What if, the developers make a plain world, with no buildings, no npc's. Just a young map with no history and some critters and creatures.Wwith a very basic stucrures people can build by themselves in the beggining. Aka leather huts. Game would have permadeath and ffa pvp. First people would obviously pick a rock or a branch and start randomly kill each other, but after some time they will get tired, and split into groups.
At this point the seperated group, wants to build a camp of their own. Because there are no tools yet made, there are very few things that can build the camp from. To build something, they would first have to draw the design of the object they wish to build, and the tools they will need for it. The discription of the tools making will have to be included as well. Of course it is only possible to make with what they already have. Which is raw wood and stones now. Those people, would in offline, send a letter with all this stuff to the GM's which will review everything, and if on the approval, devs would create it.
Of course the project is only successful if anough GM's and developers will be available to constantly release new content, by I am pretty sure that game as this will have a big success due to freedom players would have in the game. No npc's, almost everything is created by players themselves.
Some people could write stories of some creature somewhere, and if devs like it - they coul implement it into the game as well
What would you think of a game as this? Of course alot of ideas are not fully developed but... maybe.. one day
P.s. Pardon my english
just remove the permadeath, does not really work in MMOG due to server lag and stuff and complaints
but what will make it different in 2 years from any other MMOG out there?
for example i start from the begining, (i am player #2 to log in the world) and time passes and you build a complete civilization and you become emperor of an empire then gets destroyed world war one comes 2 maybe 3 etc.............
i join in 2 years later... to me it looks like another MMO (matrix online?) cities already built technologies already there, lazers armies all already there. you play there are flying ships and you go out in space, 4 years later my son joins the game, he would have missed the whole evolution, which is the principle of the game.
yo uwould have to do whipeouts regularely and that would not be fun either.
"Those who dont build must burn. Its as old as history and juvenile delinquence."
-Ray Bradbury
To the OP:
No one is stopping you from developing your own game.
Have a few spare million? Then let us see you finished product, we'll all be interested in how it goes
Allowing gamers to develop aspects of a game is a trend that just started and something I expect to see much more of in the future. Cryptic Studios just released their CrypticAR tools to allow players to create content for addition to the game. Like I said I think it's the beginning of a huge trend. Here's the link to the report I first saw here at MMORPG.com.
lol, Dawn was a great scam.
Lum the Mad did a bunch of funny articles on the loser vaoporware/ developer back in the day.
There are some aspects of the game that are impossible to match. Remember game development isn't a puzzle game where you can kind of put all you want together because something will go wrong.
Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!
The problem with the idea is that much of the implementation is still a bit off, and I don't mean in the power of processors or GPUs to handle dynamic content, rather the software is still underdeveloped in this field of programming (thanx OOP hype machine!) in understanding 'procedural' programming style, which is akin to functional programming in that it takes a series of parameters and can produce a variety of responses within a specified set of constraints. Oddly, CCP has used this idea in the construction of their world, where they made a program using a complex algorithm to generate the solar systems, then went back to tweak some of the more unusual features in each solar system to make it more human friendly. This is being taken further by Infinity: Quest for Earth, but I do have my own doubts it will ever see light of day as a product, but I do hope the developer releases much of his code under GPL or a similar license if he feels there's little change of a final product release.
Basically, we have to get a generation of coders not tied to traditional views of OOP, to get more dynamic games. Although, OOP has advanced some parts of games such as the use of strict behavioral encapsulation, it can't describe things like physics (ex. Why does object A from Class 1 behave similarly to object B from Class 2, although they are different objects, therefore should have different behaviors? [consider both objects to be furniture. One a chair and the other is a table...]), where no one in itself has a hierarchal precedence over it. This especially gets problematic when you consider the Three Body Problem, where you have to figure out the orbits of three objects around each other (One thing to note, this problem is rather on how to figure out where each object will be in their orbits in relation to each other, so even if the physics is understood, to make a computer compute this would still be a feat worthy of many high end computers). I can go further to explain, but I think that would really make this more academic than anything else.
-- Brede
Using that game as a guide, it could very well be bigger then the player base on KO which has at this point in time has over 4 million players. You can then see if the gamers do this, then it's really mixing the cat amongest the pigeons, its going to really show the big mmo companies the way, i am absoutly certain that the game developed by gamers for gamers will have it's head cut off quickly to not embarrase the big compaines, but then again the big compaines could learn off the gamers.
As for ideas for an MMO created by players; i think along the lines of 2 system way, cookie cutter or Sandbox. and all the features to make the character different, several different blank faces to work from instead of the same face with different hair colour or a bigger chin, which makes the characters the same. as soon as you hit the next section you could either start with a profession or a freelancer. Profession would be like, Army officer, Train track layer, Contractors, Factory worker or Racing team Engineer. i would base the Entire mmo around the real life world and everything that is real life, like hit-n-runs, muggings, Brick Layers, Train Operators, NASA Engineer, CIA Special Agent, sniper, Terrorist or an Activist or even a Racing driver.. what ever floats your boat, if your a low life enough, a stripper... again whatever. so you could have a Paper Printer instead of being called Xerox, it would of been called in the virtual world something like Rexxor Paper printers.
Nothing will be ran by NPC's the real life people will do everything, you will be given 1 chance with your life if you loose it then the next time you will not be so lucky after you come out of hospital.
There are more features, and the best bit it will be completly free, the Graphics will be the most accurate as possible, the server will be something made from japan, i hear they do 80mb servers over there, nab a few of them, and try to make the connection friendly which means try to get the servers to connect to one massive world.
There would be limits though, no slow connections like 32k,56k, 128k modems. no dial up period. an ip checker to locate and also to check there can not be any way to create a secondary or tertiary account. also like i said above; anything can happen so i can not give young kids the wrong impression regardless which means i will have to have a perental lock enabled, and a question only an adult can figure out so no kids can tamper with it.
I will also have Security intergrated into the system, and no loop hopes, a triple encrypted multi system, so no codes can be held for more then 0.000000000001 second and if that gets broken there will be an infitrator vaporiser that can not be disabled or killed.
anyway, enough of me mumbling on.
There is a plan to allow for an open world creation; though at this time do not know if that will be by developers or by players or both.
This is slanted to some time in the summer or afterwards.
Also, implementing an MMO does not require millions of US dollars.
Sign off,
The game you described is already being played. Except the players have the ability to mine thier own ore. Smelt it and fashion Swords or armor. The animals are skinnable and you can learn to sew leather armor. Have a blacksmith make studs and you have studded leather. But dont expect weapons and armor to magically come out of that rat boys n girls!! Nooooo you need to have a skinning knife and hope you r butchering skill is good enough to get you meat and a pelt and a few other usable parts.
The houses you build by cutting down the trees. making planks and have a blkacksmith forge you mails. Tada a crude structure. Need more trees? Simple gather sprouts from other trees and plant them , sit back and watch them grow. The ground is terraformable. Dont like the hill in the middle of that field?? Dig away and change it. Or haul in dirt and make a raised area to build your fort upon.
PvP? No problem play on the wild server and everyone will be after your life and ready to loot your body of anything of value.
They say the ecomomy works, of course it works! To keep the upkeep on your deeds you have to keep buying coins from the game store. But other than that most players just trade this stuff for that stuff and coins are not needed that much.
The name of the game is WurmOnline. it is not your run of the mill MMO it is a fantasy simulation. Free to play with limits or go premie (very cheap) and have restriction removed. Check it out here in the games list!
Now the drawbacks. It is made in java. Still looks pretty good. This is an indie game with 1 dev, sometimes 2. It is a bit buggy. They seem unable to do animations so everything slides around instead of walking. 95% of the game is right click , select, left click , wait repeat. The other 5% is moving around, chatting and Yawning becasue it is a Sim not a mmo so it is slow to gain skills.
Personally it is a game I love to hate. They have all the right ideas just lack the skills to make it so. They wont take any help that is offered and wont hire anyone to help either. I just wish some bigger company would look at it and say , well lets do it up right.
I have to say go try it out and see for yourself.