What do you mean biggest size ? In terms of client or explorable game space ? Fly for Free is pretty popular.. its FREE and it's item mall supported... and you can fly ... @_@
Xeno- Do not be arrogant if you do not clarify yourself first. It isn't cool to ask a broad question then say "duh" when someone doesn't understand it properly because YOU did not say precisely what you meant.
Don't forget to ask for parent's permission before signing up for these mmo's because you definitely seem under the age of 13, which disqualifies you from most mmo sign ups out there, without parent's permission.
Voyage Century has gotten quite popular lately. It is also the largest free game I have ever downloaded, being 3 gigabytes. It has huge maps for something free too, mostly because you will be in like Rome but then you will ride your boat to somewhere in Spain or something, it is a sweet game.
I don't know if there's any games as huge as Oblivion or LotRO or WoW like that, yeah....
Voyage Century has gotten quite popular lately. It is also the largest free game I have ever downloaded, being 3 gigabytes. It has huge maps for something free too, mostly because you will be in like Rome but then you will ride your boat to somewhere in Spain or something, it is a sweet game.
I don't know if there's any games as huge as Oblivion or LotRO or WoW like that, yeah....
But it is BIG
k thx for the reply those are the kinds of games i would like lol
yah i mean in client and world size cause the bigger the client the more the world size..no duh lol
Its better to just ask which free game has the biggest world, since client size isnt dependant on just how big the maps are.
I suggest Voyage Century or Flyff, or you can try Granado Espada, its in open beta and seems to have a big world.yay more! thx, sorry for my grammar lol
Don't forget to ask for parent's permission before signing up for these mmo's because you definitely seem under the age of 13, which disqualifies you from most mmo sign ups out there, without parent's permission.
I don't know if there's any games as huge as Oblivion or LotRO or WoW like that, yeah....
But it is BIG
I suggest Voyage Century or Flyff, or you can try Granado Espada, its in open beta and seems to have a big world.
I suggest Voyage Century or Flyff, or you can try Granado Espada, its in open beta and seems to have a big world.yay more! thx, sorry for my grammar lol