If you had the resources to develop your very own Star Wars MMO, how would it differ from old & new Star Wars Galaxies? Feel free to employ any of your favorite elements from other games. I want to read of your dream game!
The following is my dream game:
Combat System
1) The ability to choose between two different styles of combat: Traditional Tab-Targeting and/or First-Person Shooting (PvP must use FPS style of combat). Ultimately, I'd like the traditional way of an MMO PvE game with an integrated FPS PvP system. It should appeal to everyone that way.
2) I want the FPS to be as smooth and crisp as Call of Duty II. I refrain from anything that runs like NGE or Battlefield 1942/Vietname/2/2142 infantry.
3) I want the ability to jump, crouch, prone, lean, climb, swim, and sprint.
Player Vs. Player
1) No safe zones or over/covert crap. If you’re either Rebel of Imperial, you should be able to be attacked by the opposing faction regardless of overt/covert status and location. If you don’t want to PvP, remain neutral or join a non-aggressive server.
2) I want character hitboxes. If you get hit in the head without wearing a helmet, you will be cloning. If you were wearing a helmet, you should be dizzied & dazed for a brief period of time. Moreover, if you get shot in your weapon-wielding arm, your crosshair should have a temporary sway to make aiming more difficult. A leg shot should briefly hinder healthy movement. Weapons and armor will play a major role in defining how damaging a hit will be.
3) No battlegrounds or instanced PvP garbage.
4) I want player bounties. Everyone should be able to place bounties just as long as they front their own cash. When the target has been terminated, the deceased character should be told who started the bounty.
5) Anything that is not equipped on the player can be looted.
Leveling & Skill System
1) I yearn for a skill tree system. I want the ability to mix and match professions. I’m tired of this WoW/EQ/EQ2/Vanguard/LotRO character progression crap. It’s boring.
1) The ability to play your own music via keyboard. Turbine’s MMO, LotRO, has this brilliant option. It’s starting to become one of LotRO’s key elements.
Space Combat
1) Jump To Lightspeed had a phenomenal starship component system. However, the combat speed was extremely slow. I want that fast paced craziness from the movies! A good example of this, other than the movies, would be Galactic Conquest. Galactic Conquest was a mod for Battlefield 1942. One could destroy a TIE Fighter with a few hits. Moreover, it was very tough to hit them due to their insane turning speed and engine capabilities.
2) I want atmospheric flight!
3) I want to be able to collect bounties in space.
4) I want to be able to talk to other players who reside in starships via in-game communication link. Yes, this game should come with a cheap microphone.
5) If you run into an asteroid, you’re cloning. I want to be on the edge of my seat while attempting to navigate an asteroid field. It’s a great getaway option if the opposing faction closes in on you!
6) I want to be able to dock with other ships in space; this means giving us the ability to walk around on other people’s ships.
7) I want a radio or something that plays music. lol
1) I thought Star Wars Galaxies did a good job with the planet size and instancing. However, I want my planets to be much larger. We need much larger worlds to take advantage of the movie-like vehicle and starship speeds. It would be nice if it truly felt like a journey to get to Jabba’s Palace.
2) Like many of the games, this game should give a Call of the Overlord / Soulstone option to return the player to his or her starting location. Instead of spell casting, a shuttle will pick them up.
1) I want those movie-like fast paced Speeders and Swoops. If you run into a tree, you’re cloning. Be smart about where you use them and how fast you go!
2) I want the ability to fight on vehicles and mounts. Moreover, any vehicular fighting must use the FPS style of combat. This will prevent the ease of creature kiting.
3) I want mounted pets.
4) Vehicles require fuel and mounts require to be fed.
5) I want vehicles and mounts to have storage capabilities.
6) I want a radio or something that lets me play music. lol
1) I want the ability to morph my own hairstyles.
2) I want to be able to customize everything as in City of Heroes.
3) I want body physique to play a realistic role. If you’re big, fat, and strong, you should be able to carry more than just your primary weapon and supplies. If your small and skinny, you should be quick and agile, yet, lack the ability to run around with a big arse T-21 Rifle with a spare carbine in your pack
4) If your armor gets banged up, I want it to show. Compare Jango’s armor with Boba’s!
5) I want the ability to draw my own tattoos!
6) I want the ability to clearly define my character’s heritage.
1) Out of all the games I’ve played, Star Wars Galaxies had the best crafting system hands down. I do, however, wish the crafting were more hands on.
2) I want the crafter to have to actually look at the schematics and cross sections of an item. If a weaponsmith is attempting to fix a guns trigger mechanism, he or she should literally be moving parts around a cross section picture of the blaster.
Extra Character Abilities
1) I want to be able to jump onto any reasonable object.
2) If I placed skill points in something like espionage, I want to be able to get on top of any structure via grappling gun and/or climbing.
3) I want to be able to swim underwater.
4) If I placed skill points in something like hunting & survival, I want to be able to build temporary deadfall traps.
5) If I’m a soldier, I want the ability to build a temporary foxhole for PvP cover.
6) I want to be able to communicate with other players via com-link.
7) I want binoculars that work.
1) No quests! This includes those cheesy heritage quests that are supposed to make your character feel unique. How can these make one feel unique when everyone does them? Also, no more requests to kill 10 boars and/or delivery.
2) You must get employed if you want credits. If you’re a bounty hunter, go collect a bounty. If you’re a hunter, go hunt and sell some meat. If you’re an adventurer, sell whatever goods you find to any needy NPC.
1) I want random generated item statistcs like in Diablo II and Pre-CU! I’m tired of everyone having the same gear like in WoW and EverQuest II. In EverQuest II, you knew so and so was carrying the Screaming Mace or wearing the Legendary Journeyman’s Boots. In WoW, you knew he or she was wearing that set of PvP armor. Where is the uniqueness? Ugh, I so yearn for the days of finding that lucky rifle off the Nightsisters of Dathomir and/or getting that wicked rare imbue in Diablo II.
1) I want the Jedi combat to be much like the saber fighting in Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast. The superb animations and saber fighting abilities made you feel like you were really playing a Jedi.
2) In order to become a Jedi, I want players to have to go through something very similar to the Pre-CU profession grind. I don’t want any force village questing dung.
Combat Roles
1) I’ve always been a fan of the typical tank/healer/dps group. Nevertheless, I do think it’s rather silly to see one man in plate armor tanking some 100-foot tall fire-breathing dragon. To make this more Star Wars’ish and realistic, I’m asking for the typical tanking class to be portable shield generator technician or a defensive/deflective Jedi. The tank’s pet droid will cart around a shield generator for the group to fend off all those nasty foes while the ranged dps fighters tag them with all sorts of blaster fire. The shield generator will promote some sort of rectangular shield that the tank (shield generator technician) can maneuver to keep his or her group behind it. Healers will consist of combat-medics/doctors (to heal the wounded) and engineers (to help stabilize and maintain the tanks shield).
Time Frame
1) I want something new and without all the iconic Luke Skywalker & Han Solo material. I want it to be 500 years after The Return of the Jedi. I want to hear of a brilliant new leader who takes control and gives rebirth to the new Empire. This would make the storyline less restrictive, thus, giving us the ability to make sense with all the Jedi that will ultimately be running around. I want something new, yet, never ceasing to be that Storm Trooper’ish Star Wars we all enjoy.
1) I want to be able to have the same first name as another. If someone has the name John, every John in the world won’t be able to use that name (lame). For this to work, the last name must be used in the naming convention and must be of a different combination with the first name.
1) I want it just like SWG. Conversely, if the owner doesn’t log in for 3 months, his house and items get packed and placed in his datapad.
Graphics (far-fetched)
1) Lets face it; games such as Vanguard have a terrible time gaining a following due to their system requirements. Most of the potential consumers don’t have those big thousand dollar gaming rigs. To bypass this, I want the option to have two totally different graphic styles: The realistic style (expensive machine - Age of Conan) and/or The cartoon style (cheap machine – WoW).
1) I really want to dumb down the subscription fee. Perhaps I should ask for the ability to still play without a subscription. Of course, we will have to do a 50% reduction on all non-subscribed experience, damage, and crafting potential etc. Yes, this sounds goofy. However, think about it! This could keep our servers more populated. Those who are struggling with funds or don’t have the luxuries of a credit/debit card can still participate. This could also appeal to many avid console gamers, as they always sneer at MMO’s due to their pay to play genre.
Sounds like you want more complexity!
I like your ideas. Somebody give this guy a grant to develop his own MMO!
Problem is, there's a 98.9274% chance it'd be rejected by almost all publishers.
-- xpaladin
AC1/2, AO, DAoC, EQ1/2, SoR, SWG, UO, WAR, WoW
I could type out mine, but then that means there's a better chance of someone stealing my ideas.
I like to play good dyanmic games that reward strategies. I do not enjoy "twitch" based MMO's and have little to no respect for them; Dungeons & Dragons Online is an odd exception.
Persistant worlds are a must - Modular player cities and housing with a predetermined option for various foot prints.
I liked the pre-cu of SWG. It really was the best combat system every emplyed in terms of dynamics. I loved how you were able to determine the chance of dealing more dmg by the "to hit" rating appearing above the head of the selected target. It was better how your movement from Standing, walking, crouching, to prone, all affected the potential outcome thus representing a better hit or "head shot". (-5, +64)
"To hit" boxes have their place although I honestly feel they serve little to no benefit in RPG's. You should have the option to "choose" the location for your intended hit without using a "twitch" based interface.
Publish 12 with some reduction to armor and buffs (cap armor to 75%, cap buffs at 2000), all armors being craftable to the max so you can choose any skin, the bugs fixed and lots of content added would be the perfect SWG.
For god's sake let it go. There were six Jedi in the damn films ALONE (and that doesn't include Darth Vader's 'secret' apprentice that SOE is now producing) - and that was just a six hour view of a universe that contained billions of star systems of which we didn'[t see more than about twelve, so drop this 'there were no jedi in the timeline' bull.
As for the original poster - i agree with almost everything you say except for First Person twitch combat. I personally want 3rd person turn-based combat which doesn't penalise your bconnection or PC config.
Don't Hate . . . . . . . Just Don't Do it.
Within the same timeline that Mandalorians, Jedi and Sith were plentiful. Make Mandalorians balanced with the Jedi. Make it a 3 faction game.
Can't go into what all I'd want in my ideal MMO (Star Wars or other) or what I wouldn't want...can say shortly that it would be a LOT like pre-CU.
I'll admit it, I'm a "carebear" as PvP lovers call us so I most likely wouldn't be found on a pvp server (never did go for the fact that had to be neutral to not pvp, might be ok in other games but this was Star Wars and as much as I liked squill hunting, that's not what the movies were about) but this is how I'd see a PvP server working:
-- EVERYONE being open to pvp (even the "neutrals," this is war so even "innocents" get killed
-- NO ONE is tagged with their faction, guild tags can be turned off to all but one's guild and there is no way to automatically know what faction people are, in war people are not necessarily going to know what side a person is supporting (smugglers, spies, traitors...); there may be clues such as person's clothing or who they hang out with/where they are seen but is that person in imp officer uniform really imp or is it a rebel spy that looted the uniform off some npc; the one exception to this may be the ability to gain a reputation if there are "witnesses" to certain activities player engages in but it would be the "reputation" that showed rather than the actual faction (hmmm, would this mean that there's a way to "fake" one's reputation...using skills like the fake death that smugglers had, player who is wanting to gain trust of opposing faction pretends to kill players of own faction in front of npcs who are sure to "notice")
-- no such thing as faction mission terminals/lairs...no "camping" to figure out who belongs to what faction if they are attempting to be "covert," faction based "quests" are given out by npcs, player will be able to tell what npcs give out missions for THEIR faction, ability to tell which npcs give the other faction's quest will vary (some will be in "uniform" or be "famous" for being a part of that faction), some npcs will give out neutral as well as faction based quest so there is still some guess work as to players faction; quests will vary, multiple quests may be offered by the same npc, quests offered by npc will change; quests may involve other players (both killing and protecting) or one's profession and may be player initiated (example: guild x needs x amount of uniforms or x amount of weapons)...npcs that are obvious in faction can be "fooled" into giving quests to opposing faction and there would be ways to fake this quest (back to former bullet of being able to fake one's reputation in order to infiltrate opposing faction...no more of this having an alt that is opposing faction in order to spy on the faction, ways are built into game to do so but may require certain professions/skills/actions/risks so not everyone is running around spying)
-- kills may result in positive or negative consequences, consequences may or may not be immediate; kill people of opposing faction and you may get a letter informing you of promotion, kill people of same faction and you may get reprimand/fined/demoted/not trusted, kill anyone and you might draw the attention of the local authorities; wide range of consequences would be available and would be influenced by many factors
-- player cities would be able to hire a certain amount of npcs to guard the city esp since everyone is open to pvp (offers some protection to players with low combat ability) and there might be conditions under which one could have npcs as bodyguards (along with options as to how obvious that bodyguard is)
Playing: EVE Online
Favorite MMOs: WoW, SWG Pre-cu, Lineage 2, UO, EQ, EVE online
Looking forward to: Archeage, Kingdom Under Fire 2
KUF2's Official Website - http://www.kufii.com/ENG/ -
--When you resubscribe to SWG, an 18 yearold Stripper finds Jesus, gives up stripping, and moves with a rolex reverend to Hawaii.
--In MMORPG's l007 is the opiate of the masses.
--The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence!
--CCP could cut off an Eve player's fun bits, and that player would say that it was good CCP did that.
My take for SWG? It's long-winded, but here it goes. It may also get edited with more cleared up thoughts later on
Setting: Original Trilogy, specifically the height of the Galactic Civil War. Speaking of the GCW, I'll get into that later on.
Professions: The Pre-CU Skillpoint System. Bring back the Templates, bring back all the Professions. Polish them.
Crafting & Game Economy: Player-centered. Item decay. Crafters produce the goods (foods, armor, weapons, etc) that the other players need. Loot-Based Economy? Screw that. Let there be the rare, worthy Loot item but it will have a faster rate of decay. This ensures that the players get a chance to toy around with fancy, rare gear, but it also ensures that these "leave the system" and dominate PVP / PVE via decay. It ensures that Crafters will still be the go-to people for your needs. The dynamics between Crafters and Non-Crafters (especially the combat ones) really, really needs to come back. Back in the day, each one was dependent on the other. Each one could do something that the other really needed.
Combat System: I'll be a bit controversial here... Hybrid of the Pre-CU and CU. Forget the "Level" bull**** introduced since the CU. It should be all about the ability of the player and his avatar's accrued skills / skill mods. Forget the wannabe-FPS bull**** introduced with the NGE. Terrain Negotiation needs to be a big factor again, especially when fighting away from urbanized areas like Theed, Coronet, etc. Increase the ranges possible with ranged weapons. I mean, in SWG, a Rifle such as a DLT20 can only reach 64m, while a melee'er can Lunge for almost 20m? Star Wars militaries were dominated by ranged warfare. Blasters and such, not sticks and swords. Jedi don't count since they were not a common sight even during the height of the Old Republic, and they are Star Wars' exception. Stormtrooper boarding operation of the Tantive IV? Blasters. Battle of Hoth? Essentially land based with infantry and vehicles. Blasters all over the place, not a Vibroblade in sight. Battle of Endor? Despite the hokiness, the Rebel Commandos, the main heroes, and the Imperial ground troops were using blasters. Ranged Warfare must dominate, but Melee'ers should be able to destroy you if they can close the distance. I have always envisioned the Rebel troopers and Imperial Stormtroopers battling with blasters, red bolts and such flying all over the place.
Jedi: 2 options I envision.
Option A: No playable Jedi. The Jedi are all but extinct. After all, Episode VI was "Return of the Jedi" with the Luke's success, not "Return of the Jedi from Summer Vacation at the Beaches of Naboo."
Option B: Playable Jedi... even upon character creation but having their own distinct Skillbox selection. "But Jedi will run all over the place again!" you say? Very good point. That's where the Empire, visibility, Bounty Hunters, and Permadeath come into being. 6 possible deaths total, period, before that Jedi is gone for good. No Jedi with the Empire. They're to be hunted mercilessly by agents of the Empire, specifically Lord Vader. Become visible enough? The Dark Lord will come looking for you with his entourage of Imperial forces. Bounty Hunters can reap tremendous rewards (and risks) for the takedown of Jedi. Order 66 wasn't a single, short lived event. It is an ongoing "crusade" by the Empire, and a very personal task taken by Darth Vader.
Space: JTL had some good points... the crafting, customization, models. But it had some glaringly bad points, but can be rectified. Space traffic in JTL is depressingly empty, despite being able to go to key locales like Corellia. Corellia was famed for it's starship production and design (see Corellian Engineering Corporation). Yet there's barely any space traffic over Corellia. Freighter and Shuttle traffic really needs to be boosted up. The Empire, the governing power of the Galaxy, needs to have a very strong presence throughout. Warships. JTL is truly lacking in warship depiction. The total lacking of warship variety, presence, and activity was distressing. I was a die-hard fan of the old X-Wing series of games. They had a vast, vast library of ships that could be seen in a game. And JTL took a tragic step backwards by not using the rich library of ships that existed during the period of the Empire. No other period of Star Wars has a vast selection of starcraft and this was ignored by JTL. Also, the backbone of the Imperial Navy, the Star Destroyers, only have 1 in existence in SWG? I know JTL had limitations in what it can do, but again, my wish is a vast expansion to JTL. Lastly, there should be a vast difference in the playstyle of Imperial TIEs and Rebel starfighters. The standard TIEs are unshielded, but reknown for their speed, agility, and massive numbers. They also were short ranged without hyperdrives and relied on bases and warships to operate from. The game needs to really show the massive numbers of TIE presence. Imperial pilots could gain access to the less common Cygnus Gunboats, but those didn't handle like TIEs, and were not a common sight.
Galactic Civil War: I can get into a whole thread in itself regarding the GCW, but I'll cut to the core of it for this thread. I totally despised the "Red vs Blue" nature of SWG's GCW. The Rebel and Imperial factions need different perks, rewards, and gameplay experiences between them. Faction specific gear. The A-280 Blaster Rifle will be a Rebel exclusive weapon and one great example. AT-ST, AT-AT, militarized Speederbikes (blaster equipped). And all these items are craftable. When you can use them would depend on certifications and "proper training" (quests). Imperial crewmen will have special requirements to fit the image of Imperials. AT-ST pilots have a specific uniform that they must wear. AT-AT crewmen have a specific uniform also. I would love to introduce Faction Occupations but that idea needs more fleshing out. Something like Walker Crewman, Imperial Stormtrooper, etc.
I would keep Overt & Covert but with a few twists. The main reason is that it's an MMO. When I played SWG and was not busy with the GCW (when there was one back in the day ), I had some good friends who were Rebels. Going out on adventures with them was great. But when it comes time to fight in the GCW, it was back to war. Anyways, why go Overt? Faction specific gear will be moderately better and desireable (and again, they'll be craftable). Equipping them will bring up a notice that doing so will make you Overt.
TEF's? Bring it back also but I would make it more sophisticated, depending on the gear / uniform beign worn. Really, wearing an Imperial dress uniform marks you as an Imperial, and wearing an X-Wing pilot's outfit marks you as a Rebel. Those items should make you Overt.
Other little GCW additions I'd like to see:
Imperial Stormtrooper Armor and Serial Numbers - Every player character when made has an unknown serial number. Whenever that person joins the Empire and dons Stormtrooper Armor, their real name is taken away and replaced with the serial number, i.e. something like TX-5412. That serial number stays with that character, period.
Imperial Dress Uniforms: A more varied color palette for Tailors. Black was a glaring omission, one required for Stormtrooper and TIE Pilots when out of armor / flight gear. The Dress Slacks were inaccurate... they needed to be like those old fashioned Cavalry / Rider's pants. See the movies to get a better understanding. Anyways, the Imperial NPCs in SWG did have the proper slacks, but the player version wasn't right. Imperial Hats? Remember that drama? Allow female humans / zabrak to wear it. Just put a generic "bun" hairstyle or something. As for the hair color when wearing the Imperial Hat, it should automatically match your character's hair color.
Rebel Uniforms: SWG actually allowed a very good possible representation of the various Rebel uniforms. But it was missing some important items. The helmet worn by the Rebel troopers on the Tantive IV. A true Rebel Pilot flightsuit. SWG's was spandex. The movie versions were quite loose fitting with all kinds of extra gadgets on them. Also, JTL's Rebel Ace Pilot Helmet was way off the mark, missing the look and feel of the movie helmets completely. Bring the movie pilot helmets in with customizable designs via something like JTL's Paint / Texture Kit system. The visor could be toggled up or down with either green or yellow tints.
Rank Plates: Wearable according to your rank in the Rebellion or Empire. Worn like a piece of "SWG Jewelry."
"I have only two out of my company and 20 out of some other company. We need support, but it is almost suicide to try to get it here as we are swept by machine gun fire and a constant barrage is on us. I have no one on my left and only a few on my right. I will hold." (First Lieutenant Clifton B. Cates, US Marine Corps, Soissons, 19 July 1918)
Unaware of the Jestor?
Friends enjoy his classic Vblog - https://www.facebook.com/GoodOldReliableNathan
great posts!!! and ideas, i think i got some kind of dream mmorpg, myself but those post "optimised" it..
dam im not gonna be able to sleep tonight, will be to busy dreamin
TIMELINE - dont have one at all. That way you could include the entire Star Wars Universe. No story content and no end game content. This is an online universe, its not supposed to end.
JEDI & SITH - ability to choose jedi or sith. all jedii and sith should have to train under a master. once a player becomes a master they can take an apprentice. the road to become a master should be very long and difficult. should be able to choose which powers u want to learn. jedi & sith should have to train at an acadamy to start out.