I'm asking for simply the system. Will there be cities to capture? Will it be full loot? Will it be ffa? Will I be able to attack anyone where ever I want? Do I get blood money when I kill someone and what is blood money used for? Etc...
Is it still too early for this kind of information?
So here goes what I understand, not necessarily what will be in the game _for_sure_.
There will not be full loot. Developers spoken in not so clear words against full loot.
There will be a zone (Border Kingdoms) on all types of servers where pvp is FFA. There might be (I very much hope) dedicated FFA pvp servers as well... "if there is enough interest".
PvP works in tiers. I.e. if you attack someone below your tier level, then for the purpose of that fight they will be buffed up to your tier level. Heard talks about bounties and NPC bounty hunters.
Blood money is used to buy pvp rewards (like WoW's honor points/tokens).
There will be player built cities and keeps that you can attack/capture.
Finally, although this is an "Age of Conan" forum, it is a wrong place to look for information. Go to AoC's forums: http://forums.ageofconan.com/
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
It has the answers you seek, if you can manage a search button that is
Take my word for it, do not trust me!