I received a strange e-mail today, anybody got the same? The originator is someone who calls himself "HS 20121221". It seems to be about a new MMO but it's written like some kind of warning of the "dark secrets" this game will unfold.
"… I've learned that someone else has uncovered parts of this conspiracy, and plan to exploit it for commercial reasons by building a virtual world based on these dark secrets. I fear that this is ill-advised and dangerous. Some things must remain hidden - this is one of them. …"
It also contains a link to a screenshot of a document which should lead to more information once someone is able to make some sense out of it:
I googled parts of the text but couldn't find anything that helped. Anybody any idea?
EDIT: Now, before anybody gets any strange ideas about bugs, trojans, malware, Bill Gates, Marilyn Manson... here's the content of the mail and also the four lines of the peom that are said to lead to a new MMO:
You don't know me, and I hesitate to call myself 'a friend' - that would be presumptuous.
I found your name on the forums, and based on what I read I decided to contact you.
I have uncovered something that worries me, and I want to get the word out before it's too late. You're going to think I'm crazy - that's fine. I've been called crazy before. Time will prove me right. For now, all I can do is speak up and hope that someone out there will listen. You're not the only one I've contacted today, and if you don't help me, someone else will - I'm sure of it. Just know that by helping me you will put yourself at risk. I will hold no grudge against you if you keep silent.
Through sources that must remain secret, I've located an ancient and potentially very dangerous document. I'll explain how it relates to you in a second. First I want you to see this document for yourself:
This is genuine. It's a digital reproduction of a document that has recently been uncovered in a place run by people of great power - people who don't want their secrets revealed to the world. Don't ask me how I discovered it - I won't tell. Others would get hurt.
There's a global conspiracy that threatens us all, one that goes back thousands - tens of thousands - of years, and this document is just a single piece of evidence of what these powerful people know, and what they have planned for the future.
But this is not why I write you.
I've learned that someone else has uncovered parts of this conspiracy, and plan to exploit it for commercial reasons by building a virtual world based on these dark secrets. I fear that this is ill-advised and dangerous. Some things must remain hidden - this is one of them. These people don't know what they're doing. By creating a game based on the information they have uncovered, they are opening Pandora's Box.
We need to get the word out NOW - to prevent them from digging too deep, and from revealing things that should remain hidden...at least until the world is ready for the Truth.
I know they plan to use the contents of this ancient document to spread the word about their game. Please, friend, I need your help, and the help of those that trust and listen to you. We need to reveal their plans before more sinister agents find out. We must let them know they are playing with fire...a fire that can burn us all.
I know this might sound absurd to you. After all, how can a GAME be dangerous? If you knew what I know, if you've seen what I've seen, you wouldn't ask that question. Information is a weapon, and in the wrong hands this information could be devastating to us all.
Please, I beg you, spread the word. Expose these people and their plans. By revealing their true intentions, we can at least make it appear to be 'just a game', rather than the dark and dangerous Truth that it truly is.
It is not too late...but we must act NOW.
The screenshots shows the following four lines:
A grim odd arcane sky
Any god I mark sacred
A masked cry adoring
A dreamy sick dragon
At the bottom, there's some sort of sign (looks like one of the Temple Knights to me). Well. Maybe it IS a riddle or a hint to a new MMO? Nobody any idea here?
You probably just installed a Keylogger and/or other Trojans on your system.
Good Luck
I hope for you it isn't a keylogger. If it is, say farewell to your experience spend in online games.
The screenshots shows the following four lines:
A grim odd arcane sky
Any god I mark sacred
A masked cry adoring
A dreamy sick dragon
At the bottom, there's some sort of sign (looks like one of the Temple Knights to me). Well. Maybe it IS a riddle or a hint to a new MMO? Nobody any idea here?
I'm no pro at viruses, but it's not the picture that's dangerous, it's the site itself. The site will force your computer to download the unwanted program without your knowledge, it will then do something to your computer, probably track what u write.
That's how I suppose it works, never trust these kind of emails.
You notice that this site (MMORPG) was down for a few days last week?
It was down because it was hosting a set of Viruses.
Just visiting the sight caused the Viruses to be installed on your system.
If your security was not strong enough.
I use Kaspersky and it immediately caught the attempted installations.
So, I really do suspect you now are hosting some sort of Malware.
You really think Flickr is currently hosting viruses and trojans?
Probably just a prank guys, no need to be afraid of 'flickr images' lol
As I said. The picture is hosted by flickr.com. Never had any problem with flickr before.
I know that you have to be careful with e-mails, links etc. to not get any "unwanted guests" on your PC. But flickr I trust enough to take a look. I'm registerd on quite a few MMO mailing lists so I think that where this one came from.
And here's the text of the whole e-mail (look out, there's a flickr-link embedded in there somewhere ).
You don't know me, and I hesitate to call myself 'a friend' - that would be presumptuous.
I found your name on the forums, and based on what I read I decided to contact you.
I have uncovered something that worries me, and I want to get the word out before it's too late. You're going to think I'm crazy - that's fine. I've been called crazy before. Time will prove me right. For now, all I can do is speak up and hope that someone out there will listen. You're not the only one I've contacted today, and if you don't help me, someone else will - I'm sure of it. Just know that by helping me you will put yourself at risk. I will hold no grudge against you if you keep silent.
Through sources that must remain secret, I've located an ancient and potentially very dangerous document. I'll explain how it relates to you in a second. First I want you to see this document for yourself:
This is genuine. It's a digital reproduction of a document that has recently been uncovered in a place run by people of great power - people who don't want their secrets revealed to the world. Don't ask me how I discovered it - I won't tell. Others would get hurt.
There's a global conspiracy that threatens us all, one that goes back thousands - tens of thousands - of years, and this document is just a single piece of evidence of what these powerful people know, and what they have planned for the future.
But this is not why I write you.
I've learned that someone else has uncovered parts of this conspiracy, and plan to exploit it for commercial reasons by building a virtual world based on these dark secrets. I fear that this is ill-advised and dangerous. Some things must remain hidden - this is one of them. These people don't know what they're doing. By creating a game based on the information they have uncovered, they are opening Pandora's Box.
We need to get the word out NOW - to prevent them from digging too deep, and from revealing things that should remain hidden...at least until the world is ready for the Truth.
I know they plan to use the contents of this ancient document to spread the word about their game. Please, friend, I need your help, and the help of those that trust and listen to you. We need to reveal their plans before more sinister agents find out. We must let them know they are playing with fire...a fire that can burn us all.
I know this might sound absurd to you. After all, how can a GAME be dangerous? If you knew what I know, if you've seen what I've seen, you wouldn't ask that question. Information is a weapon, and in the wrong hands this information could be devastating to us all.
Please, I beg you, spread the word. Expose these people and their plans. By revealing their true intentions, we can at least make it appear to be 'just a game', rather than the dark and dangerous Truth that it truly is.
It is not too late...but we must act NOW.
your arguement is so persuasive, so filled with knowledge and insight. You back up your argument very articulately, with suggestions of improvements and raising examples to glorify your position....oh wait, you didn't
I hope for you it isn't a keylogger. If it is, say farewell to your experience spend in online games.
What does QFT mean? I can't figure it out.You received an email with a link to a supposedly picture hosted on a legit website.
You click on the link, not realizing the link took you to a completely different website from where it used a known windows exploit to upload a trojan / keylogger to your computer. After this, it automatically redirected you to the legit picture site so it looked like u did go to where u were trying to go - to view that picture. With broadband, this usually takes no longer then several seconds so you don't really notice anything out of place.
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor - pre-WW2 genocide.
An adventure game that used the net and you input your real e-mail address and they'd send you e-mails and such with clues and the like to get you more involved in the game. There is supposed to be a sequel coming, this could be a part of that.
I have a Youtube channel for video games! http://www.youtube.com/user/Vendayn
What an odd mix, I must admit my curiosity is peaked.
-The four main statements do not make much sense on their own, they may be coded, or more likely are an anagram. I hate anagrams, anyone good at that willing to "work" on that angle?
-2012 is circled and underlined on the lefy, 2012 AD happens to be the year the Ancient Mayans predicted the world would end. On the right, the fourth age is reffered to, which is again referenced in many cultures as the end of life as we know it.
- at the bottom, in German is: (anything/something) (on/about/was) one "war of the (illegible)"
-above that is a wax seal with two figures on a horse, with Latin lettering surrounding it. lettering is mostly illegible. XPISTI are the only symbols I can make out, on the left.
-near the symbol for infinity, in French, are the statements: What wants (something) to say? Who are the eight?
-In the center is a phrase in Hebrew, I don't have a tool that will translate. The runes, as nearly as I can make them out, are the symbols for the letters: Samech Yud Chet (unknown) Aleph Chet Yud Nun Chaf
-top left, also in french: Of that (illegible) the illuminate? The Illuminate, if it is reffering to them, are a semi mythical group involved in many conspiracy theories.
-top right, French: Amundsen is necessary (no translation) Roald Amundsen led the first sucessfull expedition to the South Pole.
-Phrases on the page, as near as I can make them out, open for more... experienced translation: "Amundsen faut det under isen" "Qu'est e que ca veut dire?" "Qui sont les herts" "Etwas uber einen 'Krieg der fiusternes'" "De que maners eston unreuerades les Illuminate?"
More coming as I find it, hang on.
If anyone is concerned about the original link, here is the URL to the same picture, scanned, blown up for easier visibility of the small parts, and hosted on photobucket. http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c400/aelfinn86/PuzzlePicture.jpg
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
Flickr.com isn't the problem, the problem is that just because a hyperlink reads: www.flickr.com doesn't mean that's where it actually takes you. Therefore, showing us the presented text isn't showing us much because the presented text is just what someone wrote the hyperlink to look like--not necessarily where it goes. So, given today's Internet, there is a good chance he was redirected to a different site without realizing it. And then, as someone noted, redirected to flickr after a download was initiated.
But who knows, maybe the OP is that one special someone--the ONE--who gets secret messages and will save us all from the mutant zombie alien cultists who are lurking behind every bush waiting to take over the world!
/que theremin
Apply lemon juice and candle flame here to reveal secret message.