Unfortunately this game is 5 years too late. Ncsoft in it's strange wisdom decided to try and combine the graphics of WoW with the character classes of Diablo. I've played to lvl 10 and had enough of it. It's linear play and limited on much of what a free player can do. Why anyone would pay a monthly fee for this game eludes me. If I knew how to contact these people then I'd offer to sell them rust from my car to which I'm sure they would buy considering they pay to play this game.
Try it just so that you can say that you did, but spend your money on a better game.
(thanks to mmorpg.com for the free key, to bad it was only used for a short time).
Totally agree. This game might have been an absolute winner 5 years ago, but today it feels like just another clone of a clone. I thank mmorpg.com for my free key that I used for a couple of hours, but the game simply was not worth the time spent downloading, installing, yawning at & then uninstalling.
One annoying about the game is I felt that they kept ramming the sub option at you all the time - the only potions to drop (that I found) were "membership only" ones, the "click here to sign-up!" button is right above your main menu; I kept clicking on it instead of the buttons below it, minimising the game & opening a web browser.
As for paying for an account...I've some paint I'm willing to let you watch dry for a very reasonable price...
Well, I have just started my third character, a mage, to go with my uber fighter and nasty ranger. The fighter is a member, most likely the other two will become members soon.
This game does it for me, but it just depends on what you want. If you are an fan of the Eve style big death penaly, totally commited style game play then this is not for you. But if you want to waste a few hours killing mobs in your own dungeon then go for it.
As for paying for an account...I've some paint I'm willing to let you watch dry for a very reasonable price...
Maybe its just me but even if you are entertained by this game for more than 2 hours its worth the 5$ members fee. Youll spend double that going to a single movie, when you can have a members account for a month. Not everything can be free.
This game is great if you just want to jump into a dungeon crawl, similar to Diablo (with WoW graphics). The $5 a month is cheap, and well worth it if you like the chance at rare items. The weapons and armor are varied, and the game is pretty funny with its quest dialogue and item names. Consider it a fun escape from the 'big' MMO's when you get bored of them at times.
Are they serious about the following "and discover unique items!" Are there really UNIQUE items in the game. I have been tricked by that line before,
I used to visit this site a lot however in recent years it has become the home of negative forum posts, illogical opinions and tantrums so I visit less often.
Played or Beta'd: UO / DAOC / Horizons / EQ2 / DDO / EVE / Archlord / PirateKingsOnline / Tabula Rasa / LOTRO / AOC / Champions / Darkfall / Mortal Online / DCUO / Rift / STO / SWTOR / TSW
im still in the process of downloading. so should i just exit out now??
I instealed and played it for like 5 min then i exited then i deleted it and then i was like omfg i can't believe i just used bandwidth to download that im sorry isp im sorry router im sorry harddrive.
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"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
Downloaded it today- spent 20 mins online- obviously as a very low lvl still (3) its pretty dull atm. will try to reach higher lvl b4 I pass judgement. But someone earlier in the thread said its about 5 uears too late, on balnce- I would have to agree. Certainly wouldnt pay to play as it stands.
Try it just so that you can say that you did, but spend your money on a better game.
(thanks to mmorpg.com for the free key, to bad it was only used for a short time).
One annoying about the game is I felt that they kept ramming the sub option at you all the time - the only potions to drop (that I found) were "membership only" ones, the "click here to sign-up!" button is right above your main menu; I kept clicking on it instead of the buttons below it, minimising the game & opening a web browser.
As for paying for an account...I've some paint I'm willing to let you watch dry for a very reasonable price...
Well, I have just started my third character, a mage, to go with my uber fighter and nasty ranger. The fighter is a member, most likely the other two will become members soon.
This game does it for me, but it just depends on what you want. If you are an fan of the Eve style big death penaly, totally commited style game play then this is not for you. But if you want to waste a few hours killing mobs in your own dungeon then go for it.
Maybe its just me but even if you are entertained by this game for more than 2 hours its worth the 5$ members fee. Youll spend double that going to a single movie, when you can have a members account for a month. Not everything can be free.
I used to visit this site a lot however in recent years it has become the home of negative forum posts, illogical opinions and tantrums so I visit less often.
Played or Beta'd: UO / DAOC / Horizons / EQ2 / DDO / EVE / Archlord / PirateKingsOnline / Tabula Rasa / LOTRO / AOC / Champions / Darkfall / Mortal Online / DCUO / Rift / STO / SWTOR / TSW
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"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine