I've checked around on the AoC website and haven't been able to find and answer to this question so I figured I'd try here instead. My question is in regards to class performance in pvp. Will we be seeing a paper, rock, scissors type of pvp system in which each class has a corresponding "tough to beat/easy to beat" class...........or will it be mainly focused around player skill, or luck of the draw type situations? I've read about how battle formations are centered around the paper, rock, scissors method but I was mainly looking to find out how the one on one matchups were to be handled. Just curious to whether anyone has any info on this. Thanks!
If it helps, pretty much none of the classes fall into your standard A,B, and C categories.
But as a general rule, from what I know, the answer is no. Some characters will have a significant edge over others, but this has been primarily relegated to situational advantages. For example, if you were thinking ahead, and am on foot in open territory, you would probably be bringing along a polearm of some kind to stave off any horsemen that try to charge you, whether or not your class has feat lines that involve such weapons. A Guardian with his heavy armor and sheild in the open might be able to close with a Ranger without taking too much damage, nullifying the ranged advantage. That same ranger in a forest might be able to dance through the trees, staying out of arms reach while peppering the target. Note: all classess have access to some form of ranged combat, so the Guardian wouldn't be completely helpless in this position.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.