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True Lies



  • dirtyd77dirtyd77 Member UncommonPosts: 383

    Yep there right no one plays the game thats why i just took this screenie 5 mins ago.



  • damicatzdamicatz Member Posts: 102
    Originally posted by crlumpkin

    I posted a thread the other day and was going to post screen shots of all the major cities.  Well, since this thread was started no need.  I have an open account on Bria.  I think the point to no population is being missed.  Are there people playing the game, sure.  Is it alot, hellz no.  All major cities and major locations ARE EMPTY, period, anytime of the day, except:  Mos Eisley outside the starport, Mos Eisley cantina and Rori as soon as you get off the shuttle.  That is it.  The screen shots that were posted trying to prove poplulation did exactly the opposite, prove there really isnt that many people playing this game.

    I can speak from experience because I can log on and see for myself.  In the Mos Eisley shot there are about 10 to 15 people, half AFK spamming shitz.  In the Mos Eisley cantina about 10 to 20 (maybe) half AFK.  In the Rori shot there is about 40 (most of the times less or none) people running around for hours dueling and bsing.  Ive been there, Ive seen it numerous times, its the same thing everyday.  The screenshots could have been taken better but this would have actually spread the names out and showed the number people which could have then been counted.  The numbers I listed above are accurate, period.

    If you having fun playing, great.  But do not claim that the game is populated.  Populated in an MMO from a gamers standpoint is 1000,s on the server, with everyone contributing to the game and economy, which this game does not have, period.

    Populated has nothing to do with NGEer's or Vets.
    The majority of NP cities were barren of players even before the NGE.  Most Non-Player Cities became empty when Player Citys were introduced.  And that dates back to Pre-CU.
  • ObraikObraik Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 7,261
    I see base clubbing :(



  • Firebird1Firebird1 Member Posts: 222
    It looks like to me most of the business is on Tatooine these days due to the Legacy Quests.  I hope that in a few updates they spread things out to other worlds. I went to Naboo and other then a few people PVPing it was empty.  I'm willing to believe that the other planets are the same way.  There is someone there, just the planet is being under used.  Granted my memory of the game is tilted toward the days when the Rebels held Moneta and the Imperials held Theed, and there were many raids, but it just seems that there is a lot they can do with all the open space. 
  • ObraikObraik Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 7,261
    The Legacy quests go through Tat, Naboo, Corellia and Talus.



  • Firebird1Firebird1 Member Posts: 222
    Originally posted by Obraik

    The Legacy quests go through Tat, Naboo, Corellia and Talus.
    Hence why I said everything else seemed abandoned.  It seems that only a few people were in the places for the Legacy series.  Otherwise everything else is deserted. 
  • DeadJesterDeadJester Member Posts: 499
    ive been back for 2 weeks now and  what i find is we need a server merger  and not the kind you are thinking off I dont want to pay to change servers and i want to be able to bring all my stuff  also it would be nice to start on a clean server maybe  reduce 2 to 4 of the smallest servers and add 2 to 4 brande new one like a start over or atleast let players get the vet and pre order stuff on diffrent toons  im ranting but I want to here what players think
  • damicatzdamicatz Member Posts: 102
    Time to put an end to this nonsense.  Please be sure to pay attention to the blue dots on the minimap.  - People in the Mos Eisley Starport - Mos Eisley Cantina - Yes, it's the NGE. - Another Cantina Shot - Outside Mos Eisley Starport.  Also, contrary to popular belief, there are merchants advertising their wares. - Another Shot of Outside the Mos Eisley Starport - Another merchant peddling their wares - Restuss On Rori - Lok.  Note that the /who command is maxed out.

    There were taken a few hours later at approximentally 1:00 AM EDT - Over two dozen players in Theed.  Remember this was taken past the peak hours of Bloodfin. - Another area of Naboo.  Again, note the maxed out /who command.
  • MastaccolliMastaccolli Member UncommonPosts: 100

    so waht constitutes a maxed out "who' command?  Has it changed since it was implemented years ago, (like everything else)?

    Some merchants selling their whares...hmmm, used to be 100's.

    a cantina with 15 people in it is considered crowded? 

    how many of those player cities listed are ghost towns?

    You can post all you want; there will never be as many players as there were and you will not convince the people that played that game pre cu and nge thats its as good or better.  For crying out loud, even the dipshit that changed the game finally said it was a mistake.  LET IT GO ALREADY

  • damicatzdamicatz Member Posts: 102
    Originally posted by Mastaccolli

    so waht constitutes a maxed out "who' command?  Has it changed since it was implemented years ago, (like everything else)?
    Some merchants selling their whares...hmmm, used to be 100's.
    a cantina with 15 people in it is considered crowded? 
    how many of those player cities listed are ghost towns?
    You can post all you want; there will never be as many players as there were and you will not convince the people that played that game pre cu and nge thats its as good or better.  For crying out loud, even the dipshit that changed the game finally said it was a mistake.  LET IT GO ALREADY
    You seem to have a talent for extreme hyberbole. Please show me a Pre-CU screenshot where there were hundreds of merchants advertising at once.  And please show me where I said the NGE was better because I never said anything of the sort.  What you are trying to do is called making a strawman argument, you are misrepresenting my argument to make it look like I said things I didn't. 
  • MastaccolliMastaccolli Member UncommonPosts: 100

    save me the trouble of having to hook up my old rig to dig out those pictures of 100's of merchants.  Just take a ride out of any major city, look at all the EMPTY houses and guild hall/ malls that have, at one time been full of merchants selling their stuff. 


    As far as trying to put words in your mouth, your "its time to settle this" statement implied exactly what I said.


    By the way, do you always defend dead games?  Fanboi? LOL

    Sincerly yours,


  • ownedyou1ownedyou1 Member Posts: 364
    It's good this has been put to rest, people who think this game is dead are in denial.

    I just came out of an 80v80 restuss pvp battle, had loads of spectaters and entertainers buffing, it was wonderful.

    I drive through player cities and theres groups of people chatting, somtimes i stop and saying hello, somtimes i don't.

    I go shopping in player cities and theres merchents altering there stock, people chatting , relaxing in the guild halls, it's so great.

    I'm gonna go play now, at war with another guild :D, I have a guild with around 140 people in it, waring against 'Siths' at restuss, 140v 60-80

    Gonna be a slaughter :D.
  • ThourneThourne Member RarePosts: 757
    Originally posted by Mastaccolli

    save me the trouble of having to hook up my old rig to dig out those pictures of 100's of merchants.  Just take a ride out of any major city, look at all the EMPTY houses and guild hall/ malls that have, at one time been full of merchants selling their stuff. 
    As far as trying to put words in your mouth, your "its time to settle this" statement implied exactly what I said.
    By the way, do you always defend dead games?  Fanboi? LOL
    Sincerly yours,

    This sort of argument is so exceptionally flawed...

    OK, lets say there are 100s of empty merchants homes/tents a ride out of any major city. What you dont state or even take into consideration is they were all operational at one time, not at the "same time". They are an accumulation of players who have come and gone over 4 years not a great group of superior numbers that existed all at once.

    I have been with SWG since beta I am not new. I dont need how things are now or how they were explained to me. I do in fact have my own eyes, and they still work.

    Is the game as good as it was pre NGE?  ...NO.

    Is it better than it was at launch of NGE?  ...MUCH!!

    Which would I rather have? ...Pre-cu.

    Why do I still play? ...It is fun to rp in the Star Wars world.

    Are there fewer people now than in the Pre-CU or CU?  ...yes.

    Are the servers empty?   ...NO

    The problem seems to be that some people who were burned by SOE refuse to look at anything that dosent conform to thier Im po'd about this beyond rationality view that everything is doom and gloom.
  • damicatzdamicatz Member Posts: 102
    Originally posted by Mastaccolli

    save me the trouble of having to hook up my old rig to dig out those pictures of 100's of merchants.  Just take a ride out of any major city, look at all the EMPTY houses and guild hall/ malls that have, at one time been full of merchants selling their stuff. 
    As far as trying to put words in your mouth, your "its time to settle this" statement implied exactly what I said.
    By the way, do you always defend dead games?  Fanboi? LOL
    Sincerly yours,
    Your first statement is completely illogical.  You don't have to post evidence that there were 100s of merchants advertising their wares in Pre-CU because all the cities are empty now?  Or perhaps you simply don't have any screenshots showing those 100s of merchants because even in Pre-CU SWG, there weren't that many at one time sitting around spamming advertisements.  Even in Coronet.

    Second, I fail to see how "It's Time To Settle This" implies that I support the NGE.

    Finally, you resort to an ad hominem attack because in fact, you have no way to counter my argument.  Attacking the arguer and not the argument is a sign that you have a weak argument.
  • allegriaallegria Member CommonPosts: 682

    I started back shortly after release, very breifly, then got wrapped up into eq2 beta then release and never really went back to SWG. However, i started this week on a whim.

    Just like to say, I thought the game when i tried it at release was the most mindless boring grindfest and i dropped it in 3 weeks.

    Now, i think the game is F U N.



  • TorakTorak Member Posts: 4,905

    This thread is not winnable. No matter what anyone says they will say contrary. It just burns their bums that people would say something other then SWG stinks. Like small children they are going to pout over this subject until the game shuts down because thats all they have left when it comes to MMO's, a ton of bitterness. They are gonna log in trial accounts forever trying to make their statement rather then find something they enjoy and be a positive part of the community. Why is anyone that obsessed and compulsive over the subject after years? Who the heck knows.....

     The vet lost this battle years ago when they changed the game and saw no need to go back.

    Let the "vets" think what they want. Does it matter?

    Lord forbid someone has a difference of opinion with the mightly SWG vet

    This whole thread just needs to be locked, its nothing more then a "battle of the trolls" at this point.

  • MahakaliMahakali Member Posts: 25

    Gamasutra is the game developers site, and despite the humorous name it is a serious site in its field.

    "I would have done it a lot differently, and I think that's what's really been driving a lot of this," said Blakely, SOE's vice president of development, regarding the SWG changes known collectively as the New Game Enhancements, or NGE. Those changes, rolled out shortly after the previous year's AGC, resulted in several departures of development employees, and a significant portion of the customer population – by some estimates cutting it in half."

    I should ad also that as a player of EQ2, a lot of people who play EQ2 have station access (including me), and as long as you have characters in SWG plus a station access account, they will count you as an active subscriber even if you don't log in. What does that mean? It means they have lost possibly half of the subscribers, and of those remaining, a portion doesn't even log in anymore or actively "play" the game even if they do log in every few weeks or whatever.

    I'm not going to say that people can't enjoy the NGE, but it's just plain silly to claim there are as many people on servers as there used to be. No, I understand if Coronet isn't busy, but no where is busy. There used to be people everywhere. Literally everywhere. In the NPC towns, in player towns, in the wilderness, in outposts, in the "mall areas" outside any of the starports, not just Coronet. You would think that if you took away the reason to flock to hubs, there would be even more people in the vast wilderness, not less?

    You shouldn't have to be "lucky" to run into people in an MMO, or only go to a single spot (all the NGEers seem to refer to Mos Eisley), they should be everywhere. (and tbh, Mos Eisley used to be a lot more busy as well)

    Someone said that the houses that are standing are accumulated from 4 years, but that's not true, as houses used to run out of maintanance and go poof, including all the stuff inside them. (lost at least a couple of houses due to being absentminded myself ) They added the feature of having the maintance drawn from your bank account somewhere spring of 2005, right before the CU, and later removed the need to pay mainanance altogether, at the time citing hurricane Catrina as a reason. So although some people did fill up their houses with millions of credits to make them stick around, the vast majority of the houses still around have been accumulated since around the CU and forward, not since 4 years.


    Oh and finally. If this is "just a video game"... why are you defending it?   

    We all come to this site because somehow mmo's mean more to us then tetris, or none of us would be here. You can't really say that just because you don't agree with someone, they don't have a right to that opinion, or go into personal attacks, it only reflects badly on yourself.

    I'm not trying to attack anyone over their taste in games, but at least stick with the reality of it if you are going to debate?

    Debate gameplay or some such, don't try to tell me that everyone is invisible whenever I log in.  And I don't just visit Dant MO and Coronet either, I still love travelling around, but hardly see anyone outside of Mos Eisley. The wilderness, outposts and PC towns should be full of people going about their business, if they are just "playing the game" instead of going to hubs.

    As for "proof"... I would dig up the thread from the SWG official forums where someone used a sniffer program to post the server populations, but it got deleted and now the whole forum is gone as well so I couldn't even post references to the original thread. But, anyway: 

    They used to send the numbers of active users currently logged in on all the servers to the client, who would then display the load accordingly. After someone extracted those figures from the packets being sent, SOE quickly took that info out of the packets and just told the client the load info, not the numbers.

    Now, that wasn't the interesting thing, that at that time the populations were very low, the interesting thing was that the numbers required for a certain load message had been changed.

    So if "Very Light" used to be (for instance) 1000 people currently logged in, it would now be that 1000 people would be "Light" or even "Medium".   

    We now return you to your previously scheduled flaming

  • ThourneThourne Member RarePosts: 757
    Originally posted by Mahakali

    Someone said that the houses that are standing are accumulated from 4 years, but that's not true, as houses used to run out of maintanance and go poof, including all the stuff inside them. (lost at least a couple of houses due to being absentminded myself ) They added the feature of having the maintance drawn from your bank account somewhere spring of 2005, right before the CU, and later removed the need to pay mainanance altogether, at the time citing hurricane Catrina as a reason. So although some people did fill up their houses with millions of credits to make them stick around, the vast majority of the houses still around have been accumulated since around the CU and forward, not since 4 years.


      Lemme start with 2 things since ya seem to change the facts as they suit your particular post.

    1. We were specifically discussing crafters homes. This was the point you raised and I was responding to.

    2. This was indeed added in 2005

    Jan 13th 2005:

    Player Structures

    •  All maintenance fees will automatically attempt to deduct from Bank accounts after the maintenance pool has been depleted. Once a structure reaches 0 hitpoints, it will flag itself as condemned instead of deleting itself. Condemned houses are not enterable, and all other structures are not usable. To uncondemn a house, simply enter it with enough money in the bank to pay the repair cost. To uncondemn all other structures, use them with enough money in the bank to pay the costs.


    So, lets do some logical thinking on this:

      Most of the former player vets claim the CU was the 1st mass departure ( I dont disagree).

      Since the CU launched in April (4 months after this change) that means anyone who was still around pre cu who had stuck

      it out a  length of time up to a year and left 6 months maintanence in their structures would still have structures in game if they

      had  even a couple 100k in the bank/on them.

      Now considering most crafters kept their stuff well paid up and/or had a good amount of credits banked...the buildings of the

      crafting community, regardless of how long they have been gone, are nearly intact.

  • ThourneThourne Member RarePosts: 757
    sorry for formatting on that last post I dont know how the heck it ended up spaced like that
  • MahakaliMahakali Member Posts: 25
    Thourne, you must have me confused with the person first mentioning houses, as you are saying the same thing as I did. That the houses still standing aren't from 2003 but from 2005.  
  • ThourneThourne Member RarePosts: 757
    lol, no Im sayin every crafter in their right mind keeps their stuff payed up for at least a year.

    So, anyone (especially crafters) who left even 6 months into the game with 1 year maint on a house would still have the house in game

  • damicatzdamicatz Member Posts: 102
    Originally posted by Mahakali

    Gamasutra is the game developers site, and despite the humorous name it is a serious site in its field.
    "I would have done it a lot differently, and I think that's what's really been driving a lot of this," said Blakely, SOE's vice president of development, regarding the SWG changes known collectively as the New Game Enhancements, or NGE. Those changes, rolled out shortly after the previous year's AGC, resulted in several departures of development employees, and a significant portion of the customer population – by some estimates cutting it in half."
    I should ad also that as a player of EQ2, a lot of people who play EQ2 have station access (including me), and as long as you have characters in SWG plus a station access account, they will count you as an active subscriber even if you don't log in. What does that mean? It means they have lost possibly half of the subscribers, and of those remaining, a portion doesn't even log in anymore or actively "play" the game even if they do log in every few weeks or whatever.
    I'm not going to say that people can't enjoy the NGE, but it's just plain silly to claim there are as many people on servers as there used to be. No, I understand if Coronet isn't busy, but no where is busy. There used to be people everywhere. Literally everywhere. In the NPC towns, in player towns, in the wilderness, in outposts, in the "mall areas" outside any of the starports, not just Coronet. You would think that if you took away the reason to flock to hubs, there would be even more people in the vast wilderness, not less?
    You shouldn't have to be "lucky" to run into people in an MMO, or only go to a single spot (all the NGEers seem to refer to Mos Eisley), they should be everywhere. (and tbh, Mos Eisley used to be a lot more busy as well)
    Someone said that the houses that are standing are accumulated from 4 years, but that's not true, as houses used to run out of maintanance and go poof, including all the stuff inside them. (lost at least a couple of houses due to being absentminded myself ) They added the feature of having the maintance drawn from your bank account somewhere spring of 2005, right before the CU, and later removed the need to pay mainanance altogether, at the time citing hurricane Catrina as a reason. So although some people did fill up their houses with millions of credits to make them stick around, the vast majority of the houses still around have been accumulated since around the CU and forward, not since 4 years.
    Oh and finally. If this is "just a video game"... why are you defending it?   

    We all come to this site because somehow mmo's mean more to us then tetris, or none of us would be here. You can't really say that just because you don't agree with someone, they don't have a right to that opinion, or go into personal attacks, it only reflects badly on yourself.
    I'm not trying to attack anyone over their taste in games, but at least stick with the reality of it if you are going to debate?

    Debate gameplay or some such, don't try to tell me that everyone is invisible whenever I log in.  And I don't just visit Dant MO and Coronet either, I still love travelling around, but hardly see anyone outside of Mos Eisley. The wilderness, outposts and PC towns should be full of people going about their business, if they are just "playing the game" instead of going to hubs.
    As for "proof"... I would dig up the thread from the SWG official forums where someone used a sniffer program to post the server populations, but it got deleted and now the whole forum is gone as well so I couldn't even post references to the original thread. But, anyway: 

    They used to send the numbers of active users currently logged in on all the servers to the client, who would then display the load accordingly. After someone extracted those figures from the packets being sent, SOE quickly took that info out of the packets and just told the client the load info, not the numbers.

    Now, that wasn't the interesting thing, that at that time the populations were very low, the interesting thing was that the numbers required for a certain load message had been changed.

    So if "Very Light" used to be (for instance) 1000 people currently logged in, it would now be that 1000 people would be "Light" or even "Medium".   
    We now return you to your previously scheduled flaming
    SOE still sends that information in the packets.  And I posted instructions here on  how to retrieve that information from the packets but TPTB here seem to be under the misguided impression that it's illegal. 
  • royalpenaltyroyalpenalty Member Posts: 312
    Originally posted by BaronJuJu

    Originally posted by Xstortion

    He is telling the truth. There is people playing but the numbers are still very low. And yes I just re subbed my account 2 weeks ago, And now its un-installed yet again a shitty game, Very low population and not over 2 people in sight wherever you go. I didn't even see people in towns, Not one or two anywhere and thats being on Bloodfin / Ahazi.



    These must have been a figment of my imagination.


    screen shots from Mos Eisley cantina prove nothing.  well, except that eveyone is using Entertainer to grind their alts up....

    the state of the ent's in current swg is pathetic on my server (Wanderhome).  it looks about like this too most days.  buncha losers not even at their keyboards.  and despite the PreCU being called "Buff Wars" etc...this is much worse because now the only thing there is to do in swg is pvp.  and if you dont have ent buffs, you may as well do something else....

    im working on my golf handicap

    SWG ADDICT...clean since the NGE

  • BaronJuJuBaronJuJu Member UncommonPosts: 1,832
    Originally posted by royalpenalty

    screen shots from Mos Eisley cantina prove nothing.  well, except that eveyone is using Entertainer to grind their alts up....
    the state of the ent's in current swg is pathetic on my server (Wanderhome).  it looks about like this too most days.  buncha losers not even at their keyboards.  and despite the PreCU being called "Buff Wars" etc...this is much worse because now the only thing there is to do in swg is pvp.  and if you dont have ent buffs, you may as well do something else....
    im working on my golf handicap

    Yeah I knew showing folks in a place where the haters say is empty regularly wouldn't cut it thats why I updated with shots of Dant on page 5. Enjoy!

    "If we don't attack them, they will attack us first. So we'd better retaliate before they have a chance to strike"

  • MahakaliMahakali Member Posts: 25

    Sniffing packets that are sent to your client isn't illegal. Trying to extract information from their login server is.

    So go ahead.

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