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Squal'ZellSqual'Zell Member Posts: 1,803
ok i just want to give out my impressions on my experience with archlord.

first of all i like shiny things. and when the first buf fyou get as a knight is glowing blue hands... OHHH THATS COOL...

i started out with character creation.

meh ive seen worse. a couple of faces to choose from and one body type.

the world

generaly good, what ive played. its missing some scenery though and there isnt much variation. the game simply looks dark. even on sunny days it seems dull.  and the world is medium size  which i can tolerate.

quest system..

well its korean MMO style quest. kill boss kill x creatures talk to (name) person get reward. then when you run out of quests grind till x lvl go to next town and rince repeat.

generally a grind fest

gameplay. the only thing to do there is kill enemies NPC... (at least till lvl 30) after that maybe kill PVP but thats not really exiting either.

there isnt much talking with other players. thus no need for it to be Massively online.


Horrible maintenance. patches come once a blue moon. tickets or help requests are never answered.

the game has potential to be improved but it seems no one touches the game untill its absoluetly necessary.

RAPPELZ which is completely free has more patches more updates more maintenance and when you ask for help from GM/DEVs they answer back in matter of hours.

Resume. it has some good things like the looks (high end armour , mounts , buffs and magic effects) some mediocre things like the landscape and world map and some horrible things like gameplay and socialization. Maintenance is less than awfull. no sign of someone taking care of the game.

i would like to hear other's constructive opinions other than

"the game sucks and there is nothing any one can do" if you say that please elaborate on the why of your opinion.



  • AerendirAerendir Member Posts: 22
    My personal experience with the game is pretty much nothing. When it was announced and there were posts about it on the forums, it sounded cool. One "Archlord" rules them all in a mass PvP game. The graphics and sound in the trailers was awesome. Then I heard the one thing that killed the game for me. I read that they basically pimp your character with godly gear and items in exchange for open RMT with the company that runs the game. That one thing is a huge turnoff for me. I don't want Little Lord Fauntleroy running around PKing me repeatedly simply because his parents are never home and spend all their money buying him whatever he wants just to keep him out of their hair and this month his drug of choice just happened to be the "Gigantic Axe of Huge PvPness" (yes, I intended for that to come out somewhat crudely, so get your giggles from it). That's my take on it. If you have the money to spend getting your character tweaked just right for PvP, more power to you, but I'd rather not put up with that sort of system.

    Disclaimer: I've never actually played the game, so this may all be inaccurate to begin with. Before you flame me, make sure you realize that I already admit I've never played it and may be totally wrong about the RMT factors, I'm just going by what I've read and am simply stating why I never played the game, despite originally being totally interested in it.
  • Squal'ZellSqual'Zell Member Posts: 1,803
    yes there is a store but to my knowdlege (whoa... spelling?) there isnt PvPness gear in the store

    there are only items to make your life easier like resurect orbs and chest keys and portals scrolls


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