Tribe Name: Ars Dimicandi
Main language: English
Additional language(s): No
Leader Name: Chalonus
Tribe website:
www.adtribe.netTribe forums:
www.adtribe.netRecruiting status: Yes/No/Invite only: Yes
Play style: FFA PvP
Description: Our main focus is frequently taking on the largest and most difficult raid encounters in the game. Since our beginnings, we have always incorporated a serious raiding atmosphere with a solid infrastructure that awards those who put in the time, determination, motivation, and selflessness to Ars Dimicandi's culture.
which one is you
lol nice find.
i wanna be the one on the right, he looks the most vicious. Besides what girl wouldnt be turned on by a lime green loin cloth
these guys remind me of the fruitcakes from Wild Boys.
hehe - googled Ars Dimicandi to see what it means.. and voila
my favourite latin sayings...
heres an idea- since ars dimicandi is the hardcore fanatic tribe, we (or someone) should make a noob, only-plays-for-3 hours-a-week tribe with one of those sayings. since i havta make a living and have a life ill probably be in one of those tribes
i vote for Sit vis vobiscum
2. I did not create this account name with the realization that it meant something else in another language.
3. Those guys in the picture have nothing to do with our tribe in case that was not made clear.
I have no idea why everyone flamed me so badly for creating this topic...
It's about your forum handle, Sheisty.
HA! Thats me and my friends!
"I've never owned a slave, or was a slave, I didn't wander forty years in the desert after getting chased out of Egypt, I haven't burned any witches or been persecuted by the Turks and neither have you, so shut-the-fuck-up already. -George Carlin"
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
Oh come on now. You think that was flaming??
Get a thicker skin around here. Better yet, get a nice big turtle shell and strap it on before posting anything.
I think it's just that latin guild names have become sort of a joke amongst alot of the MMO crowd. They have been overused to death to the point of being almost unusable.
I think it is no so much flaming that went on here as much as it was a lack of taking you seriously.
Just my thoughts