonidas
I'm on the English RP server "laurelin". I can confirm that the RP is wonderful here. The great thing is that it has a lot of game mechanics that promote better RP like more different chatchannels, an atmospheric surrounding and stuff like smoking and making music that adds atmosphere.
I still hope that they add options for building houses, becoming your own faction (not to war on others, but for trade, exchange of info and so on, become able to influence your local environment and become a factor in an otherwise too static game world), and similar world interaction. Right now the world is basically the same no matter what you do and that's in my view a mistake and WILL turn off some roleplayers.
The good thing about Lord of the Rings: Online is that it has the richest background story in any MMO at the moment and that people know it beforehand. Conan will have some of the same quality but will of course be a totally different game (not actually comparing anything but the litterature origin of both games).
Once they get Lord of the Rings: Online properly fixed so that your actions mean something, so that you can interact with the game world then this will be a game to play.
Can't wait for an update to the graphics engine too, that's something that is sorely needed.
I'll give it another try in a year or so.
If they continue to add features like they have planned, then the game will offer more to RPers.
=The best bash.org quote ever=
Curt teh Juggler: our graduation ceremony was today, and right when some gamer nerd got his diploma, someone in the audience played the zelda "get item" music and he did the zelda spin-hold-out-item stance
Curt teh Juggler: it was quite possibly the most amazing thing ever.
Hey, glad you had a fun RP experience, Meridion.
I play a Dwarf on Laurelin (RP) and find myself sitting in the Prancing Pony quite a lot, enjoying a decent pint. Of course, it's not as good as Dwarfen Ale, made from barley from the Blue Mountains, but it's definitely passable.
I find the RP during fellowship quests to be the best. Nothing like playing a grumpy old Dwarf and complaining about the cold in your bones, the poor quality of stonemasonary in dungeons, or that the trees around you seem to have "eyes". There's so much opportunity to add to your own and other player's experience of the game if you can be a little imaginitive on the RP side. This is why I enjoy it for the complete experience. All good stuff.
I can remember similar experiences in the Cantina in SWG. Sometimes the dancers would all take off and be in step together, whilst the musicians played super rifts! An awesome experience! It's those moments that make a game special, glad to see it's still out there somewhere and peeps are enjoying it!