This free 14-day trial entails no obligations. It does not require your credit card information. You will simply need to provide us with your e-mail address and NCsoft® will immediately send you a 14-day trial serial code (NOTE: Only one serial code will be sent to an e-mail account), along with instructions for creating a free PlayNC™ master account. You will then use the serial code to add the Auto Assault® 14-day trial to your account.
Hey lustmord - if u decide to go Mek - pm me in game - Drummzz7 - and I'll hook u up with some clink to get u started Welcome to the game!! - hope u stay
This free 14-day trial entails no obligations. It does not require your credit card information. You will simply need to provide us with your e-mail address and NCsoft® will immediately send you a 14-day trial serial code (NOTE: Only one serial code will be sent to an e-mail account), along with instructions for creating a free PlayNC™ master account. You will then use the serial code to add the Auto Assault® 14-day trial to your account.
Answered my own question