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With all the talk of the Hutt fighters/neutral mission in the SE & the increased content with BLack Sun & Hutt entities (Black Sun Mercs conected with the Death Watch Bunker), what do you think the chances are that they will add either of the two as a joinable faction?
It really is about time they do in my opinion
In the shadows for now....
I really doubt it. They're focused on the galactic civil war, it's the main thing going on in the galaxy in the movies and it doesn't seem like a good idea to me to split things like that. People who want to PvP have to either join the Empire or the Rebellion. Adding another "war" would just seem like a dilution of events.
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Aye, while I see your point, not everyone is into PvP. I'm not. But I'd like to see more story driven quests & the potential for some great stories are definately in there in BLack Sun & Hutt Faction. That's just my opnion though.
But with all this talk of Hutt craft etc in the expansion it sounds like they are making a faction in all but name then
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