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I have been playing for 2 days now and this is what I have come to:
Since I am rather new, there might be options/functions I have not known about. Please do correct me were needed.
1. The ablility to see what level people are via the chat (like in WoW were shift+click on the nick in chat), making LookingForFellowship shouts easier.
2. zoom in/out of minimap.
3. chat bubbles option....yeah I hated them i the start, but now I realise how great they are. Its hard having the pay attention in the chat window all the time, when the poor guy next to you is trying to talk to you.
4. Kinship filters/options. The Kinship window is a joke. I cant filter out "just show online" players. I hate this, now if I short by name I get up every last member.
This is annoying, since I am in a rather big Kinship and when people ask if they want to group up, i have to go through the whole list to find out what level they are (once again the shift+click ability in WoW is greatly missed).
5. Ask a guard as in Everquest 2. There you could type in a NPCs name and you were directed to were he/she is. Very helpful when looking for the person to cash in a quest too. Also asking for vendors and other NPC services.
6. Different colors on NPCs and Player names. As it is now, its a massive mess. I have to turn off the names just to find the person with the little "ring" over his/her head among the crowd.
8. Ignore player notes. Would be nice to be able to make a short note as to why next to the player. Aslo having the date as to when you ignored the person.
9. LFG. Well really "Looking for Fellowship, but you get the idea. DDO had an amazingly great LFG system, why they did not implement the same system in this game is beyond me. They have only taken part of it into LOTRO. I am missing the "looking for class" etc.
10. Crafting. The crafting here is bad. THe idea is great. But "we" are too dipendint on other crafters to make parts needed. This is just making crafting a big BIG pain in the arse....this is the same aproch EQ2 had with lots of "parts" needed, but they also realised how a little too advanced it was and changed it.
I do hope they change it in LOTRO as well.
End tought.
I am really enjoying the game. But I still miss being able to play as "evil". I feeling of playing only "gay" characters is not very apealing. Think of WoW but only allowed to play as Alliance....ugg.....
I hope they follow the same strukture as City of Heroes and release an "Evil" expansion for the game. Opening up a PVP side to the game.
I miss DAoC
I premise that i was plesantly surprised with LOTRO that I've bought and in my free month (sadly I will prolly not renew for the moment, no, the game is fine, but my WoW guild suddenly came back to life and now a lot of RP activity is going on there... I'm officer and possible guild leader and leaving now would just ruin so many possbily great plans).
I found many of your suggestions really great. in order:
1) agreed.
2)More than that, a LEGEND on the big map. As it is, if i forget that the trainer A is in Michel Delving and where there, I have to go around like crazy to find them.
3)there is one
4)I've not joinmed a kinship yet... but there's a screenshot in the manual about them and it mention something like "Lifespan Rank 1". it is not mentioned in the manual anywhere that i could find. what the heck is the Lifespan rank and how it affects kinship??
5)aye. this would help a lot. I actually prefer WoW style, cannot find all npcs, true, but you get a easy to use menu for it maybe both systems!
7)? where is 7?
No other comments, I have not delved much into crafting yet... but I like that the tracking skill works a bit longer range than the mini-map.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
Thanks guys.
No I have not posted it in the main forums, maybe I should...
And yes, I did jump 7...just wanted to see if anyone actually read the whole thing and noticed. Good job mate! LOL
Thanks for the feedback on nr3. I didnt know about that. It should be on as default....ah well.
6. Different colors on NPCs and Player names. As it is now, its a massive mess. I have to turn off the names just to find the person with the little "ring" over his/her head among the crowd.
Actually, you can customise the colors of the names of pratically everything in the "options" menu.
Click on the column title for Last Online - It will change the order of the members of your kinship and put online members at the top of the list.
It will never happen... sorry to break that to you. The devs have stated repeatedly that playing an evil character outside monster play won't happen. This is because it conflicts with Tolkien's lore, and the devs would have to rip big holes in it to include playable evil classes and races outside of monster play. It also has big story continuity problems (like Uruk Hai being completely slaughtered at the Battle of Helms Deep). Evil races in Tolkien's book also don't have any cities, or areas of commerce - or even a need to trade - they just take what they want. I heard that Turbine had a hard enough time convincing Tolkien Enterprises to include Monster Play... so I imagine playing evil classes or races is a HUGE no.
I agree with Turbine too - and for many reasons. I think it would break the game to have evil playable classes and races and PvP in the traditional MMO sense.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news... Your other points I agree with though. Post in the LOTRO forum if you really want the devs to take notice - and get feedback from players.
Really? I will have to check that out when I get home. The only color change I found was chat. Thanks for the heads up.
Click on the column title for Last Online - It will change the order of the members of your kinship and put online members at the top of the list.
Yes I know, but this way they are not listed alfabeticly, making finding a member level a pain. Very annoying when in a big one like I am. But thanks anyways.
It will never happen... sorry to break that to you. The devs have stated repeatedly that playing an evil character outside monster play won't happen. This is because it conflicts with Tolkien's lore, and the devs would have to rip big holes in it to include playable evil classes and races outside of monster play. It also has big story continuity problems (like Uruk Hai being completely slaughtered at the Battle of Helms Deep). Evil races in Tolkien's book also don't have any cities, or areas of commerce - or even a need to trade - they just take what they want. I heard that Turbine had a hard enough time convincing Tolkien Enterprises to include Monster Play... so I imagine playing evil classes or races is a HUGE no.
I agree with Turbine too - and for many reasons. I think it would break the game to have evil playable classes and races and PvP in the traditional MMO sense.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news... Your other points I agree with though. Post in the LOTRO forum if you really want the devs to take notice - and get feedback from players.
Really? Damn.
To be honest I have not yet tested out the Monster play. Its just arena fighting but with "monsters" right?
At this point, crafting is by far the weakest link. While a couple of classes can do OK, crafting overall is pretty lame, half finished, and missing a whole lot of things that other games have had for years.
Oh yeah, and the Auction Hall UI and filters suck.
They got most of the game right, but they sure fell down on the crafting. Excellent basics, but very poor implentation.
They really need to fix the Auction House UI ... but it's so glaringly obvious that it's not working, that I think they will likely sort it out in the coming big update. Crafting is also going to get the love patch with that update too. All hope is not lost . The game is very new and we have a lot to look forward to. We have the basic structure of the game with a hell of a lot of content at release - and it works well for the most part. That's far more than can be said for most new releases.
It will never happen... sorry to break that to you. The devs have stated repeatedly that playing an evil character outside monster play won't happen. This is because it conflicts with Tolkien's lore, and the devs would have to rip big holes in it to include playable evil classes and races outside of monster play. It also has big story continuity problems (like Uruk Hai being completely slaughtered at the Battle of Helms Deep). Evil races in Tolkien's book also don't have any cities, or areas of commerce - or even a need to trade - they just take what they want. I heard that Turbine had a hard enough time convincing Tolkien Enterprises to include Monster Play... so I imagine playing evil classes or races is a HUGE no.
I agree with Turbine too - and for many reasons. I think it would break the game to have evil playable classes and races and PvP in the traditional MMO sense.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news... Your other points I agree with though. Post in the LOTRO forum if you really want the devs to take notice - and get feedback from players.
Really? Damn.
To be honest I have not yet tested out the Monster play. Its just arena fighting but with "monsters" right?
Not exactly. The Ettenmoors is a huge zone that is fought over by players. There are fortifications that can be captured and held by either side - and full of really nasty Elite NPC's of whatever faction controls it (the monsters of the players). The zone is full of PvP based quest objectives; Monster Players can expect such goodies as: go collect hobbit legs for food, and various other nefarious and amusing objectives.
All Monsters start out as Level 50, but are pretty weak for this level, and decently equipped Level 40 players can defeat them. Choice of monsters and descriptions are as follows:
Orc Reaver: Savage, brutal and deadly, the Orc-reaver is at home on the field of battle - and few places else. His swift attacks and ability to dual-wield weaponry make him a formidable foe. When pressed, the Orc-reaver is capable of tapping the strength of his blood to become a frenzied warrior who rains blows on his enemy with frightening speed.
Spider-Weaver: Cunning, patient and fearsome, the Spider-weaver’s home is not within the heart of the battle, but rather at its edges, where she can best employ her strengths and shield her weaknesses. With poison, clinging webs and the ability to burrow beneath the ground, the Spider-weaver is a mistress of woe who skulks on the fringes of battle.
Uruk Blackarrow: Accurate, vindictive and violent, the Uruk-blackarrow employs the bow against his foes, striking from behind the front-line warriors of Angmar’s army. Employing fire and the deadly gifts of shadow from Angmar, the Uruk-blackarrow is a potent foe who drives his arrows deep into his targets’ midst.
Uruk Warleader: On the battlefield, the Uruk-warleader shines as a warrior on the front line and an inspiration to his allies. Through mocking, humiliation and force of will, the Uruk-warleader can inspire the meekest of troops to greatness. His fearsome howls augment his strong arm and shield to make his blows all the more deadly.
Warg Stalker: At home in a pack or stalking the woods silent and stealthy, the Warg-stalker strikes suddenly and does not offer escape to his foe. Strong jaws, hardened claws and fierce determination drive the Warg-stalker, making him one of the most feared opponents in battle.
All the monsters can be upgraded with your characters' combined destiny pools, and can buy traits and skills with the points. They can also earn money and destiny points of their own by completing quests. They don't use equipment, but you can buy armour and equipment traits/upgrades with the money you get from selling trophies by looting the cold, dead corpses of Men, Elves, Dwarves and Hobbits.
It's an odd system, but it works pretty well. Because the game is new, it might take a little while for the Ettenmoors to be in full swing with level 40+ characters running around, but at least it gives you a head start to get your Monster kitted out and Skilled up for the coming fights.
Hope this helps.
Not dumbed down, but instead making crafting product more viable
"Before this battle is over all the world will know that few...stood against many." - King Leonidas
<blockquote><i>Originally posted by Kelvets</i>
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<p>6. Different colors on NPCs and Player names. As it is now, its a massive mess. I have to turn off the names just to find the person with the little "ring" over his/her head among the crowd.</p>
<p><strong> Actually, you can customise the colors of the names of pratically everything in the "options" menu.</strong><br />
Well I am at my computer with the game on, and I fail to see were you can change the color of the NPC names. Only chat like I mentioned can be changed.
Please instruct me how to do this.