I played the Matrix Online beta and it was OK, first beta I was in it was fairly fun but I never bought the game. Im looking through alot of MMORPGs right now to see which I should pick up, WoW expantion, LOTRo, MxO, CoV, I dunno yet so I wanted to ask, are there alot of people still in this game? I like game were I dont get bothered by spams in general chat but I also like it when I go into a town an there are atleast 10 people there. So I was wondering how many people still play this?
Hardly anyone from beta is left, a very small group of people still play but many are leaving for other games. You can log in and not find anyone at all. It has no real content either so you'd be better off trying another game.
So yeah, I would say give it another try, and don't listen to Mr Doom and Gloom above, for some reason he has it WELL in for the game, with no reason and no basis to back up any of his claims seen as he has stopped playing the game a while ago.
Never have so many owed so much to so few - Sir Winston Churchill
It's Nice to be Important, but it's Important to be Nice
A little smaller? That's like saying mini me and Shaq are just a few inches off. Do you have a name in MXO, it seems you can't even be bothered to share it. You're completely full of shit about everything above. What PVP, have you logged in and found any? Oh wait, you made it to level 42, who the fuck did you pvp with? You can log in to MXO and not find anyone, at all. PS: I've been logged in way more recently than you and unlike you, I still have a lot of friend in the game, so thanks for your irdiculous comments Mr. Anonymous.
I wouldn't want to give my toon name to you because I know you'd just start flaming it. Was your name in-game freiheit? If so then we didn't know each other, but I don't expect it was, so unless you want to share who the hell you where, I will refrain from sharing my toon name with you Mr Angry Anonymous.
Never have so many owed so much to so few - Sir Winston Churchill
It's Nice to be Important, but it's Important to be Nice
I wouldn't want to give my toon name to you because I know you'd just start flaming it. Was your name in-game freiheit? If so then we didn't know each other, but I don't expect it was, so unless you want to share who the hell you where, I will refrain from sharing my toon name with you Mr Angry Anonymous.
Yes it is was.
So is this the part where you admit to being full of it?