I'm a big fan of the SG series and can't wait for the release of this game, but what really bugs me is that I don't see how earning money will affect SGC personnel? As a member of the SGC, I can go into the armory before a mission and pick any weapon, or armor, I want. So what's the point of earning money?
It just doesn't seem plausible that I can "upgrade" my weapons somehow with the limited technology of earth. And I don't see the commanders letting me go to an off-world market to buy better weapons or weapon enhancers.
If they should introduce a space flight expansion for the game, as they did for Star Wars Galaxies, I again don't see government allowing me to buy my own spacecraft.
So the possibilities for humans seem fairly limited. Unless we're given the possibility to defect and become bounty hunters, smugglers, etc.
Mandark - Naritus - SWG
Mandark - Illidan - WoW
Mozart - Stonemaul - WoW
Mozart SWG - EvE Online
The Stargate show also has used naqahdah for trade in the universe at large. The SG1 team has traded it for ships, information and technology before.
from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stargate_materials
"Naqahdah is apparently also the standard medium of exchange within the area that is or has been under the dominion of the Goa'uld; weapons-grade naqahdah is preferred by the traders of the Lucien Alliance"
Give a man fire and he''s warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he''s warm the rest of his life.
The point you made about the SGC buying ships strikes me as odd too. You didn't mention me, the player, being able to buy a ship. So unless the SGC acts as a "guild" and is in a way instanced for every player within that guild, who's going to throw their hard earned naquadah out the window for the earth NPCs to become more powerful? -- This is of course a moot point, because I don't think ships will be implemented on release.
I really don't want to play devil's advocate here, as I'm quite excited about this game. I just figured someone with more time on their hands might have found answers to these questions.
As a last note, if the SGC does become a "group based faction," where players act in the good of earth as a whole, instead of themselves, I see a lot of people rolling Jaffa or G'auld to achieve that personal satisfaction most people crave in MMOs.
Mandark - Naritus - SWG
Mandark - Illidan - WoW
Mozart - Stonemaul - WoW
Mozart SWG - EvE Online
As for players 'buying' ships, I think it would only work in terms of missions. There was an SG1 episode where they needed a goa'uld transport in order to tarvel through space unoticed. There may have even been a few like that. I could see a mission where you had to 'buy' one of these ships in order to get to the next part of your mission which is in enemy territory.
Money may not be import at all. We don't know any game system details. It could be like counterstrike where you have like $500 to buy whatever equipment you need for each mission and the rest is up to you to 'aquire' in the field. There doen't look to be any 'houses' or loot that you can display and store or buy pets. No point. I think it would be even revolutionary to not have money or credits or influence. Your skills determine what you can use and you are allowed to take it from store rooms at your base or pick em up in the field.
Give a man fire and he''s warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he''s warm the rest of his life.
For concepts like star trek, they don't use any form of currency for exchange within the galaxies that are in their alliance of planets. However, they do use things (could be considered a type of currency) to trade with those outside of the alliance. It might be simply having each side work together on a project and both take advantage of the results (which is usually knowledge to create new equipment or advance into new technology).
For Stargate, there is a form of currency everywhere. In Stargate Atlantis, they also use ZPM's, medical supplies, weapons, food..etc as a form of currency.
So the concept of money in SG Worlds isn't so far fetched at all. It doesn't have to be called money either. In fact, to make things more interesting (assuming the game is gonna be a more intellectual game), there could be multiple forms of currency. Cash for buying things on earth only. You do want a house and other earthly items when your not on duty (you won't be traveling the universe every second of your game play)....so how about being able to upgrade your apartment to house (which could also influence your characters emotional stability or something).
For beyond earth, other items can be use as currency for trade and it can also tie into earths cash as well. for example, on earth it takes cash to invent and build new technology (ships, weapons, armors and alloys, forms of fuel or energy etc..). With newly created "Earth based" creations "bought with cash, you could then trade such items to less fortunate cultures on other planets for something of interest that they have. They could have a herb that would improve the healing medicines on earth, what would we trade to them for it? Anwything earth trades has to be bought with cash by someone on earth.
So while not using cash to literally buy new weapons and such that the military would or should provide to an off world team, there are plenty of things cash can be used for.
Also who says that you'll be automatically on a SGC Team at the start of the game. You might have to join the military or civilian scientist team, work your way up the ranks, then get on an SGC team. In which case, you'll need earth only funds right? What will alien technology do for you when you need to buy something from earth (a place where the people don't even know about the travels to other worlds by the SGC).
Anyway, that's how I see it and the possibilities. What the developers have in store for use, I don't know. Personally I don't like reading up on games as they are being developed. In the beginning yes, but I don't keep track after that except for game release dates. So I don't know exactly what the game will be like.
I always found it kind of stupid that the SGC would send out civilians, scientist with military escorts to unknown planets where anything you can imagine may happen, can happen and most likely will happen. So that standpoint, wouldn't it be in the best interest of earth to send well prepared people to these unknown planets.
For example, in the first year of Stargate Atlantis, they always sent Rodney Mckay out with the team and he always had a berretta or whatever pistol he carries. While wraith are shooting weapons with what seems unlimited ammo and not forgetting the fact it usually takes a lot more bullets than any pistol can hold to take down 1 wraith. A pistol isn't gonna do much as I've can't recall any episode where a pistol saved someone (rodney usually misses anything he shoots at).
So basically, it makes sense to me that for the purpose of traveling to unknown galaxies and exploring unknown worlds, earth would provide training to all members of SGC teams as well as give them top notch weapons regardless of rank. Fact that your on such dangerous missions would assume to me that you need to have all your team members well equipped, military or not.
In situations where scientiest are carrying equipment and such, yeah, it's understandable they can't walk around with a M249 or something, lol, but you can strap a P90 to your back, on your hip or anywhere. How about a grenade or two attached to your vest.
All I'm saying, if I was a scientist or civilian on an SGC team, I want what they have to protect myself. Heck a pistol don't even kill humans on earth half the time, what makes SGC think it will easily protect you or kill an alien of any nature. Especially given all the impossible things they've seen from various encounters.
Bottom line, No SGC member should step through a gate without top notch gear otherwise your asking for mission failure. Afterall, if the mission fails and you have the best equipment at your disposal, at least you can't say you lost because you didn't have the right equipment, lol.
By the way, Rodney Mckay now carries a p90 on most missions also. he still has his pistol, but I've seen him carry P90's before (guess based on the mission objective though). Daniel Jackson also was in the same boat at one time. heck, he didn't carry a weapon at all when he first joined the SGC. So I guess it would be a progression thing for game purposes.
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Mr.America (CoH)
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