Yeah, the title says it all. I was informed that buying the entire game from the station store costs a silly 150$, which is a cheap trick by SOE, as I see it. I still want the game, but can't find anywhere to buy it from... I live in Israel and would prefer to download the game directly to my computer.
Thanks alot!
The only way to get the entire game for less than that is to buy the boxed version of Echo's of Faydwar, it gives you the entire game, all the expansions, it doesn't give you the adventure packs. You can get it from best buy, game stop, ebgames, and dunno if they ship out to Israel for cheap though.
I know you want to be able to buy it all in digital download but...its just not gonna happen for less than 150 bucks usd. Its not really a cheap trick, they've been up front with this pricing plan from the get go.
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
But it's pretty vague as to how I'm supposed to actually get the game. can I really upgrade it from the trial?
As for the upgrading from trial. Yes you can upgrade from the trial, I did it when i first got the game.
As for the Fay pack with all the expansions! New egg has some!
Be cool to people, and try and stay cool that way you never have to regret making someone feel bad. Don't take what ya got granted because some people never get to feel happy. We get to play these great MMOs and surf a good site. Be thankful for what ya got and next time ya feel down imagine a fat sea otter waddling with a pillow and a night cap. Bam! smiles!
Onlinecdkey is a good choice for someone who can't find a retail copy in stores.