Stacks are annoying, you know 20 people standing together with 6 priests but other than that shadowbane is very fun pvp when done in small scale. (non bane)
I think they should tone down ALL AoE dmg and ALL aoe heals and pvp would be awesome. Kill off the stacks and you have a great game imo.
there are several ingame mechanics, not to mention class/discipline powers that can be used to handle stack fighting.
Infact, guilds who still use stack fights are rather easy to beat.
Too be honest it reminds me of how they used to fight wars back in the 1600's when two army's would line up and shoot each other. Dumb.
Players stack up because when an aoe goes off it can only effect 8 players. So if everyone stacks up, the aoe's would only kill 8 players at a time.
The sad part is the only way to kill a stack is with another bigger stack with aoes and heals.
Stacks eliminate the need for skill in pvp and are used often.
My guild would use a group of fully buffed, defensive suicide sentinals to rush the stack and let loose with their big bombs, causing everyone to either scatter or die. Then the rest of the would clean up. Was a nice tactic on the lore server being a holy/church guild. Not sure how effective it would be on other servers or with any changes that have happened since we last played.
I still think its the best free game out, and small scale pvp in hot zones 2 vs 2 , 1 v 3 , 4 vs 4 etc an be very fun.
Note: if your going to play the only good server left is vindication (loreplay).
Mourning: all the hacked,duped,fc gear ended up here on this trashcan.
Wrath: was good but the asians are establishing control. RIP Wrath.
Redemption and Braialla: 97% asian control. These two servers "died" average population 20-50 total.
Im guessin that most of the people who played shadow bane have heard of dark fall. If not then darkfall is a game that is still i development, there is much debate about whether it's vapor ware or pure genuis. Its top features are Open pvp (no safe zones anywere),an extensive crafting system, collision detecting (thats right no stacking), and its skill based (no levels).
ps: sorry for all the:( ) i assume some people here might not get my point.
thats if it comes out. And if they put in all the features they said they will. And it its not all bugged to hell
Mourning, Dark and Light, Roma Victor, all made big promises. how did those turn out?