Half the people like this game.
The other half hate it.
Many call it a "WOW" clone
Some call it innovative.
Could I get some feedback about how this game is a wow clone (in other words, explain how it is similar to WOW)
And could someone also say some new features or stuff or innovation or whatever...
thanks yall
Half hate it + other half hate it = everyone hates it? Think you might wanna edit your post before you get flamed for an error..
Np , didnt want your thread to become derailed for stupid reasons.
See you in the dream..
The Fires from heaven, now as cold as ice. A rapid ascension tolls a heavy price.
Well I for one as you can see thru my posts I love the game!
I have been playing mmo's since the late 90s. I remember when Ultima Online hit the shelves! I was so damn happy! I had played the Ultima series on my Commodore 64 during them days and finally they were releasing a Online Ultima! woot! Alot of ppl hated this game too. They said it was way too hard and that they borked the Ultima line.
As time progressed Evercrack came out and got stuck playing that game for over 2 years till Anarchy Online came out. Now here was a unique came with a SciFi twist. People that played Evercrack said Dark Age of Camelot sucked and vice versa.
Then SWG came out (not to Star Warsy ppl claimed), then Evercrack 2 (All Flash, no substance) and at almost the same time World of Warcraft.
People said World of Warcraft was a POS, it was too cartoony and too damn kiddish. Well #s speak for that game.
So the whole moral to this post is this. Your going to have people that love and hate the game no matter what.
Take my advice, try it out for yourself, if you dont like it, so be it. But if 250k peeps say its fun while the other 50k thinks its a POS.
Who cares what people think, just enjoy the game you want to play, even if its Hello Kitty Online or Toon Town
UI: even more customizable than WoW
Storyline: actually makes you feel part of something and keeps you going
Gameplay: same old same old but grinding doesnt feel like grinding
Content: we will have to see but its looking good
Endgame: sucks right now but they clearly WONT cater for the hardcore 10% of players who reach 50 in 2 weeks and need hardcore instances
any way that is all MY OPINION
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds
-Solid non level based game
-Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
I love the game, but a wow clone this is not. Wow is geared mostly for people that love to PVP, hardcore players, and teens. LOTRO is geared to casual players, fantasy lore lovers, and adults. They are a different community all together.
When you look at the half that hate it ask them why, is the graphcis?? when I seet his responce I'm more apt to believe that the person in question did not play the game for the graphics are very nice, and the character models were extreemly improved since beta so anyone who didn't play it recently and only in beta doesn't know the current state of the game.
WoW clones, every game is a WoW clone according to the people making the claim. Yes LOTRO took some elements that seem familiar to WoW, but hey WoW took those same elements from other games. But like I said it is not a WoW clone. For one, this game has a very nice overarch storyline to follow. You are not set mindless grinding on poor little boars for in this game the majority of your xp comes from completing the quest, not killing X beast for the xp. Roleplaying is huge within LOTRO which is nonexistent in WoW. And there are many other differences, again question the person that calls it a WoW clone for those people are haters of all things not WoW and you should be weary of their statements.
How is this game a WoW clone, well for one you play online with other people. You have a hotbar on the screen which is customizeable. Some races are shared between the games, but the professions are not. Other then those shared visuals, lotro is not similar to WoW at all. The combat systems, class and race systems, advancement systems, raid systems, are completely different from eachother. Yes you will have to kill npc's to finish a quest, but as I said above, the xp comes from finishing and turning in the quest, and not so much from killing the npc.
Is the game innovatice? actually yes it is, but not for the reason that you may think. To be innovative does not necessarily equate to introducing something new into the genre. LOTRO is innovative in the simple fact that they took the best elements of mmo's, constructed a world rich with lore, provided a completely stable client engine, and polished the dang thing before release. No other game has actually done all the things that LOTRO did for launch (mostly the polish, most games deal with polish after launch and lotro dealt with it before launch and its been hugely praised, and this is interesting that a most ly polished released game receieves so much praise). So the most innovative thing lotro did was polish the game before launch. Other then that there is nothing new, but you will find everything you love in mmos and presented to you in a simple, easy to understand format, and people love it.
In reality, it simply comes down to you picking up a copy of the game and trying it out for yourself or try to get a buddy key and try it out, or play at a friends computer. LOTRO is currently one of the hottest selling mmo's, one of the best launched mmo, and people like it. Try it out for yoruself and see if you like it or not. But if your looking for something to replace WoW then you'll be sorely disappointed.
the game is a "WoW clone" in the sense that it is casual-oriented, you can solo for good part of the game, it is easy to get in but hard to master, it is quest based, grind is reduced to a minimum, graphics more based on artistic style than sheer technical power, classes completely different from each other, focus on the PvE part.
It has some innovative features, like the Trats and deeds system, Monster play, a clever use of instances and some others.
I would not call it a innovative game, though, but that does not make it a bad game, on the contrary! LOTRO is quite the quality product. We should really pray that companies start taking examples and publish ONLY finished stuff.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
The whole WoW clone thing is silly. A clone is an identical copy, with the same DNA. Not only do LotRO and WoW not share the same code, they don't even use the same engine as the starting point.
Saying that they are nonetheless identical because of some play mechanisms is like saying that one car is a clone of any other, because they have four wheels, an engine, and the crushing proof...??? They have the brake pedal, accelarator pedal, and even the steering wheel in the exact same places...
It really sounds like something some marketing firm came up with to knock the competition with; superficially reasonable, but with no foundation in fact.
Whoah... prepare yourself some some seriously heated discussions, flames and trolls in this thread... heheh.
Calling it a WoW clone is a bit unfair, imo. Why? ... because WoW isn't original in the first place. WoW pretty much copies what is good from all the MMOs that came before it, and did that reasonably well - as its popularity attests. But WoW is hardly an original and isn't really innovative at all, apart from it's item system maybe; copied in part from Diablo.
LOTRO had done more or less the same thing, but I think Turbine did a better job here. They also did a good thing by totally focusing on PvE, and not catering to the PvP crowd... well, the tradional idea of PvP anyway.
So the innovation of LOTRO?
Well... because of the solid, original IP, which most people are familiar with, they could make it story driven. You get to play a real part in the story of Lord of the Rings - but it isn't quite innovative, because that idea has already been done by Matrix Online to some extent. MxO didn't really make it gel well enough in my experience though, so such a concept actually working well with a MMO is indeed something new for me. Turbine has done a great job with this, making the game more about the journey, than the destination (as commented upon in another post).
The in game /music system. A great innovation for roleplaying. Actually playing live music in game using your keyboard? - fantastic. I like that.
The shift of the grind from mobs to quests is something new for me also. It's a good system, especially as the quests are very well written and actually interesting to read. The scripted quests are great experiences.. but not new - EQ's Lost Dungeons of Norrath started all that - I think.
Monster play is reasonably new too, although it isn't a new idea (EQ played around with it, if I remember rightly). It fills the PvP hole quite well though, even though it's not in the tradional sense of PvP. Purely consensual and a lot of fun to play a monster against players for the thrill of competition, without many of the class balance drawbacks of other games. That's a very good, and well thought out compromise, imo.
Farming and growing weed (pipe weed I mean) is pretty innovative for trade skills. SWG might have had it, but I never got around to playing that (thankfully, after what SOE did to it), so I'm not entirely sure. Growing your own veg and smoking your own weed is something new for me though... plus those different shaped smoke rings are a nice, but unhealty, touch. Adds a nice LOTR touch to RP.
Deeds and Traits system. Not really new, but a nice new twist to get skills, abilities and titles from things like exploration, using certain skills a lot, killing certain creatures a lot, completing quests in different areas, or people using /bow /hug /beg emotes on you a lot.
Biggest innovation for me is - playing in a world that I know so very well - even before I had played the game. This is unique for me and I guess SWG comes close, but I didn't know the Star Wars universe as well as I know Middle Earth. It is because Middle Earth is so well documented; there's a wealth of information about it, right down to the finest details. Hell, even some of the languages are complete - Elven is Elven... I see hardcore roleplayers communicating in it sometimes.
Anyway... that's how I see it.
Killerwig is right about the game features of course; but a checklist of features doesn't capture the elusive magic quality of fun. Some people can't tell a joke well, and never learn; some games are simply not fun. LotRO for some mysterious art of the designers, is fun. That's what counts, not whether some other game did or did not use a similar task bar.
Incidentally, the odds of liking the game are at roughly 90% yes, 10% no, based on guildmates count.
LOTRO is awsome, i like very much .
quit WOW already
I played WOW and enjoyed it. Before that I played EQI and EQII and DAOC among others and enjoyed some of them as well. I doubt seriously though that if I had never played a game like EQI and played it today as a new game that I would be impressed. EQI had a huge community, and some great lore and was pretty awesome however I cannot see myself spending months finishing one quest or waiting for 48 hours for a spawn or doing six hour corpse runs. I played Vanguard which also was supposed to be more hardcore but it wasn't the difficulty that bothered me with that game. It was the fact that it felt unfinished and ininspired at every turn.
The one thing I noticed so far with LoTRs is that I feel an indentity with my dwarf right out the gate. Great background story and a nice opening nubee experience is something that few games get right. I felt how evil my Dark Elf was and why he was that way when I played EQI and I felt the same with my dwarf in LOTRs.
Is LoTRs a WOW clone? To some degree it is getting compared to WOW because it is:
1. Easy to get going in the game
2. The graphics are less overly textured and bogged down ala VG
3. It is polished and stable and can be played well on low to high end systems.
These are all things that are common sense that all MMORPGs should do but we associate these traits with WOW because most games lately have decided to skip polish, optimization and ease of play. I would think they shouldn't even be an option? You can be shooting for a hardcore game, a pvp game, an epic carebear storyline or some combo of any of these styles and it still should have these things that are now considered WOWish.
While I wasn't a big fan of WoW, I absolutely adore LOTRO. Best advice is try it for yourself and get to level 15 atleast before making your decision.
And nice blog btw...
Wow if you think the LoTRO graphics are not to parr. You better get yourself a better rigg!
and here is my pic from the game.. I may not have a super computer like most and my system is only 1 year old, but this is me at Rivendell.