I really hope that they give us a new job or two. I always have so much fun with the new jobs. I have every job to atleast lvl. 5 besides DRK which I havent even gotten yet. Its hard to imagine what else they could possibly bring into the game though. I really want a big PVP thing though. That would attract a lot of people.
Well... from the trailer it seemed to look back at old zones etc. It would have to go into big detail about the crystal wars etc....Maybe some sort of Crystal that someone found ingame or a crystal that can be found ingame.... Or even a new TP that takes you back in time to like Old Vana'diel etc. Of course the time mage would use the element of time like slow haste stop etc. More of a Support class that would be great for a support job, that being for Black mage white mage etc or even some fighters like warrior and even Pally. it's kinda just a summary not sure of details but I would think of that class... Maybe some sort of melee class too. Maybe a shapeshifter would be cool too sort of like a Blue mage but shape of Physical appearance.
Time mage was one of the jobs ppl were guessing we would get in ToAU too. The reason for these speculations, is of course that Time mage is one of the "old" FF jobs.
But, what this game really needs, is another tank job + another healer job (which can main heal, not only support). I'm a lvl 75 WHM and when I wanna merit and put up my lfg flag, I rarely wait more than a few minutes, since the demand is so high. It was like that most of the time during the lvling process too. My RDM also usually ends up as a main healer because of the lack of WHMs.
If we see any Old Vana'diel in this exp pack, I guess it will be an end-game instanced area, like ie Dynamis is today. This will be stealing ideas from WoW (Caverns of Time), so I'm not sure if that will happen at all. Of course I could be wrong, since this exp pack will focus on the war 20 years earlier, and what happened back then.
I'm also curious about the lvl cap - will they increase it? Not a very important issue for me in a game like this, but I'm still curious.
There were some reasons they won't raise the cap.. I can't quite remember them, there's a few. It has something to do with overpowering or something. Anyway, personally I would like to see some of the newer jobs get some lovin'. Where's the love for endgame Pup?
I agree.. there are not enough people making use of the new jobs. I dont know why that is.... I looked on my server (Remora) and there were like 12 Corsairs, 24 Blue Mages, and 35 Pups. There were a total of 2000+ online so I don't really understand. I am leveling Blue Mage at the moment and I fully love it. I can't wait to get that amazing AF Armor too. I'm soo excited. But anyways.. lol that was off topic. I also think that this game should be advertised more. I think I have actually seen a couple WoW commercials on TV but the only place I've seen advertising for FFXI is in like PC Gamer or something. I think that this game could grow even more if there would be more players. So I think with the new expansion, should be new advertisement techniques. That could boost it up a bit I think.
Not all of the newer jobs are for everyone I remember when Treasures of Aht Urhgan launched everyone was playing a blue mage. It all depends on what you like and what your static or linkshell wants when you do the endgame stuff. I myself are about to play a Crosair.. I would love to see new jobs. Level cap prolly won't be added I think 75 is fine atm as long as they add some cool stuff for the level 75's like maybe new armor or add some sort of pvp or something but only time will tell. I'm sure as we look in the future we will start hearing leaks and rumors about the xpac.
It's already bad enough every melee class is /nin.
Raise it any higher and every mage will be subbing /rdm for refresh.
This makes sense. Still I know SE was considering a cap raise for ToAU, so who knows?
Jackitup32, a few comments to your posts:
Puppetmaster isn't a popular job. Not to play and not to party with. I don't know why - I have it unlocked, but I've only lvld it to 5 or so, so I don't know the job very well. Corsair was very popular for a while, but unfortunately that seems to have changed. I like to party with corairs, but that doesn't happen often now. It seems like Blue Mage is still quite popular.
New starting nation will probably never happen. That would have a huge impact on lore and lots of other features in the game. You have seen the stories told when doing the missions, right? Then you understand why.
Same with new playable races. Also, hardly anyone (except newcomers) would play it. This is because most of us who already play wouldn't roll a new char from scratch. Exceptions could be mules (storage chars) and maybe crafters, since some players use separate chars for this.
New areas WILL come, there's no doubt in my mind about that.
I doubt PvP will be a great feature in FFXI. It's not that kind of game. Just look at what we have. It isn't much.
Jumping will NEVER happen. They would have to redesign the whole game and/or only allow it in specific, new areas. This really isn't a feature we need.
We'll get something new to play around with. Be it player-owned airships, or an in-game card game aside from what they already have in there, or whatever they decide to think up. Obviously I'm not good at ideas, but SE is, and they'll give us something good.
Did you guys notice the Meteor in the Wings of the Goddess clip, I wonder if that has anything to do with the spell Meteor, or somthing? For some reason I feel new spells are going to be put in game. (No I'm not a black mage XD.)
I, for one, would love to see new Jobs. With a time concept, Time Mage seems to fit in, but if new melee jobs are needed, I wouldn't really be surprised to see something like Viking or maybe a good ol' Knight. Though I don't see how they would be necessary. In this game, they've already provided almost every form of magic. Time magic already exists, and there's nothing else a time mage would be able to do (no pets or anything). Something different would be an Illusionist (FFTA). All they would have is AoE spells though... They COULD add another long-range specialist... A Sniper? Or a hybrid like assasin. Or another spear specialist - I'm thinking Templar. Anyway, I'm rambling. This expansion has me thinking...
boy reading all these posts makes me want to play the game again : ( the new exp. seems exciting. Im scared to start again because I doubt ill even see the content of the first expansion before AoC or WAR come out and i will be switching to those.
The official site doesn't have any info yet, only a teaser/trailer.
Time mage was one of the jobs ppl were guessing we would get in ToAU too. The reason for these speculations, is of course that Time mage is one of the "old" FF jobs.
But, what this game really needs, is another tank job + another healer job (which can main heal, not only support). I'm a lvl 75 WHM and when I wanna merit and put up my lfg flag, I rarely wait more than a few minutes, since the demand is so high. It was like that most of the time during the lvling process too. My RDM also usually ends up as a main healer because of the lack of WHMs.
If we see any Old Vana'diel in this exp pack, I guess it will be an end-game instanced area, like ie Dynamis is today. This will be stealing ideas from WoW (Caverns of Time), so I'm not sure if that will happen at all. Of course I could be wrong, since this exp pack will focus on the war 20 years earlier, and what happened back then.
I'm also curious about the lvl cap - will they increase it? Not a very important issue for me in a game like this, but I'm still curious.
There were some reasons they won't raise the cap.. I can't quite remember them, there's a few. It has something to do with overpowering or something. Anyway, personally I would like to see some of the newer jobs get some lovin'. Where's the love for endgame Pup?
It's already bad enough every melee class is /nin.
Raise it any higher and every mage will be subbing /rdm for refresh.
This makes sense. Still I know SE was considering a cap raise for ToAU, so who knows?
Jackitup32, a few comments to your posts:
Puppetmaster isn't a popular job. Not to play and not to party with. I don't know why - I have it unlocked, but I've only lvld it to 5 or so, so I don't know the job very well. Corsair was very popular for a while, but unfortunately that seems to have changed. I like to party with corairs, but that doesn't happen often now. It seems like Blue Mage is still quite popular.
New starting nation will probably never happen. That would have a huge impact on lore and lots of other features in the game. You have seen the stories told when doing the missions, right? Then you understand why.
Same with new playable races. Also, hardly anyone (except newcomers) would play it. This is because most of us who already play wouldn't roll a new char from scratch. Exceptions could be mules (storage chars) and maybe crafters, since some players use separate chars for this.
New areas WILL come, there's no doubt in my mind about that.
I doubt PvP will be a great feature in FFXI. It's not that kind of game. Just look at what we have. It isn't much.
Jumping will NEVER happen. They would have to redesign the whole game and/or only allow it in specific, new areas. This really isn't a feature we need.
Come on, this is Square-Enix.
They're not going to rip us off.
We'll get something new to play around with. Be it player-owned airships, or an in-game card game aside from what they already have in there, or whatever they decide to think up. Obviously I'm not good at ideas, but SE is, and they'll give us something good.
playing: darkfall
waiting: earthrise