Hey Samuraisword. My mom is currently dating, she has four kids, including me. She's been single since my sister was born, when I was 6. Now I'm 14, and she's finally got a BF. She wants me and my siblings to meet him. But I believe you when you say children need a positive male role model, as well as a positve female role model. Because I've been in trouble with the law in the past 3 months, 4 times. I'm on probation because of it. I'm not happy about it, but when I need to talk to someone. I talk to my computer. Yes my computer, funny isn't it? No, I'm afraid to talk to my mom about anything because I'm afraid she won't understand. And she probraly won't because she's not a guy. But if she gets married, screw the computer. But until then, my computer is my best friend. Unless you want me to talk to my XBox or Gamecube?
I understand that but it does not mean you have to play wow 12 to 16 hours a day:) There are many hotlines and counslers you can talk to, I know you may not want to but its a possibility. And I know your mom might not understand but have you tried? You really do not know for sure unless you actually try. Just tell her the truth in how you feel dont be afraid but dont be rude either.
I understand that but it does not mean you have to play wow 12 to 16 hours a day:) There are many hotlines and counslers you can talk to, I know you may not want to but its a possibility. And I know your mom might not understand but have you tried? You really do not know for sure unless you actually try. Just tell her the truth in how you feel dont be afraid but dont be rude either.