I love conspiracy theories, even if most of them are absurd. I was hoping to hear a few that I haven't heard before. My current favorite is a very local one central to Florida and Gulf of Mexico's American coast.
There are these creatures we call lovebugs. They are hated by the population. They have a larval stage, and then they reach adulthood and mate. When they mate, two bugs will join at the ends of their bodies, and they will stay that way (this is why they're called lovebugs). They will fly together, the male will die, and the female will continue dragging its corpse around. They appear every summer, around April or May, since that's their mating season. Then, they absolutely swarm. The things look almost like they're floating as they fly, and it seems to be an ash cloud from a distance. Floridians loathe them because this swarming means we obliterate thousands of them just driving around. Take a trip on the highway and your car will be caked in dead love bug corpses. And there's the real sting, because their bodies are much more acidic than the average insect. You must wash the car immediately or the bodies will tear off the paint of your car. It's especially irritating because, like now, we are under heavy water restrictions due to drought. So, you have to stealth wash your car, or take it to a car wash, in which case you may get even more on the car as you return home.
The conspiracy theory is that they were created in a lab in the University of Florida, designed so that their larva would eat mosquito larva. This is based on the fact that encounters with the bugs and their estimated numbers have continuously risen over the years. The first scientist to actually classify them did so I believe in the 30s. Of course, his data reflected an environment with far fewer roads, and naturally man would encounter the insect much more as there were more roads paving through the state. Still, the theory persists that they were created in a lab, failed in their main purpose, and were accidently released to torment the commuters of Florida for generations to come. Many regard them as totally useless and outside the food chain. They do eat dead stuff and pest larva, in their defence.
Pretty silly theory, but I hear it ALL the time down here.
It's the assassination of JFK.
On Coast to Coast a couple of Saturday ago, E. Howard Hunt's son played a tape recorded message that he was given from his dad right before he died. E. Howard Hunt said that JFK's assassination was an inside job that included more than one gunman.
Check it out...
All I have to say is Tin Foil Hat....
...get one and protect yourselves friends.
Oh, wait....
Seriously though... my husband is a Scot and when we first met about 14 years ago, he gave me the book, "Holy Blood, Holy Grail." It was probably the book Dan Brown "researched", and by researched I mean stole, for The DaVinci Code. (as a kid, he spent a lot of time exploring around the Rosslyn Chapel and became good friends with the staff at that time) Ever since I've read most anything decent about Freemasons, Knights Templar, etc. that I can find. It's fascinating. I also developed an interest into other ancient mysteries such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, the origin of the Pyramids and Sphinx... all sorts of things I can't figure out. It's better than fiction! (even though some of it might BE fiction )
Seriously though, I'm from South Miami, and hardly saw any lovebugs when I lived their for 9+ years.
Now that I go to school in North Florida (Tallahassee), I rarely, if ever, see lovebugs.
...But when I visit friends in Gainesville or visit family in the Tampa area, they're practically EVERYWHERE in the spring and early summer.
Achiever 60.00%
Explorer 33.33%
Killer 80.00%
Socializer 26.67%
According to this survey, I'm an item-whoring ganker. I guess I should have stuck with WoW then...lmao.
I have proof that terroists actually attacked Las Vegas while I lived there but its been totally covered up an no one even knows it happend. Sorry if the images are huge, as I don't know what the hell I am doing.
In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.
lol...well a burning building MUST be a terrorist attack...there's no other possible explanation but a massive cover up.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
Shh dude your going to ruin my conspiricy theory, oh the hell with it.
It was actually a building behind it. Some homeless guy was trying to cook and started the abandoned building on fire. But ya know I had to try.
I'm off to try and start a new conspiracy theory.
In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
1: 9-11 was planned by the US goverment
2: The whole moonlanding is a faked (Tips for highschool students: have your talk about this subject, even if you don't believe it. I got an instant A just for the sake of originality)
3: The Tsunami of a few years ago was caused by God to kill the pedophiles in that area.
The first 2 points was what I was about to write too. So I just quote you and say QFT! (except the Tsunami thingie which clearly was try).
1st moon landing was a blatent fake. If you watch the documentary it has all the evidence.
Hows this: George bush fooling the majority of the american population that we don't need to worry about global warming, funny since he owns oil companies and stuff, (watch an uncovieniant truth). The greed and stupidity of capitalism will destroy this planet.
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I have a Youtube channel for video games! http://www.youtube.com/user/Vendayn
"Canada is a loft over a really great party"
Robin Williams
On Time? On Target? Never Quit?
The Roswell conspiracy is also up there and if UFO researcher Stanton Freidman says it was most likely an ET craft that crashed I have to agree because he is one of the most credible UFO researchers in the field and actually has worked in Government projects in the field of nuclear physics.