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I interviewed the IAH CM (this is very lengthy as I brought up several player concerns) and found some interesting info:
-beta opens May 17
-no wipes, even after it goes commercial
-anyone can play regardless of country (no IP bans)
(xpost from GE section)
-beta opens May 17th, so start grinding
-no wipes, even after it goes commercial, because it's going to be F2P and everyone can buy itmes/experience from the shop anyways
-they want more people to shop at the shop, so open up an account and buy your exp today
from IGN:
"The 8.95 USD monthly fee is a bit lower than your average so players that don't care about microtransactions should find this pretty affordable. There will be a free version of the game as well, but those players will only be able to level their characters up to 20 and will be restricted from trade in order to keep the mule count down."
Even if the cash shop offers experience potions, I see no problem with this so long as they are affordable.
If you're paying $15 to play World of Warcraft, you're paying for experience.
If you're paying $8.95 + extra to play Granado Espada, you're still paying for experience.
As long as you have fun in either, they are the exact same deal, so no reason to complain about costs...limit yourself in how much you can spend per month. The only people that get mad at these concepts are the elitist gamers who feel they need to spend $300 per month to stay ahead of everyone else.
If you don't like the game because you feel you can't be better than everyone else, then DONT PLAY IT
IAH (Singapore version and ENGISH) - That's the one that's going open Beta on May 17th. It's free too.
K2Network (North America / Europe version & it's english) - this is going B2P & P2P and to buy special items, you need cash too.
IAH is called Granado Espada.
K2Network is called Sword Of the New World.
Don't get confused.
IAH ftw! I played the CB and it's great and I'm from North America. There is no IP bans and it's FREE.
dopeysang is right, GE (IAH) is free and no IP bans.
This is not Sword of the New World (K2).
About K2's SotNW:
$9 monthly fee and
$n on a cash shop that offers ingame advantages on top of the monthly fee as according to gameinformer magazine
while i posted my previous post it still wasnt clear if there were gonna be IP bans or not,
and by f2p/p2p issue i meant full release, but its most likely going to be f2p seeing kGE and jGE
wont be there
wont be there Fixed.
Take a deep drink of your demon Lad, tonight we tangle with the fire in the gut.
That guy was talking about the singapore version being up in the air as to f2p/p2p, NOT the K2 version
Take a deep drink of your demon Lad, tonight we tangle with the fire in the gut.
LOL those exist?
Few days till beta starts, you can DL the client now.