This is a game where the person posts a response to the last person, a fact or two about themselves, and a question for the next person. Example:
Assuming the person above asked, "What are you reading?"
My response would be:
^ (to signify a response to the person above) "Imajica, by Clive Barker."
< (to signify a fact about myself) "I'm being trained in something new at work!"
V (to signify a question for the next poster) "Enjoys learning new things?"
The next person to post would begin with:
^ "Yes/No, I do/not enjoy learning new things"
< ("Something about the person, something they did, etc")
V ("Another question for the next poster")
Got it?
Let's try it!
I'll start. As there's no previous poster, I'll start with something about myself instead of an answer.
<I actually AM reading Imajica, by Clive Barker. Second book, in fact.
V Is enjoying the new MMORPG Forums?
^Yes I enjoy Learning new things
< I just completed my Access certification
V Do you prefer jam or honey?
*ignore please*
This game was done twice last week (
Can you resurrect one of those old threads )
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Jesus Christ, why don't you come save my life.
Open my eyes and blind me with your light
and your lies.