Not my name, but I found the most popular name in America..
There are 5,022,497 people in the U.S. with the first name James. Statistically the 1st most popular first name. 99.7 percent of people with the first name James are male.
There are 3,036,438 people in the U.S. with the last name Smith. Statistically the 1st most popular last name.
James Smith
There are 50,526 people in the U.S. named James Smith.
There are 1,477,471 people in the U.S. with the first name Daniel.
Statistically the 16th most popular first name.
99.49 percent of people with the first name Daniel are male.
Names similar to Daniel: Dan
There are 0 people in the U.S. with the last name ------ :P.
This name is not found in our database, this means the name is relatively uncommon. Click here for more details. So i do not exist...sweet they will neva catch me for robbery!
There are 634 people in the U.S. with the last name Me. Statistically the 41520th most popular last name. I beleive i found the least last common name that anyone could want! HELLO MR. ME
hey stop talking to yourself...
There are 298,814 people in the U.S. with the first name Johnny.
Statistically the 211th most popular first name.
98.48 percent of people with the first name Johnny are male.
There are 1,207 people in the U.S. with the last name Star.
Statistically the 23273rd most popular last name.
Jeremy Star
There is 1 person in the U.S. named Jeremy Star.
Agent_X7 AKA J Star [/URL] Notice: The views expressed in this post are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of or its management.
Honestly, I am rather surprised by how common my first name is and how uncommon my last name is. I grew up thinking that Kimberly was a rather uncommon name. Obviously I was wrong!
Not my name, but I found the most popular name in America.. James
There are 5,022,497 people in the U.S. with the first name James. Statistically the 1st most popular first name. 99.7 percent of people with the first name James are male.
There are 3,036,438 people in the U.S. with the last name Smith. Statistically the 1st most popular last name.
James Smith
There are 50,526 people in the U.S. named James Smith.
There is someone on this planet who named his daughter James...
There are 10,881 people in the US that have the same name as I do!! LOL!! My name is a fairly common Irish name. I beleive there is a even major Irish government offficial who shares the same name as I do except he uses the Gaelic spelling and pronunciation. I even worked with another guy that had the same first and last name as I did but a different middle name. I'm sure that 10,881 would shrink greatly if the search allowed me to input a middle name. Great site by the way!
Not my name, but I found the most popular name in America.. James
There are 5,022,497 people in the U.S. with the first name James. Statistically the 1st most popular first name. 99.7 percent of people with the first name James are male. Smith There are 3,036,438 people in the U.S. with the last name Smith. Statistically the 1st most popular last name. James Smith There are 50,526 people in the U.S. named James Smith.
There is someone on this planet who named his daughter James... Considering thats my name, I feel very un-special.
There are 21,129 people with my first name (1257th most popular first name), and 2,686 people with my last name (11756th most popular last name), yet there are zero people with my name.
There are considerably more people, statistically speaking, likely to be running around with my birth name + maiden name, since they are 237 and 179 in the popularity rankings, respectively. My maiden name is so common that not only are most of the people with it not related to me, about half of them aren't the same race as me. It's GenericName179.
(('Ssshhh... don't tell my husband I just married him for his last name. It's got a Q in it! ))
... This is where I draw the line: __________________.
* There are 30,185 people in the U.S. with your first name. * Statistically the 1057th most popular first name. * More than 99.9 percent of people with the first name Darin are male.
* There are 3,169 people in the U.S. with your last name. * Statistically the 10268th most popular last name.
* There are 0 people in the U.S. with the same name as you.
If I'm not in the U.S., where am I? IT'S A CONSPIRACY!!!!
Not my name, but I found the most popular name in America..
There are 5,022,497 people in the U.S. with the first name James.Statistically the 1st most popular first name.
99.7 percent of people with the first name James are male.
There are 3,036,438 people in the U.S. with the last name Smith.Statistically the 1st most popular last name.
James Smith
There are 50,526 people in the U.S. named James Smith.There are 54,330 people in the U.S. with the first name Grant
I'm from the UK and whats weird is i've never met or known anyone with my name
There are 274,668 people in the U.S.
Whats weird is i've never met anyone with my surname in the UK......
There are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.
There are 1,477,471 people in the U.S. with the first name Daniel.
Statistically the 16th most popular first name.
99.49 percent of people with the first name Daniel are male.
Names similar to Daniel:
There are 0 people in the U.S. with the last name ------ :P.
This name is not found in our database, this means the name is relatively uncommon. Click here for more details.
So i do not exist...sweet they will neva catch me for robbery!
Statistically the 41520th most popular last name.
I beleive i found the least last common name that anyone could want! HELLO MR. ME
hey stop talking to yourself...
Agent_X7 AKA J Star
Notice: The views expressed in this post are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of or its management.
Name: Kimberly
lol had alot of fun with this thanks
There are 10,881 people in the US that have the same name as I do!! LOL!! My name is a fairly common Irish name. I beleive there is a even major Irish government offficial who shares the same name as I do except he uses the Gaelic spelling and pronunciation. I even worked with another guy that had the same first and last name as I did but a different middle name. I'm sure that 10,881 would shrink greatly if the search allowed me to input a middle name. Great site by the way!
Live long and prosper
Balls to the wall.
Well, looks like I now have a hit list of 99 people who stand in my way of having a one of a kind name.
But if you think about it if I count my middle names, then I strongly doubt that anyone has my name, so YAY! I Win!
Don't you worry little buddy. You're dealing with a man of honor. However, honor requires a higher percentage of profit
There are 21,129 people with my first name (1257th most popular first name), and 2,686 people with my last name (11756th most popular last name), yet there are zero people with my name.
There are considerably more people, statistically speaking, likely to be running around with my birth name + maiden name, since they are 237 and 179 in the popularity rankings, respectively. My maiden name is so common that not only are most of the people with it not related to me, about half of them aren't the same race as me. It's GenericName179.
(('Ssshhh... don't tell my husband I just married him for his last name. It's got a Q in it! ))
This is where I draw the line: __________________.
42 with the same name as me.
Not even Americian ...
"The True North Strong and Free"
"Faith Manages"
LOL nobody has my last name!!! Hehe actually there are only about 20 or so in the world with my last name.
*edit* actually there are a few people in the world with my last name as a first name... A composer and a psychologist
*edit* on another note there are 3,108 people in the US with my last name as a first name and 99.9% are women! w00t!
If I'm not in the U.S., where am I? IT'S A CONSPIRACY!!!!