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June 5th has been marked on the calendar as Structure Demolition day in Star Wars Galaxies. On that day, both Rebel and Imperial players will be able to begin roaming the galaxy, demolishing abandoned buildings for fun and profit.
June 5, 2007 is Structure Demolition Day on all planets in Star Wars Galaxies. Tired of the Rebel Alliance using abandoned structures as bases and safe houses, the Empire is instituting a galaxy-wide effort to remove deserted buildings.
Structure Demolition Day is Coming!
Demolition begins on June 5 and lasts until Darth Vader's calculated plan is carried out. If you value your house, hall, or other structure, now is the time to re-claim it before the first strikes of the demolition team reverberate throughout the galaxy. Reclaim in-game structures on or before May 29, 2007.
Whether you're a member of the Empire or a part of the Rebel Alliance, all eager citizens can benefit from destroying a condemned building targeted for demolition. Not only is this your chance to obtain rewards that can be used towards the purchase of rare items for your collection, but who doesn't like to blow stuff up?
All Condemned Buildings Must Go
Any house, factory, or player association hall that has been abandoned by its owner (since April 16, 2006), has been targeted by the Galactic Vacant Building Demolitions Crew for destruction. The Empire has decreed that these buildings cannot be accessed and must be destroyed. The building sign is marked in red as "Abandoned" to indicate the structure can be demolished.
Get the demolition details here.
Millions of credits worth of stuff is gonna get wiped when they demo my houses. LOL
But i might be able to get my house a few feet closer to Mos E now... and get my view back... someone plunked a large house in front of it....
i'l be out there tagging houses like a madman...
This have been a good conversation
Nothing is deleted. When the house is blowen up, it gets packed up into the owners datapad. If they ever return, then can then right click the house deed in their datapad and choose to drop it down. Everything in the house will be the same as it was before it was packed up. They'll just need to find a new spot to drop it.
Definetly looking forward to demo day though
Nothing is deleted. When the house is blowen up, it gets packed up into the owners datapad. If they ever return, then can then right click the house deed in their datapad and choose to drop it down. Everything in the house will be the same as it was before it was packed up. They'll just need to find a new spot to drop it.
Definetly looking forward to demo day though
That is actually pretty cool. IF I decide to ever jump back in, I will still have all my stuff.Thank for the heads up
Gee I wonder why so many of these structures are 'abandoned' as to necessitate a purge of this magnitude. There must have been a massive exodus of players leaving the game at some point.
Anyone know the history?
They should have waited until July 4th Assuming their going to have worthwhile explosions, like when they blow up old hotels and televise them - make demolition entertaining!
Yeah, the game was a little disappointing to begin with, then they revamped the character system and or tradeskills and made a lot of people mad, then they redid the gameplay entirely & nuked most of the tradeskills and made nearly everyone mad. Somewhere in there the original principle of jedi scarcity was dropped. World of Warcraft came out, and Sony's good name going down the sewer probably didn't help either.
(I'm unclear on the details or order of things so if I'm being unfair it's an accident and please correct me.)
It's easy to forget what happened as just another mishap in the story of MMOs, but now and then it hits me: somehow the guys with the best apparent qualifications managed to screw up the only clear cut slam dunk opportunity out there. If the Sony of today had been around 150 years ago, electricity might never have caught on.
einexile the meek
Vacuos, Winterlong, Vaciante, Eicosapenta
Atlantean, Tyranny, Malton
Kinda sad that they have to turn a tragedy into some event in an attempt to make those left have a little fun. Well, for what it's worth, I hope those still playing are having fun with what they got now.
I'm a big ol' fluffy carewolf. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
This is a well thought-out step by the DEV"s, it'll open up a lot of prime real estate for the hordes of new players that are waiting to put down roots.
This should be another nice boost to the ever-rising SWG population.
A big props to the DEV's!
This isn't a well thought-out step by the devs, this is an idea that's been discussed by the community on the forums for years...ever since they stopped unpaid housing from self-deleting and instituted 'condemned housing'. I specifically remember a thread about how to address this issue, and several of us suggested letting the players mark out the housing and do the leg-work for the wipe.
Yes, I'm sure all ten players will be quite happy .
kidding, kidding...
Anyways, sounds like fun, someone throw a frag on my old house in my honor .
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OMG if you play on Tarquinas...go to the city of Wayside on the northern part of Tatooine! You'll find my house there and down near the starting area of the Beggars Canyon Race Track is where my speeder shop was located! Have fun blowing them up! Take screenies if you can!
Look for the name Teala Te'Jir's House! Can't miss it! Remember we want screenies!
I for one hope they continue to make this a part of the game. This should be an ongoing thing to keep housing under control. Don't stop after just a few days. This cleansing of player housing should be a permanent fixture in the game. ANY structure that becomes more that a year old with no activity should be condemed and destoryed by other players. Hell, if the maintainence or rent isn't paid up it should be condemed and destoryed immediately. This will keep the landscape constantly changing and the land clear of abandoned buildings for the people who do play the game on a regular bases. Good luck to all of you who do play. I hope you enjoy destroying all that we built.
"This is a well thought-out step by the DEV"s, it'll open up a lot of prime real estate for the hordes of new players that are waiting to put down roots."
How do you keep a straight face typing such nonsense?
When this hits the servers, everyone will see how empty the servers are. I would bet about 95% of the housing will disappear.
At least now it looks like people play the game. After this change we will know no one plays anymore.
Unfortunately this wipe won't truly show how empty the world is...they know this...which is why they timed it right after the reintroduction of CH (ok ok...bastard child of CH and Bio-Engineer) and the addition of expertise (which happened within the past year) to the game. They know the planets will be empty if they got rid of all the houses for inactive accounts. My houses aren't even eligible to be demolished because I subscribed for a month when they introduced the expertise system to check it out. I'd still like to see a before and after for some of the major cities but it won't be nearly as comprehensive as some people are saying.
The better question will be how much will be broken after they start this. Can't wait to see people screaming about how someone blew up the town hall but they are still a resident. Maybe they forget to remove the lots use from the player after demo and people return to the permanent 5 used lots to nowhere. I remember they bugged that up before.
when I left the game about 2 years ago, I have 10 lots filled. They are still there as I left 10 million in my account after giving away a half billion credits to guildies.
it seems they've been sucking maintenance fees from my account during my time away ( i signed up for a short trial a couple months ago)
I miss the original game... when crafting mattered.
Kill them.... Kill them all!
yet another attempt to bring players who long abandon the game due to the NGE thinking that the small changes that SOE has made since is going to make a difference. It won't so Don't - unless you have already paid for the sub and if you did that , shame - SOE proves its best to go Month to Month on a Subscription. No one should gamble with multi months subs with SOE --- no one.
Unaware of the Jestor?
Friends enjoy his classic Vblog -
Scare tactic? Nope! Nobody will lose anything so why should they be scared?
Everything just gets packed up and if a player returns they can get their house and everything in it back.
List of SOE lies