Well I am not real too sure which to go with and I know this might be a bad place to ask which I should go with, or perhaps i am looking for that push to play Vanguard over LOTRO.
Here is my situation.
Vanguard: Never played. I like the videos and pics i have seen. I like the rather large creatures you get to fight, and I am interested in other things as well. Though I have read a lot of bad things about this game as well.. and since there is no trial out all I can do is go hmmm.
LOTRO: I got the beta trial, but I Was unable to play because the "screen" would freeze just as I entered the world. I could hear all the sounds.. if I hit the map key I could hear the map opening and closing.. hear myself walk if I hit a movement key... but the screen was frozen. I spent about 10 days with Tech support doing anything and everything to fix my problems. The last suggestion was a "repair" install instead of a complete new re-install. Unfortunately I was unable to try this because my beta ran out. And I am unsure if I wanna chance buying this game only to have it not work still.
My computer system is top of the line (almost) It meets and beats the Vanguard Recommended spec test on
http://www.systemrequirementslab.com and is just missing the 3.0 shaders for for LOTRO.
I like fun combat, nice graphics, friendly people is always a bonus as well.
Just unsure to buy a game I have heard bad things about and I am unable to try to see for myself or buy a game which may or might not work..
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
this is really a no brainer. Go with LOTR. If you have a top of the line comp you'll really enjoy the graphics in LOTR. It has the most beautiful landscapes I have ever seen in any MMO and the character models and animations are 10 times better than VG. Also you have to rememver that although you pass the recommended requirements for VG that does mean nothing. My system passes the recommended and the game is essentially unplayable - and that is on low to balanced settings wich make the game look 10 years old.
The last thing to consider in lifespan. LOTR has hundreds of thousands of players already and will most likely break a million or more easily. Plus the license is arguable the strongest of all the licenses out there. Long story short - LOTR will be around for a decade easily.
VG on on the other hand is a dying game already and it's only been around for like 3 months. Considering there are more blockbuster titles coming out the next 12 months I wouldn't want to invest too much time into a game that may get scrapped pretty soon. Rumors of Sony buying out Sigil doesn't make me feel all warm and fuzzy either.
Heads up .... here come the Vanbois to the rescue...
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
quests right now are essentially the same in any MMO. The next MMO to break that mold will be WAR with their public quest system. Yes, LOTR quests are hold-your-hand style quests ... much like VG. The only thing is at least LOTR quests are not broken.
LOTRO so far reminds me of the WoW launch, lots of buzz, positive comments and people talking about the game. It might not break the mould or introduce a new wave of MMO ideas but what it does it does well. LOTRO has a future (more so than VG atleast).. so invest your time there.
BTW I play neither, played beta on both but neither interested me but LOTRO was far more fun than VG. Waiting on WAR.
I played Vanguard right from launch (I wasn't in beta). I loved the game right from 'go'. I agree with the opinions of others in that the game has a lot to offer, and is here to stay for some time yet. However, VG and I are having a love hate relationship at the moment. This is due to various frustrations which have built up to the point..I need a break.
So, I bought LOTR. Most of my previous eq2, swg friends , who never came to VG, are here. My thoughts. The characters ,IMO, are far inferior looking to most mmorpg's I've played so far. But, the graphics are very nice, the quests, numerous and fun, the servers seem highly populated, there is no lag, no bugs, no crashes...in fact before I knew it I had dinged 10 and it was time to call it a day....hmm leveling does seem a bit fast.
If I think leveling does seem fast, so what. The game is great fun and I'm looking forward to tomorrow. End game?..no idea. They will no doubt release an add-on..even better. However once finished, I plan on going back to Vanguard, that game is so large, there is so much more to do. As I see it LOTR is worth having a go, but I can't quite see at this stage it's long term potential when compared to VG.
Both are great .
Play LOTR because in about 6 months you'll be bored out of your minds and at least you can say you played it, or "been there, done that" ..!. Then Move to Vanguard. VG has a longer shelf life and is chaulked with vastly more content. But I do suggest you get LOTR out of the way first, then come ot a real MMORPG.
Plus, that will give you more time to build a robust computer, because VG requires something way more than recommended specs.
As for the person i quoted... Vanguard isn't dying, their just hoping it does.
Don't let us scare you.... but VG does require a very robust rig to play. Other than that, I recommend Vanguard whole-heartedly. But you'll want an 8800GTS($380) or better to play..!
You do not need an 8800 to play vanguard. I have a GeForce go 7600 laptop and play with everything turned up to near max (except shadows, don't like shaows much). The game play is just fine. In fact it played just as smooth as LOTRO did. Getting 2 gigs of ram or more will help with either game more than a moster video card.
Anyhow, LOTRO is a good game, but based on what you are looking for in your original post I don't think it is the game for you. The combat is really simplistic and not challenging at all. If you don't mind easy combat that is almost danger free, then LOTRO suits what you are looking for. Also you get very few skills as you level up so combat is mostly just waiting for one or two attack to refresh. Overall you will get a good sized set of unique skills, but it take 30-40 levels to get those. Vangaurd gets you into a good amount of skills early and keeps them coming. The monster selection is more challenging too with a wider range of difficulties of the "dot" system and creature abilities.
Vanguard as a game will not die as it does appeal to a good segment of gamers and will have a decent following for a long time. Same thing that happened to EQ2, but Vangaurd has fun classes and other interesting things to do besides follow a few quest lines. Plus the world is gigantic. It is in for a very rough ride though if Sony buys it out.
I would see if you couldn't get a trial to check either out first.