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sololocosololoco Member Posts: 542

I've began playing AA again and I'm up to level 74 at the moment.  By the way, they have a 14 day free trial so check it out, it's a fast paced game and you'll have fun crashing, speeding and destroying things all over the place. Lots of vehicles, loot and some new stuff they've added.

Anyway, the only problem or gripe I have is the missions.  Since level 62 the missions have changed, they're not like in the levels before this. Before this, I could pick up many missions all over the place at the same time. I would go do one after the other, once I did them all I would return them in and I'd see my level jump sky high.

Since about level 62, there are many times I don't have any missions at all. Then, when I do get a mission it's either way to high like getting missions for level 74 when I was level 62. or now, getting level 80 missions to kill the biggest baddest boss when I am 8 levels under 80. I had one level 80, one 78, one 76 and I was 72. I may be able to take one npc out who is a few levels over me but they're not always alone and besides it takes forever to kill one thats much higher in lev then you. Some times I just get tired of not doing any real damage and just leave it alone til I increase in lev.

Ok, I was advised to go check the places where the map doesn't say 100% missions completed but I had been doing this for the longest time already and never saw any mission for me after I had done several. For example: In Slaughter I had been sent there while in my 30's since that's the level range for the zone. I did all the missions that were given to me at the time. I was then sent to the Crossings which is the next step in levels.

At the Crossings I did all the missions there, hit 100%.  I did return to Slaughter a few times after I had left that zone but didn't see any missions for me any of the many times I returned there. Then one day I happen to return again and this time there were several missions for me but they were in the level 30's and I was in my 60's, about 25 levels too high for them. You still get the exp but it's a few hundred points only.

Once in a while I happen to get a few missions in my range or 2 or 3 above which is fine but for the most parts it's been a real hassle for me. Right now I have a mission which is 3 levels higher then I am and I thought it was ok.  I release my healing spirit to keep me healed, give my other pets the ok to go crazy and I get it done. The thing is the npc's I need to take out are in groups of 3 or 4 and since they're 3 levels higher and are 3 or more, they tend to take me out before I can take them out. And these guys are in the middle of GZ which has many more of them right next to each other which makes it even harder as others get involved too.

I just think the missions in the higher levels are out of wack and need to be looked at.  Some times they're there and some times they're not. Either too early or too late in giving missions out.


  • SnipehunterSnipehunter Member UncommonPosts: 29

    Hmm, did you do the missions from El Oso in the CB HQ?  (accessible from inside crossroads)  It sounds like you missed a bunch of missions in the bayou back when you were in the 30s.  A lot of the missions depend on each other because they tell a story, so if you miss one you end up with situations like you had in Slaughter, where you had no missions for you until after you'd completed some mission you must gotten later.  Usually the missions are pretty good about leading you to where you need to go next, but sometimes two separate, but storylines will end up tying together, and so you end up where it looks like you're on the right track, but there are actually two tracks you're meant to complete simultaneously and one of them got left behind because it wasn't easy to find. :(


    You might also want to check to make sure you've done all the bloodfarm missions, I think that ends up mattering later on if I recall correctly.  It's been a long time since I last played.




  • MidavegMidaveg Member Posts: 296
    Your mission situation is like my biomek. I skipped one mission and i ruined the rest of my leveling process.

    Since i have restarted as a Mutant, i can advice you that start looking back from Slaughter. One of the mission is a link to activate the gate in Crossroad which will lead you to CBer command. Dont miss out any core missions, its critical.

    All canceled. Waiting on Warhammer Online : Age of Reckoning.

  • sololocosololoco Member Posts: 542

    I did the Oso missions which are inside the Crossings. I also did Bloodfarm and all the CB missions, all 100%.  I've done most places to 100% except about 3 and Slaughter which I then completed.

    Places like Tocado which I often visited never had missions once I finished there yet, then gave me more a long time after I had left that place. They suddenly popped up.

    Omphala isn't finished as well as Bordertown or Borderplace which is across Omphala on the left side of the map at Tocado. 

    The thing I'm saying is I rather they finished a zone before pushing you to the next one.  Ok, I've done missions in a zone then gone to other zones because the missions took me there and then I returned on another mission. But to give me missions out the blue when I'm 30 levels past that zone especially when I've returned to that same place time and time again and never had gotten them before isn't right.

    It's not like I did a mission somewhere that was linked to the place that suddenly popped up with new ones 30 levels under my level. NO, all of a sudden these missions just pop up out the blue by themselves which I don't understand why they didn't when I was at that level area.

    I just hit 75 and from 74 to 75 I had to grind away since the quests I have are all too high for me.  I'm battling levels 3 and more over me which result in me getting killed a whole lot more then I was during all the time before I hit my 60's.  One I can take, even two but more then that and I'm in trouble when they're many levels over me. And at this stage, the npc's are all near each other and in groups.

    Especially at Ground Zero where the I am now and the games highests opponents all are clustered together.

  • sololocosololoco Member Posts: 542

    Maybe this way you can tell me what's missing.

    Proving Grounds 100%

    Tocado 88%

    Leche Madre 100%

    BloodSteel Mines 100%

    Borderton 100%

    Omphala 88%

    Old Town 100%

    Highway 667 West Front 96%

    Barrancas 100%

    Santuary 100%

    Bloodfarm 100%

    Slaughter 100%

    Temple Mt 100%

    Fetid Bayou 100%

    S.Marsh 100%

    CrossRoads 100%

    Citadel 86%

    Warren 100%

    Echo 100%

    Grand Juction 97%

    Depths 100%

    Borderlands 100%

    Moat 100%

    Chopping Maul 51%

    Grond Zero 64% which is where I am now with missions 3 and more levels higher then me. The ones with less then 100% completed missions I've gone to but see nothing as far as missions to do.

  • ShaikuraShaikura Member Posts: 61
    I never understood how missions worked either. I wasn't even high lvl like you and ran into the same problems. Missions sending you out to kill mobs 8 or 10 lvls higher than me. And i would get them in the same zone as missions my lvl. They are really out of wack in this game. I was hoping that it was fixed by now. Was thinking of trying out the free trial.
  • sekrogsekrog Member Posts: 261
    Originally posted by Shaikura

    I never understood how missions worked either. I wasn't even high lvl like you and ran into the same problems. Missions sending you out to kill mobs 8 or 10 lvls higher than me. And i would get them in the same zone as missions my lvl. They are really out of wack in this game. I was hoping that it was fixed by now. Was thinking of trying out the free trial.
    I've only started playing AA since early March.  In the Mutant zones, everything has been amazingly well done quest-wise with the exception of accessing Temple Mountain.  The good part, is that all it took was a quick search on AA's forum and a in-game callout for help and I was on my way.

    I'm almost to level 40 now, and the quests have been fitting my leveling perfectly.

    I can't speak to the Human or BioMek factions, but as for Mutants, at least after Update 4 on March 1, the game is very well done IMHO.


  • drummzz7drummzz7 Member Posts: 14

    I recently levelled an agent to 80 (my fourth lvl 80), and I feel generally there were not a lot of places that I felt I had to grind xp to lvl.  Just follow all the mission lines - check all repair pads/towns for new missions, and then drive all over over the maps or ask in faction chat to make sure your not missing ne missions.  There r some maps that require that u have the Collector's/Limited edition in order to get 100% completed for those maps.  I still have several missions left to do and many maps that are not 100% completed on my main (first 80), but I don't really c the need for completing ne thing more on it since i don't need the xp ne more :)  I'm having too much fun pvpin/farming/doin epics to worry about ne more missions for my main.

    My 2 c. - C U in the wastelands.

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