I am taking this from
Centhan's post in the SoE refuses to pull the plug thread.
What made Planetside such an amazing game for you back in it's glory days?
For me I don't know where to start... I give little credit to this game, and when I sit back and think about it, I really think this was the second best to EQ in MMO history.
So here goes...
The patch finishing around 11pm, was so excited to play, finally get on and finish up training missions and HART'd to Ceryshen. I was fascinated by how large of a battle this game had. I don't think I achieved one kill that night and probably lied to my RL friend saying that I did, but nontheless it was probably one of the best gaming nights ever.
Getting the in a Harrasser a blowing away Vanu with my best friend driving. Hitting mines, running into trees, running over team mates...
The music and the feeling it gave.
Sacking Technology Plants. Running up the stairs to the CC and seeing at least 2 flights of stairs covered with TR and the CC packed full with NC.
Siting on the side of a mountain being a noob snippering vanu off a tower, seeing them look around and never spot me.
Battles in Hossin that would last hours of TR vs NC.
Playing with speakers blasting the sound effects of jackhammers, vanguards, plasma grenades...
Running up around hills and finding a dozen snipers laying down and massacering half of them before anyone noticed.
Flying a Galaxy filled with people and diving them into a lake of lava.
I was locked in a 4 hour battle TODAY against the VC on a bottleneck bridge with HUNDREDS of players on both sides - armed to the teeth with mechs, tanks, aircraft, and various armor-punching vehicles and weapons!
With the new engineering upgrades - field battles can be quite amazing - even within enemy sphere of influence! Needless to say I was dropping in stealth behind enemy lines and spawning ospreys (field manned cannons), cerberuses (AA turrets) and shadow turrets (stealth) every chance I got!
But I'm not sure if I like the idea of more turrents and and omg stealth turrets?? I hated being in the middle of strifing back and forth behind a tree in a duel with some NC and a cloaker would spawn a turret.
Thanks for pointing out my post. Like you, I would have to say EQ and PlanetSide are my two all time favorites, yet I would have to give PlanetSide slightly higher marks. I have truly great gaming memories from both.
However, my final time in EQ was either 2004 or 2005, and I have to say it was much better in my memory then it was actually playing it. It's hard to explain. Almost like the feeling I had a few years ago when I went back to the neighborhood of where I grew up when I was just a wee lad. Everything was different, the woods I used to play in was leveled and nothing but condos and houses were up. Everything looked different. It was very disappointing and was much better to be kept in my memory and left at that. There are times when one has to move on.
Planetside is a different story. Each time I go back to the game, it seems just as exciting as when I left it. However, I had the same experience you did when you returned to the game. At non-peak hours, the large battles just aren't there, and that was by far the most fun for me. This is one reason I am not playing it now. My free time to play is very random throughout the day. Sometimes I can play during daytime, and sometimes at night. If I log on, and I get a daytime 10v10 battle, it just doesn't do it for me. I need at least that 50v50v50 battle to really have a good game, and it seems you can only get that during a very small time window at night.
And yes, you brought up a few more good moments for me. Those tech plant CC fights are some of the best. Whether on offense or defense. We used to stack defense on the first set of stairs to watch the door from the map room, and stack the landing below that to watch the door from the lobby. Very few people would get through alive
I had a lot of fun with the harasser too. Although it has practically zero armor, the gun was super accurate. It could shoot a fly off a pinhead from 200 meters away. Really good for taking out infantry. You had to keep moving if you wanted to stay alive though. Speed was it's defense.
There were certain instances I would find the radiator to be useful too (a very underused gun). Especially at back doors of bases while defending from the inside, and also when trying to take towers that had really stubborn defenses. I would shoot the radiator at the outside walls of the tower and it would very much disrupt the defenses on the stair landings inside. Such a fun weapon in certain situations
I was a little of an abnormality where I would get the most kills when I had a medium assault weapon as opposed to heavy assault. There was something about having a cycler (my personal favorite) in my hand that made me really get into it. The sound effect I though was the best, and watching that shower of shells come out and hit the floor was great too. Boy I miss this game
Well I could go on, but enough said. I just wish they had the numbers they used to. I'd still be blasting away.
I was watching one of the promo videos for PS and the music brought back so much memory. I have to give credit for SOE always having such amazing music and sound fx in their games.
It seems like this game never once got boring. I always ended up logging out before a battle was completely gone or had not moved somewhere else. It was always fun when TR would set up a big ambush on some unsuspecting continent controlled by vs or nc. It seemed like the opposing faction would almost meet our numbers in less then an hour once on the continent.
I wish this game was more popular because I can't imagine how fun a lan would be with my close friends. Games like counter strike don't even come close to what planetside was like.
I just love the overall feeling of persistance and battles that rage back and forth. I love the long draw out over land base to base battles with a huge variety of vehicles, infantry, stealthers etc on both sides. Really feels like a battle.
had far to many good nights just to pick one.
bridge fights ftw !:)
I guess it's mainly the massiveness of the fights. Riding a round in a vehicle with your outfit mates screaming for assistance over team speak, or just pressing behind the cover of a rock while tracer lines go over your head and explosions go off all around you while the guy sitting next to you wasn't quite covered and just got sniped...
The tactical and strategical elements as well. You're just one small part of a gigantic team effort, but at the same time knowing that you and your squad, doing that one thing just right or catching that lucky break, could mean the success of the entire empire on the continent. Or the other way around for that matter.
On top of that (in hind sight like this), it's one of the few games which managed to reward time spent in game without making it over-powered and thus a requirement to stay competitive. Take your general level based MMO, where a lvl 50 something would beat the crap out of someone perhaps only one level lower, let alone a freshly baked character.
Planetside rewards the experienced player with versatility instead of power. In any given situtation, it always boils down to skill and how well the *player* knows how the game handles. Difference is that a BR 23 can handle that many more different situtations than a BR 6 can.
This means you can take a break for 6 months, come back and still be just as competative once you've gotten the rust off (and possibly gotten to terms with new content or tweaks). 6 months off in most games? You'd be so far behind in level or gear it's not even funny.
I liked playing for a while but I think there is more I didnt like that led me to quit the game.
Had my fun, glad I played and moved on.
Had a great guild to play with (the IRON Brigade). That made the game great.
I loved:
Massive bridge battles.
Vanguards and Beer (guild) nights, and guild Skeeter racing.
Juggling 4 TS channels and in-game command and commo interfaces while fighting my guts out (felt like an air traffic controller).
Mastering all the different styles of combat. Thinking Reavers were boring until I gave 'em a college try, then loving the hell out of 'em. Same with Skeeters and Bang Buses and damn near every other vehicle. I even started to enjoy MAXes after refusing to climb into one for my first year of playing.
Spanking stealthers when I finally got my Darklight Implant (and knowing all the usual places they hid so I could pretty much walk up and waste 'em).
Mines, detonators, turrets, REKs, all the great goodies to play with.
Loved almost everything about this game, but the caverns and BFRs drove me away. The caverns introduced a grind that I despised (and that half of my guildmates engaged in, to the detriment of our organization), and the day BFRs came I left. Screw those silly damn things.
Hope Huxley is HALF of what PS was for the first couple of years. PS2 would get my $$$ sight unseen as well. Don't think I'd be interested in coming back to PS though, for the same reasons that I quit.
I remember the draw distance being so far when PS was first released, I loved seeing distant battles. Now when I play PS it doesnt seem impressive anymore, I'd really like to see an increase in draw distance. The battles are smaller and fewer too, but I think one last server merge would solve that.
Play as your fav retro characters: cnd-online.net. My site: www.lysle.net. Blog: creatingaworld.blogspot.com.
My favorite was small teams battles in the towers preparing for the larger group to hit dirtside.
Or stealthing into a manned TR Base, loading my TR Spec pistol, finding my favorite hiding spot unmanned, and then pegging random TR's with their own weapons.
Using my leap ability to sit on the ledge in the first room during a base defense and hosing intruders as they came through the front door, or the door from the hallway.
My first kill: Rode 4Wheeler into a battle outside of a tower and killed a VS with my light weapon, then driving off and hitting first a mine (a sliver of life left) then another person (boom goes the 4Wheeler).
My platoon each flying a Troop Transport for a suicide run against an enemy base. Leaping out to allow the ships to drop like steel bricks onto the vehicles in the CY and then dying in a blaze of glory.
Hijacking a vehicle, hopping in the turret and killing the softies running around the CY.
Skeeters as the ultimate mass insertion tool.
PS was a blast. I go back every 6 months or so. This has been the longest I've been gone. I'm able to play at a time when the primary continent is locked, and even the small time battles are few and far between. Stealthing on a continent with 0 enemies isn't the same as a fully packed continent. Caverns took users from the surface. The Stupid Arties they added were frustrating. The Bots ruined the joys of being a softie on the field outside of the base. Making the only good battles those found in the base or in the tower. Eliminating the usefullness of softies on 90% of the environment.
Still, like everyone else, PS2 would get my money sight-unseen. Here's hoping someone can duplicate the fun and keep the users online.
Planetside just isnt the same anymore. The problem with SOE is that they NEVER listen and they never commit to any idea!
It all started with the BFR's. To me, i thought a very good idea until SOE gave into all the moaners about how powerful they were. So instead of making BFR's cost more cert points and longer respawn time, they nerfed the living daylights out of them and now, there just another wasted piece of sh!t running around ingame
how long were people screaming for some new content? 3 years? now they release new engy gear that turns every situation into the 7th circle of hell and 3 new weapons. 1 pistol that is a sniper rifle and a flamethrower that is pure destruction.
if SOE just kept regular patches and bothered to fix the inbalances between empires, then people would be happy.
SOE need to take a look at Blizzard, a real company.
Mind you being on Team speak with the boys from SMF really made it that much better, god we had some laughs!!!!!!!!!
One day we will hopefully will be blessed with another tittle that is even better then PS as a MMOFPS, but i personally think it will be hard to beat.
Sigh the good old days..
loved planetside, playing EVE
it wasnt a bad idea at all! The only problem was SOE didnt listen to a single thing people asked for.
i agree with you 100%, they were overpowered as hell!! but there are ways to get round it
1: make them cost a fortune in cert points 2
: make the respawn time long
3: nerf them a LITTLE bit
BFR's got nerfed to the entreme and are pointless havin them in the game now, so why have them? why not just remove them completly. i for one thought BFR's were a brilliant idea, my idea was, it would take teamwork and communication to bring them down. but with SOE f00kin up everything they do, it wasnt the case and now bfr's are another walkin pile of death in PS. just Like Oshur.
Large-scale, mixed arms, PvP combat in a persistent (non-instanced) world with no gear, level, or money grinding.
I also liked how the game was empire based as opposed to guild vs. guild. This made it equally fun to join the fight whether you were solo, in a small family-style outfit, or one of the mega ones.
And now I'm going to resist the urge to list all they did wrong.
- Spanish Black Prophecy Fansite
"Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"No, your wrong.." - Random user #123
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
How are you?" -Me