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Interface suggestions

I dont know if these have been brought up before, as the I cannot get to the old forumns.

Make the sendmail a separate window, the same width and area, because i have inadvertantly changed to a different window after typing half the message only to realize that I have to retype it. Plus allow the use of the enter key in the mail message, some messages are real hard to read. If the windows and message writing areas are used with IE then place common tags that you can click on to change the outcome of the message. Allow the use of the arrow keys to move anywhere in the message and correct words or whatever u want when sending a message.

Add more options in the holdings window, to allow the filtering of certain colonies, like Personal colonies (ones that dont belong to your corp), Your corp colonies (the ones you make or steal), All Corp colonies, Colonies that are waiting on resources to build, Colonies that can be listed by what type of building they are producing at the moment. The holdings window should also allow a more indepth view of the colony, maybe have a popup when you  left click on it or right click on it.

A window that shows the settings of the game, yea I know it is in the log on screen, but it would be nice to have that information while in the game.

On the system/gallaxy view allow another window or the same to show a bigger view of that sector, that include the planets owned by you or your corp, either marked with some kind of distinguishing mark or somethng else, and the ability to see what type of planets are there (if you have been there before) either by graphic image of the planet or something else.

Also on the system/galaxy view when you select a place to go from where you are at, show a computed warpfuel usage according to what your current warp cast is.

Possibly a help button on each window that links to the starpedia which is related to that window.

I know some of these may require alot of overhead for the programmers, but I am sure it would be very appreciated by the users.




  • MushrOOmMushrOOm Member Posts: 6

    I like the idea of colonies filtering image

    I really think they should mark your colonies on the galaxy map and on the galaxy view window down in the bottom of your screen.  I also would like to be able to close that galaxy view window (like the rest of the windows), because it takes a lot of screen space and it bugs me during the battle.


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