Hello all,
After playing many mmorpgs, I asked myself, " why am I playing these types of games?" With mmorpgs, no matter how powerful or popular you get, as soon as you hit logoff, you have literally gained nothing. I know that many play these games for the experiences you gain but could you not gain those experiences with friends just hanging out? With the time spent playing the games , which average hundreds of hours for the regular player, you could have spent that time doing something productive. This hit me a couple of months ago when I looked back at the hundreds of hours i spent playing DAOC. Man was that bad, I literally spent 2 months in real life ( 1440hrs) into that game, and when I quit.. what did I gain out of that? Nothing, nothing but a few fun experiences with guildmates. So my question to you is.. why do you play mmorpgs?
It is a great question and very difficult to answer.
(1) Fun - entertainment
(2) Adventure
(3) Challenge
(4) Keeps me out of trouble (believe it or not!)
(5) Sense of being in an actual fantasy world (or sci-fi world)
(6) Community (when it is not forced such as grouping, raiding although they can be fun too)
(7) Generally like to play games
2) Killing other players
3) Immersion
3) Achievement
4) Showing skill
5) I have friends abroad and we try to congregate online in a gaming environment.
Or something around all those lines....
I fell in love with MMO's because of a few things. First it was because online games never really end, like console games where you get to the game over and you just have to start all over. I like mmo's cause even if you get to end game you will get new exciting thingies in whatever expansion is released. Also, I loved the community.
I remember grouping in eq1 with a married couple in sweden, in the estate of unrest. We got our asses handed to us but it was a blast just conversing with them. So the expansive emmersive worlds and the wide variety of people who play them is what did it for me
I'm not a very hardcore MMO player, nor am I a pvp addict, but when I try one, it's usually because
1. I have friends to play with
2. I like exploring
3. I like collecting and trying out stuff
In the case where I'm STAYING on a MMO, it's usually because
1. I have friends to play with :P
2. The gameplay is great
3. The quests are fun to do
Then again... I don't like intense sessions of grinding, so the game REALLY has to be fun for me to keep playing.
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a robot foot stomping on a human face -- forever."
All i do all day is play CSS and MMORPGS.
I love them, I love the communities, and Ive always sucked at sports and said physical activities.
I have fun in that world and enjoy it, so I plan to stay in them.
Im a female game player. I play all sorts of games, from MMORPGS to first-person shooters, etc. And my reason for playing is to scare the living sht out of all the male gamers, YES, THERE ARE FEMALES ON THE INTERNET, AND YES, WE CAN OWN YOU BELIEVE IT OR NOT! =]
I think that is entirely a legitimate answer.
If you do not have much else to do, is the community in the game more important then?
Not to be rude but what exactly do you achieve? There is nothing you can physically get out of mmorpgs.
Overcoming challenges are achievements, no matter what they are, no matter if they're virtual.
Entertainment, mostly. Perhaps you are disillusioned with the fake achievements in MMOs?
Some rich people eventually get the same thoughts too: I gained so much moola, so what I get out of it? Happiness? The truth is we trick ourselves into cycles of material achievements.
So let's play games for entertainment, now.
I think that is entirely a legitimate answer.
If you do not have much else to do, is the community in the game more important then? That would all depend on the people.
If I can find a bunch of anime loving, fun people, that aren't complete asshats. Then yes, I can feel obligated to play.
Although, I solo a lot, so for me it normally ends up being a single player rpg with pvp.
The first reason is community. I am getting bored when i play rpgs or sth like that, because I know they will end. And you cant speak anyone or meet someone.
The 2nd reason is I like to get addicting to something. mmos are the powerfully addictable things.
I dont care about friens I met when I was playing mmo. Just need to meet someone different.
The simple answer is fun which to me is like coming up with a story in your head, what your character will do and look like and such, MMOs just let you act it out with other people, in theory at least.
So I would say that I value character creation, combat and community the most, all in a persistant world.
Don't you worry little buddy. You're dealing with a man of honor. However, honor requires a higher percentage of profit
erm because I'm a bit of a social outcast and much prefer playing games than dowing cider on a park bench with ma homies.
Nah I love MMO's, sometimes it can be abit depressing when you look back on how many hours you have actually played. I just get bored of normal games where MMO's you just never run out of content really. And all the other real players make the game so much for fun and interesting. It's fun befriending/agruing/owning/getting competetive/joking/poking other players. And its the closed thing to living in a real fantasy/sci-fi world which I think it most of us players dreams.
I think we all wish there were more girl gamers who are "o-so-sexy".
My blog:
you ask "what do you gain" , lol...ok....what do you gain from playing ANY video game? How about skiing , what do you gain from that? You can go running for free if you want to work out, so why do you have to pay all this cash to go ski if you don't "gain anything" from it????
Playing MMOs results in a lot of things.
1. Fun times. Getting gear, fighting, exploring and questing are often a lot of fun and are enjoyable. This is just like playing ANY type of game......
2. Meet people. You run into a lot of people playing MMOs. This might seem unimportant to you, but it's a lot of fun to get to know folks, joke around with them, and do things together in game as a team.
3. Save money. You aren't going out to the bar when you are playing. You also aren't buying 10 games a month if you play a single MMO for 2 years.
When the comet comes or the super volcano ends life on earth.....ask yourself....What did I GAIN from living?
Mostly because it stops me from doing the stupid things I do when I'm bored.
Also the social aspect is very stimulating for my sanity.
Played so far: 9Dragons, AO, AC, AC2, CoX, DAoC, DF, DnL, DR, DDO, Ent, EvE, EQ, EQ2, FoMK, FFO, Fury, GW, HG:L, HZ, L1, L2, M59, MU, NC1, NC2, PS, PT, R:O, RF:O, RYL, Ryzom, SL, SB, SW:G, TR, TCoS, MX:O, UO, VG, WAR, WoW...
It all sucked.