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Is Infinity a clone of Eve Online ? I can often read this question on the web, and even those forums. And i think it's a natural question especially for people who just discovered the game and just want a quick answer to this question without having to browse hundreds of topics, or read the whole website.
I grew at the old school of Elite / Frontier, and chances are, if all you know is Eve, it can be hard to imagine what i'm trying to achieve with Infinity. I'm not a big fan of Eve. Don't read me wrong: i'm not saying that i dislike Eve or that Eve is a bad game; on the contrary, i think it's an excellent game. It just doesn't appeal to me much. To describe it simply, Eve is a sort of RPG/RTS in space, while Infinity is closer to a space/universe simulator.
Finally, before starting, i just want to say that i'm not very experienced in Eve. I played for a short while, but i haven't seen the far game, even though i'm trying to stay informed as much as possible. If i'm saying a mistake, do not hesitate to correct me.
Here's the list of main differences i can think of from the top of my head:
1. Twitch based gameplay, meaning that you fully control your ship in real-time in all the directions of space. Except for larger ships, who will have controls closer to those in Eve.
2. Collisions on everything.
3. Immersion; meaning real scales, dimensions and velocities. Planets are truely as large as real ones, and ships extremely small compared to them.
4. Planetary landing with seamless transitions. If you can see something in the sky like a moon, you can get there in real time without seeing a single loading screen.
5. Solar system dynamics. Bodies orbitting around each other, being able to watch a sunset or an eclipse. Planets are not just a fancy background ala X3.
6. Travelling to another system doesn't necessarily involve jump gates. Actually, jump gates are rare and only serve as a way to link distant clusters.
7. A procedural universe - billions of star systems and planets, all unique.
8. No skills, experience or levels.
9. Less waiting time, when you want to mine, or go to a distant system.
10. A living world, with NPCs flying around and living their own life.
11. Being able to affect missions to other players or NPCs.
12. Dynamic storyline. What i mean with "dynamic" is this: in most MMOs, you have a storyline ( sometimes very complex like in Eve ) written by the developers, and missions / quests related to it. However, none of those quests affect or make the storyline progress. Infinity's storyline will be, by many aspects, closer to the one of a single-player game, with some specific player actions "triggering" a progress of the storyline.
13. Owning an empire: multiple spaceships, stations, planets. Setting your own tax/rules for those. Enabling other players or even NPCs to fly your ships. Constructing buildings/factories in cities. Forming corporations, or owning actions into other player's corporations.
14. Multiple players flying in the same ship.
15. Knowledge exchange. Prizes for being the first player to discover some special places / events ( like, analyzing a black hole, or discovering an unknown metal, or a new form of life ).
16. Newtonian physics ( with computer assistance for eacy controlling ).
17. Technology discovery plus patent system ( players have to hire scientists to make new technologies available in game, like a RTS's tech-tree ). I know that Eve has blueprints, but as far as i understand, those are "static".
To be completed.
As it stands - it looks very ambitious and the demo video is sweet. I can't wait to see more.
The Infinity: Quest For Earth Game Trailer
Another difference:
EVE is an existing game, with all its promises delivered.
Infinity so far, pretty much looks like vaporware. Lots of big words and pretty pictures but absolutly no meat on the bones. A few models directly from the 3D program... LIke my homepage from the late 90s, not exactly afullfledged game system.
A bit early to compare, I would say.
"This is not a game to be tossed aside lightly.
It should be thrown with great force"
Eve is fantastic, but even with all their updates, it's a pretty stagnant universe. Something like this Infinity project is a step in the right direction... it's where I want Eve to be, but know it can't be without a complete overhaul.
Dnl and Mourning also had engines in place...
Planshift also has an engine in place and has been progressing over a period of years, but I don't expect a release in the near future. But they are the opposite of DnL and Mourning a dedicated group trying to make a high quality product without extranious errors.
Sadly, even the best work on Planeshift has left people following it without a game for years now.
Infinity is more like a realistic space MMO... while EvE isnt.. i would say its a no to compare both side by side.
All canceled. Waiting on Warhammer Online : Age of Reckoning.
As for "no meat on the bones", you are forgetting that a combat prototype has been released. Granted it's not the game, but it's a taste of it, so you can't say it's all vaporware either.
Infinity: The Quest for Earth, space-sim MMO with a seamless procedural galaxy.
I, for one, can't wait for this game to deliver.
Eve, for all its revolutionary concepts, reached level where fundamental design compromises (star systems) are crippling the game play as it is.... and even though each star system is almost real life big, lack of ability to free warp as well as no accessible planetary bodies (and hosts of other issues making Eve effectively a small universe) contribute to actual lack of space and mystery in the game.
Actually, I just pretty much retired the game today (my in game name is Naal Morno) after pretty much achieving all a player can in the game (how much people can you kill camping, how many billions of ISK can you make, and still hope to discover something new in such small universe).
Can't wait for this one, I will take some time off from gaming to recharge for Infinity!
i like everything about this game, except, that you dont have an avatar
what is the fun of having billions of living and breathing planets if you cant get out of your ship and go explor them..
After i found the website and looked at evert 'screenshot' and watched all the movies i was impressed, i'm a Freelancer fan and i hope they look at that game for ideas also (the combat/flight controls) the best thing was flying from space onto the planet.
I hope it will be 'nothing like' EVE, tried that game expecting it to be 'like Freelancer' and i was quite dissapointed. I hope this game comes through.
Keep up the good work ^^.
You can check the EVE Suggestions Forums here at MMORPG.
But, Infinity looks interesting to say the least
So for the devs to strongly say, lets explore with vehicles as one's avatars is a strong bold move. It remains to be seen but kudos guys!
Its the step in the right direction
Infinity cannot be compared to EVE. Yea, firstly because Infinity is nowhere near completed and secondly because the developers has something totally unique in mind. The best example I can offer is this. I came across a Pool program, in the days I enjoyed playing Pool online. This was so long ago that I cannot remember the name but the programmers wrote a whole 3D pool game which, compiled, was no more than a 1 Meg, more like 466kb or something. I think it was a university physics project or something. But this little program impressed me more than complete commerial games found in stores using Gigs of space.
Now infinity is like this little program to me, compared to EVE.
I played EVE for months and after all these months of training, I was completely demolished in a few seconds by a player who have been playing for years. Thats all there is to EVE. SKill training and more skill training but NO SKILL! at all. And no fun unless you enjoy a linear universe confined to the amount of days you've been playing clicking around in space and waiting for your add-ons to activate and destroy the Angels while your character waits days to add 0.5% to the range of a railgun.
Infinity, can already generate an endless universe in photo realism using a procedure and nothing more. 1KB of infinity = 1 megabyte of EVE.
I'm excited about the prospects of infinity and wish the development team loads of success.
Actually it's more like a MMO version of Freelancer
actually think of yourselve as a ship avatar(AI) with a sential articficial brain... ya can explore so much more as a ship than by just walkin' 'round heheh
EvE is an existing game with years of development behind it so even if infinaty was released today it would have problems comparing to eve with all its years behind it.
However i want infinaty to work as it does seem to be a trully great game.
Im not sure if all of these are for good
ad 2)Collision systems are behind waypoint computung, the most CPU using computings. I dont like to know if there would be a computer not crashing trying to compute collisions in a PvP War with 400 players involved that all fly twitch based. SWG in space showed how ugly it can lag when too much players are involved in a fight, and that combined with twitch based flying is deadly. Dont get me wrong i love twitch based flying, if it works.
ad 3) I see no difference to EvE here. If you fly around with your capsule which is some metres long, you get an idea of how big things are in EvE, and the dimensions of the solar systems are completely correct, you just fly in warp with immense speeds.
ad 5) It sounds fantastic, but again im looking very suspect to such promises. Dynamic things are great, as long as they dont generate a massive lag. I just think here on an asteroid field with some hundreds to thousands asteroids and the data that needs to be sent to give every player there the coordinates and flying directions of all those thousand objects... its just impossible to realise this.
ad 6) If there is PvP planned ( i dunno but would be very bad), and great battles planed im not sure how good small traveling times are. It also means that opponents can be at your space station or whatever in a short time, in Eve distances are massive but if a fleet moves in your direction you know it coming an hour before it arrives and can plan a defence.
ad 17) Great feature (reminds me on SWG as it was a long time ago), but i hope they know what they do. SWG showed that players often find ways to get things uber, if there are ways to develope own items, or even have great impacts on the stats of items, players always found a way to get those items much too strong and imbalanced huge worlds with it..
So as you said, you didnt saw eve very long, its great game is in high end PvP and conquering Starsystems, not in the empire
I have been playing EVE for over 3 years now. Just recently having a break to play a fantasy mmo. VG. Not to get off topic I do like EVE offline skill system and if it wasnt for that I would have stopped years ago. Its nice to be able to take a month break and not lose experience but they should include XP for kills etc.
HOWEVER: Right now on my rig I have Jumpgate going. Its a 5 year old game and the graghics is slightly outdated. However I am enjoying it more than anything else. Why? Because the gameplay is great. Its a space sim and having the adrenalin rush of crashing into roids, stations, other ships etc. is nothing like click, warp, dock. Having to actually fly in combat is such a buzz no click and point can replace. So I have been seeking a game just like Jumpgate but with modern graghics, more players and active development. In the meantime I will get my fix with Jumpgate and at 10 dollars a month its worth playing until Infinity comes out. In fact if you want to see how a space sim works give it a go. Drove me nuts initially but now I realise how 2d EVE is. Please bring this game out. Besides being different to all the wAR, AoC type games we need a space sim for the hard core privateer, freelancer players out there!
Well I have played Eve and think it is a great game. I like how their skills are set up but it would be nice to have a little more control over the ship than they have. Infinity sounds great, except I don't like how you don't plan on having any skills or experience. It will basically be a space based FPS then.. I love space games, but in a MMO I think having some RPG elements like skills and XP would be nice. It give people something to achieve and is a good way to augment the "twitch" part... Just my two cents.
One difference is also that one is an actual existing game, and the other is vaporware.
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