i havn't been getting newsletters from other WAR websites for awhile (WAR-RVR.net for expample) but fromm mmorpg.com its just guess what!? warhammer online is coming soon! with an orc picture...everytime
Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion,I gain strength, through strength,I gain power,through power,I gain victory,through victory,my chains are broken. The Force shall free me.
I can't wait for the newsletter this month.. hopefully there might be some thing brand spanking new in it.. Elves maybe
No Elves in this one
ITs all about the Witch Hunter this month
There "Might" be some elf concept art soon but I honestly wouldn't expect to see/hear anything on Elves before August
Sorry Mate - They stil Have Knights of The Blazing Sun and at least once Chaos Class left to cover before we see any elves
yep, it's not like the previous Warhammer Online game that was in development that actually showed High Elf animation first.... whoa that was a long time ago. Although looking at Mythics progress, i'm really glad the other one sank... to oblivion
Got my Newsletter too - after coming home really late from work! Argh, not getting to sleep early tonight! Too much stuff to read and pod-cast goodness to watch!
Playing - --
Played - AO, CoH/CoV, DDO, Eve, Guildwars, LOTRO, WoW.
Waiting - For WAR, Fury.
Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion,I gain strength, through strength,I gain power,through power,I gain victory,through victory,my chains are broken. The Force shall free me.
If you want a real harsh death penalty, go play Russian Roulet. - Hamzal
No Elves in this one
ITs all about the Witch Hunter this month
There "Might" be some elf concept art soon but I honestly wouldn't expect to see/hear anything on Elves before August
Sorry Mate - They stil Have Knights of The Blazing Sun and at least once Chaos Class left to cover before we see any elves
Looking forward to some Witch-Hunter goodness and more podcasts!
And waiting, just like everyone else.
No Elves in this one
ITs all about the Witch Hunter this month
There "Might" be some elf concept art soon but I honestly wouldn't expect to see/hear anything on Elves before August
Sorry Mate - They stil Have Knights of The Blazing Sun and at least once Chaos Class left to cover before we see any elves
yep, it's not like the previous Warhammer Online game that was in development that actually showed High Elf animation first.... whoa that was a long time ago. Although looking at Mythics progress, i'm really glad the other one sank... to oblivion
Got my Newsletter too - after coming home really late from work! Argh, not getting to sleep early tonight! Too much stuff to read and pod-cast goodness to watch!
<a href=http://www.360Elite4free.com/index.php?ref=4266021><img border=0 src=http://www.360Elite4free.com/goods/14266021.png width=400 height=100></a>
just got into work, checked voicemail "has.. the newsletter comes tonight make sure you check your email"
Geee thanks Garrett, Open up email BINGO there we go a nice kewl picture of the Witch hunter. What a rather dashing lad he is..
Lets wait and see how long it takes for someone to say "wow clone" (takes out stopwatch)
And for anyone wondering how "kiddie" this game is/will be, please take note of my man in the background tied to a stake and still burning at the pyre
The new graphic chipset they are using is phenominal. Every new pic I see I like more than the prior.
How cool will it be to fight with a torch in 1 hand and a gun in the other?