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I just started diplomacy and I must say im loving this aspect of the game. Its quite addictive after you learn the basics. One thing I would love to see them(sigil) add is Diplomatic PvP. Where you can parlay with other players. Someone mentioned in another thread that the game needs more reasons for people to congregate and Diplomatic PvP seems like it would be fun.
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
How would you suggest this work exactly?
For example, half way through the parley I see that my opponent has the upper hand. I get out my sword and slice his throat. He dies, I win some money. The end.
Nice thought, and I've often thought about it myself, but sadly impractical.
It would be consensual of course. There could be some sort of diplomatic honor point system. You could spend honor points on "stuff". I guess there would be some sort of level range restriction cause lord knows we wouldnt want a bunch of diplomatic ganking going on...
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
It would be VERY funny that is for sure.
I can't see this being hard to implement either. We already have the cards and the mechanics are thier to play. Just a matter of writing it so that two players can play each other.
Imagine standing in a bar with another diplomat and parlaying with them to increase your poloitical standing with whatever faction. It would be like poloticians debating with each other to gain the favor of voters.
I think the problem would be, will people enjoy playing the card game as just a card game with the reward being increaded diplomacy, but no storry to go along with the game. Personally I find the card game to be enjoyable enough that I would really rather play another living person then an NPC. Kinda like playing magic the gathering. I mean, it is a collectable card game, and I enjoy those kinds of games.
Maybe we could also win cards based on the number of wins against other players.
It'd be a pretty cool mini-game of sorts to pass the time with around town, or before a raid or somesuch. I wouldn't hinge any major gameplay advancements on it though, such as gaining coin in real PvP or similar.
I'm also reminded of some bad Jr. High rules over Magic: the Gathering that led to a lot of suspensions and detention from nerd arguments and fist fights whenever this topic comes up; the winner of a Diplomatic PvP "duel" being allowed to take a card from the losing player used during the parley. I think that'd be cool if any advancement opportunities were added to it.
I could see it on a PvP server. I play on Theridon so everyone is open for me to kill them. If I can group with my enemy, then I don't see a problem getting into a diplomatic duel with them.
Hell, if I lose I can just kill them afterwards for revenge.
I could see it on a PvP server. I play on Theridon so everyone is open for me to kill them. If I can group with my enemy, then I don't see a problem getting into a diplomatic duel with them.
Hell, if I lose I can just kill them afterwards for revenge.
Good point; folks already have to co-exist in other ways without baring fangs, so PvP Diplomacy would just be one more.Of course, that sounds like a lot of work if a comprehensible story is the goal, so it's probably not possible. If they follow the same mold of pre-scripted parleys though that has nothing to do with card choices, it'd be cool if Sigil at least made the dialogue based on a random seed of choices, specific to different regions. i.e. parleying player conversations would be about something crafting related if they were standing in the Crafting Forum of Khal, but another duo's parley text in the same spot wouldn't likely be the same based on random chance.
Of course, that sounds like a lot of work if a comprehensible story is the goal, so it's probably not possible. If they follow the same mold of pre-scripted parleys though that has nothing to do with card choices, it'd be cool if Sigil at least made the dialogue based on a random seed of choices, specific to different regions. i.e. parleying player conversations would be about something crafting related if they were standing in the Crafting Forum of Khal, but another duo's parley text in the same spot wouldn't likely be the same based on random chance.
I agree with you.
I wouldn't be interested in a story for PvP itself. This could enhance the RP ability of diplomacy duels as well.
And the story in the PvE aspect I think would be an enormous undertaking if they tied responces to specific cards.