if there are any invites still available I would love to get involved, never been involved in the early stages of games and would love to be in on the ground floor. liznpete@bigpond.net.au
Dungeon Runners is now an open game. Simply go to the website and click "Become a Dungeon Runner", or whatever link is appropriately close to that. No more invites are required, folks; just go sign up and hop in.
Will chain it out if I get one
Thank you in advance
I'll invite others.
if it isnt too late I would appreciate an invitation to Dungeon Runner.
My email is runlok2000@yahoo.fr
Could I Please have an invite.
I'm not sure what happened to my post but i can't seem to find it, so i'll post it again. If anyone has an invite left, i'd greatly appreciate it!
My email is: dreamstation01@hotmail.com or send me a PM here!
Cheers guys
My email is MMoMoneys@hotmail.com Thanks in advance!
Hi all,
if there are any invites still available I would love to get involved, never been involved in the early stages of games and would love to be in on the ground floor. liznpete@bigpond.net.au
greetz Anvar
Looking forward to giving Dungeon Runner a try.
Would be very grateful for an invite. My E-Mail is hackez@comcast.net
i would l;ike an invite plz...
thnx in advance
Please E-mail me at Krookedt2k7@Gmail.com
I would truley appreciate it.
Check out the MUD I'm making!