Ive kept my eye on this game for a while now, seen vids, screenshots etc. I want to know from someone who's played it how it is? I'm a big fan of nice graphics but its hard to tell if this game has them from just vids and ss. Also, hows the leveling and pvp? Anything anyone could share would be great help
The quests follow an interesting story (not like Everquest or WOW where you only read which mob to kill because it doesn't matter). You can upograde equipment who have slots (add critical chance, MP, HP ...) : it reminds me of FFVII ...
At levels 20+ (each 10 lvls) you gain new capacities (if you do the mission) to gain battle auras ans battle modes. When you kill mobs, there's a bar growing, giving you the possibility to either do combos or use aura or mode.
The 3 beginning worlds are nice, with varied mobs (looking increasingly scary : first are more teddy bears, but then you have spiders, snakes and mutated aniumals).
There are 2 servers, which have 5 channels. The white channels allow Player Killing (assasinating a weaker guy but it gives huge penalties, including publicity of the crimes and no penalty for killing the guilty). The green channels have PK disabled. Once the server is chosen you can go to any channem therein (including the War/PvP one) and you can still communicate with Guildmates on other channels.
It seems there's no need for healers as everyone can carry HP and MP potions.
The weak point for me now is that I found a guild, but I'm still doing missions solo. I've asked a lot of times in the global channel and only answers I got was : get to lvl 50 and ask after ... But the game is only beginning in Europe so maybe when more people come I can group with my lvl 22 ...
Hope to see you there!
<Wyrmslayer : Force shielder on Mercury server>
Looking at the maps on the website it looks like a zoning game ? All the areas are in their own zone not connected together ? I prefer to play in a game world (open/seamless like Lineage 2, Vanguard, Rappelz,...).